I am happy that I got the extra workouts .They all incorporate a medicine ball for some moves but it is not needed for all of them. Hammer Build up is around 30 minutes and really packs a lot in. It has 7 rounds and each focuses on a different body part. I found with that one each exercise is timed 30 seconds or 15 seconds. A few are non weighted like pull ups in the back round, I was able to go heavier on the 15 sec moves. It went more smoothly the second time I did it. It has a bicep round, standard curl, hammer curl, concentration curl and rotation curl, there is a triceps round as well. It hits everything. The last round is ab focus.
Power Chisel kind of goes with a medicine ball plyo move done 4 reps, 4 sec rest 4 times then a heavy weight set of 10 reps It hits total body except the abs.
run down of glute chisel since there is no worksheets 17 minutes You will need a ball for this one (This is my explanation of the moves

all moves are 25 reps and done using an 8# medicine ball (it has been suggested that you can use dumbbells) I use 10 and 12# medicine balls
sumo jumping jacks
foot on the stability ball Bulgarian split squat
right then same on left
jumping curtsy lunge with an overhead press with the ball
warrior 3 holding the ball right then the same on left
side lunge ball pull one foot on the ball right then the same on the left
glute bridge with 1 foot on the ball right then same on the left
15 minute leg hammer 18 minutes You could use a dumbbell It seems a bit funny seeing Sagi holding an 8# medicine ball
All moves are 60 seconds each starts slow 20 seconds, medium speed 20 seconds, fast 20 seconds Some are hard to do fast to me with too much weight but generally I have used 10 lb and sometimes 15lb
squat press
side lunge left
side lunge right
sumo twist
1 leg deadlift to knee crunch right (hard when you hit the fast speed)
same left
step up press - not on a step like I thought by the name- step back lunge, knee up, overhead press (sorry, that is my description) right then repeat all on the left
I hope this helps so you can decide if you like them. I tried the Dirty Thirty Extreme that was on one of the Chisel discs the other day and liked it. I have been wanting 21 Day Fix Extreme. It did seem Autumn went a bit lighter on that one than she does on Chisel though. I like her. I think I have only done Power Chisel once and it had Autumn and Sagi in it. I know I have done more than one workout with them both in it together.