Having my dog neutered


I have an Italian Greyhound who is so adorable! They can be a timid breed. On Monday he is scheduled to be neutered and I am so worried for him. He has really come out of his shell this last couple months. I don't want to set him back to being SOOO timid. He loves me and other dogs but other people he just started warming up to. Anyone have an IG and if so how did they do with neutering?
I have never had an Italian Grey Hound, but I did have 3 Whippets and I know they are similar. Sight Hounds can be sensitive to anesthesia (one of mine was), because of their low body fat. Make sure you go to a vet that recognizes this. Also, ask them to get him into surgery as quick as possible upon his arrival, so he doesn't have to sit in the cage for hours until they are ready for him. After the surgery he won't remember much, because he'll be so groggy. They will probably want to keep him overnight since the breed can be sensitive, but try to pick him up as early as they will let you. Hopefully, it won't be to traumatizing for him.:)
I don't have an IG either, but have had several pets go through the neuter/spay process. It's generally a very standard procedure for your vet, and the only ill effect from my pets was groggienss and occasional nausea afterward.

I would talk to your vet about potential anesthesia sensitivities. I have Boxers, and certain anesthesia (aceprozamine specifically) are a definite "Do not use" for them.

The Italian Greyhound Club's web site (I had to look ;) ) has a note about drug sensitivities here. That might help: http://www.italiangreyhound.org/pages/200about_igs.html

If this is a sensitive breed, then he may also pick up on your feelings about this, so try to remain calm, or he may get nervous from YOUR nervousness.

I once had a cat who started pulling out her own fur, and I couldn't figure out why, then I realized it was from my stress (my father was dying at the time) that she picked up from me. After my father died, and I was less stressed, she stopped doing it, but by then, she had picked out a bit patch of hair on her back.
Thanks Ladies. Dallys and Gayle yes I have heard about them being sensitive to anethesia. My vet has me drop him in the morning and pick him ap at 5-6 that evenning. Kathryn, you are so right I cannot let him know how stressed I am about this.

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