have MIS, need strength suggestions


Hi everyone! I'm new here at the forum and would like suggestions on what direction to take with my strength training, specifically which videos will give me a well rounded strength program. I have MIS and many Firm workouts, but would like to add more Cathe strength to my collection. I've been considering ME, PH, the Pyramids, but would really appreciate greater input on any tape. I've been reading more about different WL techniques, and am picking up info on different approaches and how mixing it up can stimulate greater muscle growth.

To give you some background: I've lost about 50 pounds in the last two years and am interested in becoming more lean and metabolically efficient. So, I want to increase my lean muscle mass, continue to lose weight, and eventually develop some definition as I get closer to my desired weight, about 20-25 pounds away by my estimation. I do cardio 4-6 days a week, step or hi/lo or cardio machines and eat a fairly good diet, excepting sweets probably a little too often! :)

Please, what tapes would you recommend for a balanced strength rotation within a month or so period?
Hi, Amy! Congratulations on your fitness gains!

From what you've described, I think you could really benefit from some intensive strength- and mass-development-oriented Cathe workouts such as Pure Strength series, Slow and Heavy series, and perhaps the Pyramid series. If I were in your situation, wanting new video/DVD-based muscle conditioning routines, I'd get the Slow and Heavy series first, get used to doing split-set focused routines with that for 4-6 weeks, and then bring in Pure Strength and/or Pyramids on top of that.

I'll leave it to others to suggest how you fashion your rotation from these, but that's what I see from here.

Good luck!

Thanks Annette!

Your suggestion makes sense to me, but I have some doubts about my patience with S&H. I've been lifting with different emphasis in the gym for the last couple of weeks. From this experience, I can say that training each body part only once a week and very heavy with long sets is NOT my favorite. I guess it'll really take some getting used to, but it makes me sore, sore, sore, even to the point of needing lots of ice, ibuprobfen and rest. It reminds me of that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do," to paraphrase. Very appropriate, eh?

I've never done a workout like PH or ME, I don't think. What's the purpose of such workouts? Endurance, obviously, but I'm not sure I know exactly what that means as far as muscle conditioning is concerned...it doesn't build muscle, but leans it out?!? Please help...
I know what you mean about S&H. I can only handle brief rotations with it although I like it (it's good mental discipline for a short attention span person like myself) and love the results. Given that, I would go for the Pyramids before Pure Strength because it seems that it would take longer to get bored with this format. If you want to make them purely strength oriented you can slow down, up the weights, and increase the rest between the increments. Also, the ab/core work is much more diverse and challenging. You don't have to have the balls they use, but it helps. You'll end up wanting PS anyway, but I think the pyramids are a logical jump from MIS.

I think the point of muscle endurance is to last longer at an activity that requires some but not all of your strength. Lots of people say they get more sore from these workouts, but it sounds like you get more sore from pure strength workouts. If you didn't complain of soreness following ME, PH, or heaven forfend, LL you'd be the envy of many here.

I believe in balance and moderation in all things, but the main point is you must enjoy what you're doing or you won't do it. Eleanor R. would have said what she did about being healthy and fit, but not about lifting heavy for mass gains which tends to be more of a fitness hobby than a necessity, IMHO.

BTW what do you mean by long sets of heavy weights? Do not sacrifice your joints!

I would suggest Pure Strength because it gives great results and the workouts are excellent. I also love the Pyramids. You will see great results with either of these series.
>>BTW what do you mean by long sets of heavy weights? Do not
>sacrifice your joints!

Thanks Ann! To clarify, I've been doing a rotation from M&FHers, which calls for circuit training the first week, heavy the second, high reps the third, and next week will be supersets. The heavy week I did each major muscle group only once during the week, and lifted heavy for 4 sets of 8-10 reps, three different exercises for each. This week, the high rep week, I do each major muscle group twice during the week, and lift a little less heavy but 15-20 reps per set, three sets, and again, three different exercises.

For example, today I did Quads (as well as Delts, but I'll just use the Quads to explain): 3 sets of 15 reps of extensions (I did 50 pounds) to isolate the muscle first, then 3 sets of 20 presses (at 80 pounds), and three sets of 15 static lunges (with twenty pounds.) I wasn't able to complete the final set of lunges on the left leg because it just plain gave out! I've been icing it, because it hurts. This is what I mean about not being used to this kind of training. I don't think I'm going too heavy or endangering myself, but it's just really challenging to go to complete muscle exhaustion.

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