Have figured out fat percentage....now what?


Hey all!

So I've posted about this issue before - the pockets of fat located just below the buttocks crease (upper thigh, back of leg). Cathe gave me some great advice - so I have gone ahead and bought a few of her leg DVD's and boy oh boy do they get me burning! And I love it! : ) I feel it in all the right places!

Now I am 20 years old, 5'5, and weigh about 55 kilos (range from 54 - 56).
I have been thinking for a while that I am 'skinny-fat' (small weight, high fat percentage, low muscle mass). But today I had my fat percentage taken by an expert in the field and it is 19.9% - I have 10 kilos of body fat.

Now....apparently that is on the lowest end of the 'healthy' scale....so what I'm thinking is...if I only have 19.9% body fat, then why do I still have these areas anyway?!?! If I had say, 25-30% I would understand. *Sigh*.

I'm hoping that with the help of Cathe's amazing workouts and self-motivation and persistant dedication, I can beat these unsightly bulges!

Does anyone else suffer this problem area? Any comments about my body fat and how it may result in these fat pockets would be appreciated - I'm interested to hear your opinions/thoughts.
Like it was said, it's just your body and genetics. It's genetics that decides where you store the fat you have regardless of how little or how much you have; some spots will just have more.

You could either lose more fat (I personally would never recommend that) or make peace with it and move on. Our bodies are not perfect and numbers will drive you crazy. If you are healthy, let it go.

Every female in my family regardless of size has a fat pocket at the arm pit. When you wear sleeveless tops you have this fat bubble that is well, just there. It never mattered how small I was, it was/is always there. My mom, aunt, cousins wear anything from a Size 0 to 6 and they have it, smaller, but it's still there. Eventually you just have to acknowledge it's there, accept it, and let it go. It's not going anywhere no matter how many push ups I do and I could go decades without eating sugar and it's still be hanging on for the ride. It just is.

No amount of leg/glute work will spot train the fat away; you can't spot reduce. You'll get a nicer, tighter rump, but chances are, you'll still have that fat clinging to your cheeks/thigh like white on rice. Unless you opt for surgical help, it's there... make peace with it.
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