Have we thought of telling Oprah?

I just emailed the producers for a show idea. I don't remember who posted the link but one of you did, thank you! I think it's a great idea and Opra should really think about doing shomething on home exercisers, being that there are so many of us out there.

I might be mistaken, but I swear I remember reading a post from Aquajock and her mentioning that she had been on the Oprah show? Not Cathe related but she was on a segment for something. It was a a long time ago so I may have the wrong person.
I can see it now:
Oprah does a show on the road trip. The road trippers (of which I am not one) get invited to the show. And at the end, she announces, "EVERYBODY GETS A NEW....." (Fill in the blank with what YOU'D like to get...fitness/Cathe related...no chocolate pizzas!)
I thought about this too. Hey, my MIL's friend's daughter works there. She produced the baby shower show on the military base. I can see if she can do anything. I've only met her once, but I think it's a great idea.


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