Have any of you tried jumping rope?



The new M&Fitness Hers issue has an article on jumping rope. It says it can burn a ton of calories very quickly. I believe it - a while ago I started jumping but it only lasted about a few weeks. But this article tells you how to start out & increase. I think I may try putting a jump-rope workout in once a week. You only start out with 15 min.(with rests) and then work up to 30. Since it is a short amount of time, it seems like a good cardio to fit in after PS-CST or PS-BBA. What do you think?

That sounds like a great way to use it, but I know it would be so boring I couldn't take it much longer than 15 minutes if that. And since the rope would hit the ceiling, I'd have to just "pretend" to jump, maybe while watching TV.
I love jumproping, but am not very good at it. It's a great cardio activity and wonderful for cross-training!

I read that too - I take a cardio kickboxing class at my tae kwon do studio, and occassionally we do three - two minute rounds of jumproping at the end of the kickboxing stuff and it KICKS @$$. However its really hard on your knees and shins and I sometimes think its only the loud beat in the music and the fact that my master instructor is watching me that keeps me going. I don't think I could ever do it for say 30 minutes, no matter how in shape I was. You should try just incorporating it into someother cardio workout - you won't get so bored that way, and its kind of like an intensity drill.

I have tried jumping rope and it's pretty intense. I got more interested in it a while back when I got an older tape by Kathy Smith called Aerobox. In fact, it's the only Kathy Smith tape that I still do, because I outgrew all of her other cardio. The Aerobox tape is done with a boxer called Michael Olijade???. (I forgot how to spell his last name!). What's good about this tape is there are intervals of jumping rope and boxing moves. And there's lots of variation because he does jumping jacks and ankle crosses, etc. so you won't get bored. Michael ?? also released his own tape called Aerojump which I got through Collage Video along with the ball bearing jump rope that he uses. They are both good tapes you might want to incorporate into your workout rotation. You may want to try doing the moves without a jumprope until you get better. Good luck!
I wanted to add another plug for Kathy Smith's Aerobox as well. I love the jumproping sections, its a really good tape. It's the only Kathy Smith tape that I actually kept. I really liked the boxer (Michael Olajida ??) in the video.

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