Have you ever worked out in the nude?


DH thinks it would be so great if I did a workout in the buff. I tell him, I don't think so. Even if it was a non-impact workout such as pilates or yoga. Did you see the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's girlfriend does everything in the buff. And she opens a can of pickles (or something) and said "every muscle in her body was tense", there's a good naked and a bad naked! Anyway it's a silly post but would you do it? I'm afraid the girls would become assaulted!

Btw hope you don't think I'm a weirdo for posting this, really I'm quite normal! :D
Oh that's too funny! I think I might scare myself when I check my form in the mirror. Oh My! No way Jose. All naughty parts should be covered when doing deadlifts especially. :eek:
Susan C.M.:D
What is it with our DH's??? Mine has always said he would work out with me if I worked out in the nude.....there is NO way...although he should be working out...:D ....Carole
With weights, something would no doubt get squooshed or bruised.
With cardio or rebounding, things would be flapping in the breeze (though I don't have a lot to flap).
With yoga or pilates, I can imagine the uncomfortable sweaty parts sticking to the mat. Yuk!
Why doesn't your DH work out nude? Or does he?
Even while wearing a sports bra, I had a nasty incident with cymbals that left a black bruise that didn't go away for weeks~!

Sounds crazy , but it is true. I was in a drum and bugle corps for one summer. We were rehearsing, my arms gave out during a visual and a crash and wham! I caught myself inbetween the cymbals. I looked like I had been beat up. Painful and gross looking.

I could only imagine with bent over rows and deadlift-you are putting yourself in harms way!!

Too funny!!

Danna :O)
Oh JulieMom I'm cracking up as I'm reading this post!!! What a hoot! No I don't think you'd catch me EVER working out in the nude; my big boobs would be flapping all over the place; not a pretty sight not to mention being painful!!:7 Thanks for giving me a good laugh today! Kathy:D

If you did work out in the nude and your hubby was there to witness it, I can guarantee you would end up getting a workout of a VERY different kind. I think we all know what I mean by that!:)

My advice is, if you want to get anything done, DON'T ever let your hubby see you working out naked...

Atleast that is how it is with mine!!Ha!!!
Oh, and if I did that and my hubby WASN'T watching, my boobs would be down by my ankles when fully erect by the end of the workout.

Gravity is evil...
I have thought about this before! Sounds great until you really start thinking about it. First of all, there would be no chest support. I wouldn't like that too well. Then no clothes to soak up the sweat. Sweat would be flying all over the place. Besides, getting dressed in my workout clothes mentally prepares me for the workout and is part of my equipment, just like shoes and a bench.

However, I do like to iron in the nude. (tee hee)

So there,


p.s. there have been studies showing that runners, who ran in tights, actually performed better because the tights helped support their muscles.
Godawful idea!!!!!!!

Visions of anyone working out nude from the waist down would probably make me run screaming. Deadlifts (as someone said), squats......

I don't want to thnk about it....

I think the original poster has gotten the general trend here, but in case she hasn't, YUCK! Sweaty, flappy, smelly, sticky. No way. I rarely even work out in just a sports bra and shorts and shoes. I need to wear a T-shirt so I don't slide off the stability ball, to wipe my face on during a cardio workout or to be comfortable on the floor or on the step during weights. If there were no observers the only workout I would do in the nude is swimming a mile. That seems to be safe and comfortable enough.
You all crack me up!!!!!!

I would not work out in the buff, ever, even if I were a little more proud of my body than I am now! I do remember that Seinfeld episode and how Jerry broke up with the naked girl lol! I think we've established that boobs are an issue. For me, sweat is as well, and like mogambo, I need a t-shirt or something to minimize slippage. Too funny! I think men have an illusion that seeing their wife/girlfriend workout nude would be sexy, but that's usually not the case. I don't glow, I don't perspire, I sweat- buckets sometimes, and it isn't pretty!

Kathryn.....he doesn't work out much at all.....and he wanted to see me workout nude....I wasn't asking to see him....:D ....I think maybe I've been married way too long.....:)....Carole
I have never and don't think I ever will....yuk!! and lots of you had great reasons and I agree with them all!!!
No, not in the nude. But standard fare for me is sports bra and panties. I get so hot, and that's one of the advantages of working out at home. Anyway, it's just me and my DH here.

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