Have we thought of telling Oprah?

L Sass

About the Cathe roadtrip? For as fitness minded as Oprah is I bet she'd get a kick out of 110 (mostly) women traveling from all over the Country (and beyond) to sweat with their favorite exercise guru in mid-July. Anyone have any in-roads to her?
Oh yeah, me and Oprah are like this *holds two fingers close together*;)

Good idea though! Can you just IMAGINE how Cathe's popularity would skyrocket if she was featured on Oprah?
Yes! Great idea!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I just checked her website and you can send show ideas. Anyone feel like drafting up something? Or are we gonna leave that to me?

I could make it really dramatic.

"We have a member on our forums, I don't want to mention her name *cough*Haydee*cough*. She's a little off the deep end and I'm worried that she's going to go a little crazy one day and take out her co-worker with an AK47 assault rifle. So we've planned an intervention, and subtley disguised it as a "fitness road trip". Haydee doesn't know that when we get to New Jersey, instead of working out and having fun all weekend, we're going to link hands and sing Kumbaya until she promises to abandon her love of weapons of mass destruction and join us in our peaceful, yet sweaty religion of exercise, with Cathe as our fearless leader."

Whaddya think?
That's a great idea! I'll betcha if you wrote her a letter, she'd probably send her production crew out to do a segment on it and Cathe would get some good publicity! Maybe even build some respect for the Home Video exercisers.

I shan't be joining you on the trip though. boo-hoo.
Unfortunately I won't be on the Road Trip either ;( sniff sniff, but I think it is a GREAT idea to write to Oprah. I'll volunteer to be interviewed!!!:7 Hee hee!

I have actually emailed the Oprah show several times singing the praises of Cathe -- never heard anything back. BUT now that there are a BUNCH of women going on a road-trip from all over -- they may listen.

How cool would it be to have the Oprah show there?!?

I say we all BOMBARD her with emails. Then she couldn't HELP but hear us! And I KNOW we can all make some noise!

Maybe she'll give out free Cathe videos to all members of her studio audience! LOL!

I love Oprah.

Shelley, you're cracking me up!!!:7 :7 :7 Does Haydee know you're using her as bait? Well... eventually she'll see this and chase you with that AK47.:7 :7 :7

I like Sarah's idea of calling Dr. Phil. Although I have a feeling he'll be very intimidated by 117 sweaty, buff women, Cathe and crew included. Because we'll be on him on that racket he has of a fitness program and supplement crap.}(

Shelley! that is one of the damn funniest things i have ever heard!!! ROFLMAO!:7 Glad i haven't done abs today...you make my gut hurt!!!:p

Haydee if you don't pm me that turkey meatball recipe you are gonna get it in July girlfriend!!! (you probably won't see this request either!:p x( )

i think the Oprah thing is a good idea!

>I just checked her website and you can send show ideas.
>Anyone feel like drafting up something? Or are we gonna leave
>that to me?
>I could make it really dramatic.
>"We have a member on our forums, I don't want to mention her
>name *cough*Haydee*cough*. She's a little off the deep end
>and I'm worried that she's going to go a little crazy one day
>and take out her co-worker with an AK47 assault rifle. So
>we've planned an intervention, and subtley disguised it as a
>"fitness road trip". Haydee doesn't know that when we get to
>New Jersey, instead of working out and having fun all weekend,
>we're going to link hands and sing Kumbaya until she promises
>to abandon her love of weapons of mass destruction and join us
>in our peaceful, yet sweaty religion of exercise, with Cathe
>as our fearless leader."
>Whaddya think?

Sounds like a plan to me....but can you sing something else?:)...maybe "Let's Get Physical".....damn just kidding.


>Haydee if you don't pm me that turkey meatball recipe you are
>gonna get it in July girlfriend!!! (you probably won't see
>this request either!:p x( )

Jes dear I'm sorry but I don't have a turkey meatball recipe. Possibly I've said I had them but didn't say where I got them from. Now where the heck did I get them from.....hmmmmm. Think Haydee think--can't have Jes & crew after me.

I believe they were from Trader Joe's or Stop N Shop.

Am I still wanted alive or alive?


>"We have a member on our forums, I don't want to mention her
>name *cough*Haydee*cough*. She's a little off the deep end
>and I'm worried that she's going to go a little crazy one day
>and take out her co-worker with an AK47 assault rifle. So
>we've planned an intervention, and subtley disguised it as a
>"fitness road trip". Haydee doesn't know that when we get to
>New Jersey, instead of working out and having fun all weekend,
>we're going to link hands and sing Kumbaya until she promises
>to abandon her love of weapons of mass destruction and join us
>in our peaceful, yet sweaty religion of exercise, with Cathe
>as our fearless leader."

Or we could feature Cathe's evil twin, A-Jock, instead of Haydee. Lots of people take out co-workers with assault rifles, but hardly anyone has an evil twin anymore.
That is a fantastic idea!!! I haven't read each response, but I say go for it. In addition to that, I think home fitness options would be a terrific show. I think many people are under the impression they can't achieve results working out at home. I can think of a number of you that I would submit as role models. Maybe Shonie is right, if enough startmaking noise.

Ok, who is writing the letter?
I can't go (sob . . . boo hoo . . . bawl . . . snort!), but I will definitely write and suggest a show about the possibilties and advantages of home exercise. Somebody want to get the name of a contact person with the show so we can all bombard the same person and avoid getting lost in the shuffle?

Ummmm I could Write DR Phil ,As My Journey started with His Book .!!!!!! It went from there ,Down 50 pounds total .!!!! My Hubby has wanted me to Write Dr phil forever !!!!Hey maybe if I worked fast enough He would Send me Too LOL !!!!!!!!I'm so sad I can't go

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