Have just about had it!



I have two more days after today at a job I've had for 14 years. Though it all I've had this controlling and nosey boss who must know what I am doing at all times personally and at work. It's very disturbing.

Yesterday he asked for my NEW e-mail address when I get to the new job! I said "No Way!" It's a competitive Firm, then I babbled something like "What if they monitor their employees e-mail?" "No, you can't have it, you know how anal I am!" Then I said "I can give you my home e-mail which I don't check to often". (Ok, I didn't need to say that last part!) He says something in agreement to the "anal" part and walks away.

Now this cowardly boss is not here today and e-mails me an e-mail titled "Please"
It says:

"On Thursday, when I return, we will only have 2 days to work together. Please try not to be anal."

I want to respond "What do you mean" But I know he's just being a JERK!! It's like he has to get in One More DIG!! I suppoes I should just "suck it up", and be the bigger person. I don't want to burn any bridges, but the list of wrong doings by this man (to me) is a lengthy one. And he IS Human Resources. I've complained to the oher boss and basically I have NO support here. It's really too bad.

Any responses would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I'm reposting my reply in your OOPS thread here:

I agree with Shelley (about sucking it up). You can take anything for 2 more days. Besides, it sounds like he's trying to yank your chain. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
Yep, just think--in 48 hours you'll be free!

You're right about burning bridges too. You just never know when you might need this jerk in the future. Here's an idea--create an email address on Yahoo for free, give it to him, & never check it again. }(
My dear...I left a job one year ago (and some months...) due to the same harrassment. Trust me. Your final dig will be when you walk out the door with a giant GRIN on your face. I had two opposing bosses which were both big jerks (I won't even go into it here). My satisfaction came from the last few days. No matter what they said, no matter what they tried...I grinned. I didn't burn a bridge at all and I left that place relieved. Good luck chickie!!!!
It must be very hard to restrain yourself from repling, "I won't be anal, if you won't be an ass".

Good luck with the new job!
I appreciate all of your responses!
I'll hold my tongue and do my best to smile (and tell a fib or two)
Can't wait until 5pm Friday!!!
Thank you
Do not give this guy any of your contact info (personal or work email). Sounds almost kind of stalkery to me (why would he want to get in contact with you? Does the "don't be anal" mean "come on, give me the address"?) Or maybe I just watch too many Lifetime movies!

Avoid him as much as possible, and once you are gone, refuse any contact from him.
I think this guy's request is totally inappropriate. It also sounds from his email as though he's trying to goad you.

I don't think it's "anal" to keep your email private. It sounds like you're instinctively trying to protect yourself. And for him to say "don't be anal" sounds like a personal attack because he's angry that you won't give him your contact information which he knows he has no business asking for.

I think there's some subext going on - maybe him being angry that you're leaving. So I agree with the others, don't engage with him, keep your boundaries clear, and get the heck outta that place!
Ladies...no wonder sexual abuse happens at work - you say "suck it up". You put your back bone to work your boss has absoultely crossed the line beginning with asking about personal business. If I were you, I'd print off that email and take it with you, block his email address and conduct yourself in a professional yet stern manner. The next comment he makes tell him you don't appreciate his remarks and you would like to finish your tenure on a professional note and any personal remarks he can keep to himself. You are the only one that can put an end to his comments. You control the situation it only gets out of control when you allow it. Be tough and be smart - cover yourself. You are not burning a bridge - you are burning a boss that needs to be put in his place! Don't get friendly with the next boss keep personal separate from business always you will get much more respect. :)

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