Have any of you done Power 90?


Active Member
I'm getting back into the swing of things and have recently purchased a few Cathe tapes (which I'm looking forward to getting in 2 days!!). I also bought a Power 90 Plyo Legs DVD on ebay and that sucker really worked me. It was like being back in soccer practice doing drills. :)

Has anyone else done this tape or the others in his program? If so, are the other ones any good? I know very very little about the program so any guidance about which tapes are best would be great.

I haven't done P90X. But you are gonna get a lot of responses because ALOT of peeps on this forum are big fans. I am about to break down and buy it!
LD thanks. Again, I know very little about the program but it looks like there's a regular Power 90 and the P90X. I assume the second one is more of an extreme workout. Is that right?

I did P90X, but my DH is doing P90. I've worked out for years, but he's never done formal weight training and been very slack in his cardio, so P90 was perfect for him. The main drawback of P90, as far as I can see, is that you simply alternate two workouts for weeks on end, then change it up to two slightly harder workouts for the remaining weeks. For me, that's a recipe for disaster due to boredom. However, DH seems to be doing okay with it. He's substituting a bit of the cardio for his more favoured cycling, but otherwise is sticking with the program.

Plyo Legs is from the P90 Masters Series and is more advanced than the P90 1-2 Sweat and 3-4 Sweat workouts. I would liken the P90 1-2 and 3-4 Sweat and Sculpt workouts to be on par with Cathe's Total Body Sculpting and Low Impact Step workouts.

An advantage of the P90 workouts is that they are short: 30-45 mins. For my DH, who works long hours, that is a key ingredient to ensuring that he sticks with them every night.

P90X is very advanced, and was designed for people who no longer find the P90 workouts challenging.

I have most of the Power 90 Master series, the only ones I do on a regular basis are Plyo Legs and Cardio Intervals. I really enjoy Cardio Intervals b/c it is a good w/o but what I don't like is that it is really only about 30 minutes of actual cardio but runs something like 45-50 minutes. He does a really long warm up, ten minutes I believe. I only do this on days when I have lots of time b/c I only consider it a 30 minute workout & always add on at least another 30 minute workout.

If you are looking for a good lower body w/o I love Tony's Bun Shaper-it is lower body - half standing/half floor work but is very effective.
Thanks guys. I've started looking more into the Master series and P90X after reading your posts. I think I'm off to look at them on ebay. I appreciate it (and any other input that comes along)!

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