Hate to see the end of S&H rotation !!


Love this series... and what results!! I just ended week 4 - I'm REALLY gonna miss this next week. THinking of starting at a gym for weights next week. but NOTHING can beat S&H!!
Yes, I know what you mean. I am actually starting this rotation up for my 2nd time come this Monday. Did a 3 week S&H rotation back in January and saw fantastic results! I love the music, the set, EVERYTHING!!! When the 3 week rotation cam to an end, I really think I had S&H withdrawals ;)
I have read soooo much here about the S & H tapes. It is one series of Cathe's tapes I dont own and am tempted to purchase.
I've looked at the vid clips online, so I know the process is moving heavy weight very slowly.
What I want to know is, how MUCH of a difference did doing a rotation of these tapes make for y'all? I.E. weight loss/muscle gain; strength; endurance; How quickly did you notice the changes...etc etc etc.
I've never lifted weights in this manner before. Do you find you have to start lighter or can you go heavier than say a video with "standard" lifting timing?
Also, did doing S & H help improve endurance with Cathe's scorcher cardio step tapes?
ALl I need is a little encouragment to buy the S & H series<G>. How would I incorporate it into a regime with, say, PS, Power Hour and MIS? DO you just recommend "doing it" with S & H for a set number of weeks and then rotating back to the other strength training tapes....or should I/can I rotate S & H in the same week with MIS, PS series, etc.?
I can be a real cardio freak, but being 46 years old, I need the weight training to keep metabolism high and muscles tight and strong. Any suggestions, reviews, tips re: Slow and Heavy are welcome.
Also, I currently own all CAthe's videos except Slow and Heavy series.
Lynn Finn
I'm also in the midst of a S&H rotation. I'm beginning week three and I love it. My question to everybody is: Has anyone stuck with these workouts for longer than the recommended three weeks and continued to see results through the longer rotation? Like say, six weeks?

Hi Lynn,
You wouldn't be at all sorry for purchasing S&H! It works!
I am a person who still has a great deal of excess body fat to lose, so muscle definition is harder to see as it is still covered by body fat, however, 4-weeks on S&H brought my shoulders right out of hiding! I have NEVER had shoulder definition in my life, and it also really brought some fine tuning to my triceps and that area between your underarm and upper back (I had a roll of fat there that literally disappeared in those 4-weeks!) Talk about results! :)
I cannot wait to rotate back to S&H!
In my opinion, it's a great purchase for anyone, regardless of their fitness level because you can tailor it to fit your individual needs.
I personally did each S&H tape once (3 consecutive days) and did MIS later in the week (so I could work each body part 2x/week). And since the S&H tapes are 60 min each, if you have CTX, you can do one of the 30 min cardios, keeping your workout down to 90min if you combine cardio/weights in your workout.
I just finished with a S&H rotation and also hated to see it end. I just started doing PS yesterday and it went SO fast--felt really weird. I'll be glad to get back to S&H again in the future.
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
glad to see I wasn't alone in this!

I actually joined a gym today and after having completed S&H had 2 great things - 1. I did pretty well on the circuit 2. I actually had some definition.

have a great day everyone
Thanks for such a quick reply, Donna!

I plan to order Slow and Heavy as soon as I am finished here on the forum...you've convinced me, as well as the comments from everyone else.
I do own CTX, along with all Cathe's step tapes, PS series, so I have a LOT to draw from. My hubby and I also belong to the local Bally's, so I have gym workouts to spread out the cross training even more. (I LOVE those elliptical "ski-type" trainers...easy on the knees and joints, great for the heart rate).
Funny thing though, after two months of 'in the gym' elliptical workouts using cardio interval training, I did a Cathe tape this week and it kicked my donkey-butt! My heart rate didn't climb very high, but holy smokes did my calves feel like they were going to burn right off of my thighs! LOL! Guess I need to incorporate more Cathe than I thought!
There was a time when I was an all-or-nothing Cathe exerciser...did all my workouts at home, lost almost 100 pounds in a year using her tapes and sproadic FIRM tapes as well. I met my husband in June of 98, we were married in December of 98 (yeah...quick <VBG>) and I continued to workout with Cathe regularly, 4-5 times a week. Hubby is a former Navy diver SEAL/UDT Team special forces guy and is used to being fit. He wanted to join a gym so we could do stuff together (theres not enough room in our den for two steppers, unless we want to kill each other<G>). We joined a gym and were doing well; I got in a Cathe tape twice a week or so. Then in June, I fell, hurt my right knee badly, wound up with surgery, injections, lotsa pain and immobility and voila! Two and a half years later, a 40 pound weight gain (my bod does NOT like to be sedentary)and I'm starting back into workouts as of January this year. Soooo, to make a long story short, being in the gym is great because we workout together, but I really miss my Cathe! And apparently, so do my calves! LOL
So, Im incorporating more Cathe into my program. Its amazing how much strength I did retain from all those months and months of hearty, hard workouts. It only took me about three weeks to get my cardio back up to speed. Now I just have to work on the muscle strength. Im excited about getting S & H...sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and have the videos just appear<G>
Thanks again...now, off to buy Slow and Heavy...
Lynn FInn
I'm waiting for my first Cathe tapes. I ordered 10 to begin with,S&H in the shipment I'm waiting for. They'll be here Wed. and I can't wait! I'm a diehard Firmie but I wanted to intensify my workouts and from what I hear Cathe is all about intensity. I'm going to start with the S&H rotation because I want to add more definition to my shoulders and arms before summer. I'm also getting Step Heat. Is that a good cardio to start out with? I didn't get the wedding tape as I wanted to jump in with both feet from the beginning which I will probably regret. I have been working out for 20 yrs. and Firming for 16 months solid so I consider myself intermidate to pretty advanced. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I read tons of reviews yesterday at www.videofitness.com (I love that site!) and they pretty much said that Step Heat is above the intensity of Mega Step Blast and The Wedding Video, but it is shorter than most of Cathe's videos. I think it was a good choice. It is also supposed to have a great ab section. I have been a die hard Firmie for about 8 years now. I ordered my first Cathe videos ever - the CTX series two months ago. After a month's rotation of those, I did a Firm video and it was so much easier than I had remembered! I hope you like Cathe as much as the rest of us!
Hi Shoeprincess,
I am a firmie too and also just ordered a slew of Cathe tapes. I already have StepHeat and it is great. If you like pure step tapes you will enjoy it. It's dancy but not too much. And it will make you sweat. I think I will start with the Slow and Heavy series too. I am currently in week 5 of my own Firm rotation but will probably do a Cathe rotation for about 5 weeks and alternate. I am supposed to get my tapes tomorrow and I am so excited!!!!!
Good luck

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