Have you ever heard this???


Cathe and Everyone,

I just got back from a cruise where I had a body analysis done. It told me how many calories I need, my body fat and lean weight. It also told me that I was retaining excess water. More than I needed. Of course I would hold some because it was at the end of the trip, etc. My question....

He told me that at 18% body fat I would have a really hard time getting any lower because of the excess water I am retaining. He told me that toxins were the cause of the retention and that to get to the fat now I would need to detox or at least it would help. It all made sense and the product was all natural. He also said that the more and the longer you held toxins that eventually it breaks down the fat cell next to the skin and if you have thin skin you start to see cellulite. The cellulite is the damaged fat cell.
Have any of you heard this or do you think it was a sales pitch for the detox system? He did not pressure me to but it AT ALL. He was very nice and had a great body. He said he detoxed once a year.

What do you guys think? I hope I made sense. Sharon
Sounds like a lot of hogwash to me.

I'm quoting Dr. Cedric X. Bryant, Chief Exercise Physiologist of the American Council On Exercise: "The whole notion of cellulite is a myth. Cellulite is just plain old fat. A significant portion of the body's fat is stored subcutaneously . . ., where strands of connective fiber separate fat cells into compartments. When fat cells {increase in size} they tend to protrude out of these compartments, giving the skin a dimpled appearance in some individuals - especially women. (. . .) Special creams, lotions, machines, etc. will not rid the body of 'cellulite'. 'Cellulite' will, however, yield to the same regimen that gets rid of excess body fat - sensible eating and regular exercise (aerobic and strength)." (ACE Fitness Matters, March/April 2003 edition)

It could very well be that this person who talked to you about detoxing has nothing to sell in terms of financial incentive. However, because he himself practices it it could very well be that this is his way of validating himself - by "selling" you psychologically.

Save your dough for more Cathe workouts!

Just my $.02 -

I worked with a registered dietican and she said detox systems are a complete waste of money. Your body naturally detoxes itself on a daily basis through sweating and elimination. You should esp. avoid the detox systems that call for starving yourself for a week and only consuming a liquid diet. Everytime you put yourself in a starvation mode your body slows your metabolism and starts to eat away at your muscle tissue. A balanced diet and exercise are key!
BTW, if you're prone to retaining water from too much salt in your diet, or from a long trip--which happens to me after I fly, the best way to get rid of it is to drink more water. This should not be done though, if you have heart or kidney problems!
I'm sorry but I believe you were being "sold a product." Detoxification has not been proven to have any effect on fat cells whatever. And thin or thick skin, if you are going to have cellulite, you're going to have it. The detoxification is not going to make it go away or prevent it.

Sales people are learning that we don't want a "hard sell" and are learning ways of manipulating us into getting out the old wallet or credit card. Remember Barnum said "there's a sucker born every minute." Sales people are trained to draw that sucker in. If this guy was built nice & good looking too, it would be hard not to be drawn in, I'm sure.

We just got back from a cruise as well, and my husband had the Ionatherapie treatment and then got sucked into buying the whole detox program. I think its a scam myself as well. What we need to be doing is watching what we put in, not trying to wash out what we allowed ourselves to toxify with.

He's been on it for a couple of weeks now, and hasn't really noticed any difference (except for the lighter load in his pocket book - hehe).
This is interesting b/c I just come back from a cruise 1 1/2 weeks ago and I had the same type of analysis done. And the guy tried to sell my husband and me on the same detox plan. And I was about to fall for it. Boy am I glad my husband talked me out of it!

But the analysis he gave on my body mass was interesting!

So where did you both go cruising?

I think my hubby paid about $400 for the full detox plan with some ampoules and cream as well. Ouch

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