HATE - Mar 2



Oogi had such a wonderful morning yesterday morning. Can I just tell you how much she made on the Stalk Market? OMG! I was so excited for her. The rates were out the roof!

And the new month of March brought new things to the village, the best being butterflies! They're so pretty and colorful fluttering delicately to and fro all around the flower patches..for Oogi to trap with her net and sell, because really, it's all about the money LOL. The village flea market is tomorrow, so I have to help Oogi to prepare the things she wants to sell, as most of Oogi's neighbors are mongo, greedy shoppers. Weasel comes this Sunday, so she ought to be able to get rid of that fake painting soon.

But let's get to more important things. Like my meeting yesterday. Okay, not really my meeting, but after my meeting. To be more clear, I'm talkin' 'bout DONUTS.

The answer to the big question, How Many Donuts Did August Have?....

Well, I'll cut to the chase. I'll tell you the big answer : August had NONE DONUTS! N-O-N-E! And why did August have NONE DONUTS? Because the freakin donut shop went out of business!!!!!!

What on earth is it with people in Tokyo?! Do they not eat donuts?! Or is this just some kind of cruel joke on August? What?! What?! And it was pitiful, girls, pitiful for me to walk around and around the area desperately searching for the donut shop in dismay, finally going into a clothing store to ask its whereabouts and being told that it had shut down and moved away. LMAO, my first thought was you guys.

So in the end, I had an unplanned clean eating day LOL.

I really have to get my butt to KK as soon as possible. If it goes out of business before I get there, I will just be beside myself.

You guys all made me crack up with your HMF funny quips.

Terri -

>I'm doubting my ability to stick with it...which surely is setting myself up for failure.

LOL. Well, at least you're sure about something! But really, I know the BFFM thing about not setting yourself up for failure, but I also understand that sometimes it works when you yourself know it's going to happen, but you write or say it with doubt so you don't jinx or put pressure on yourself. I think you're going to be able to do your challenging rotation for a month. Just a month. Just think it's just one month. And congrats for getting your 3rd and final GS!

LMAO about your tracking that you're 726 calories in at noon!! But you know, on second thought, after reading Robin's post, come to think of it, that's really not that much, especially considering you wake up before 7:30am. Jeez, in that case, you'd BETTER have eaten 726 cals by noon!

By the way, I told my Mom the tonsil story and she totally laughed her A off.

Michele - You know, for the last week I've been not wanting to put on my HRM, or even my workout shoes. But having the HRM has been really inspiring, at least for me, at least normally. It's fun to see how much I've burned away and how many hours I've worked out during the week. It sounds like a nice present for your sister.

Thank you for posting the link to the rotation with the updated version. Wow, it was a...feisty little thread there. I've copy pasted it and will be studying it after I get over my busy week. I also took a look at the intermediate one. Oh the choices, the choices!

So the stragglers gave birth immediately and vigorously? You must have good food in your house LOL. So does that mean the exterminators will give you a refund?...Oh yeah, I see. You have a deal with them. Sheesh, you really must have some great food at your place to have a deal with the exterminators!

>it involves gluttony...and sloth..can't forget the sloth

LMAO! Were you solo, or did your ant friends join you?

I've also basically had the same hair style for....like since I was old enough to have what would be considered long hair.

Dana - I totally know about the Sparkspeople mega-mail. Did we talk about that before? Man almighty, do they send stuff out or what?! I'm like you, I don't even bother looking at them anymore....I'm glad to hear you were able to figure out how to get a workout in, and that's fantastic about the 3.5 pounds!! That's hardly something to not be happy about, woman!...That's also great about your new do. If you like it straight without having to use an iron, you could try a straight perm, do they have that where you are? They are so great...Wait, a promotion, too? Wow, tons of cool things going on there with you! Congrats! But yeah, I can see how it would be hard to fit in a workout schedule in there. I don't suppose you want to get out of your mode of transportation a 20-min walk away from work so that you can get in 40 min a day? Heh, no I suppose not.

Robin - Sounds like you had a nice and peaceful day. So glad to hear your do turned out nicely and that you can get it officially cut on Monday. Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for sunny weather, so have a great time and we'll miss you!....Mmm. Peanut M&Ms....

Arista - LMAO at your goal HEIGHT! I'm so there with you on that! I hope your plan of action will set you in the right direction for your goals (maybe reaching up to the high shelves to get to Ryan's stash will help on the height part LOL). I think it's a great idea to not keep junk around the house - I haven't kept anything unhealthy in my place for months and it's really been great - I used to find the thought of not having any chocolate in my cupboards completely impossible if not frightening, but I'll tell you, it's really great not to, and it will help a lot. Keep lots of fresh fruit to snack on to rid yourself of the terrible sweet tooth stuff!

Jen - Urgh, I mean really, urgh! Please feel better soon! I'm glad you could come by to say hi. We worry. A friend of mine years ago told me that she had this kind of trouble and found that the only thing that helped her was to eat a couple rings of canned pineapple every evening. I hesitate to write that since I've never heard anything about that being effective, but I wish I could help you somehow, so I'm throwing any info your way!...Oh, I just got to your feeling better post. I'm so glad to hear that!

Diane - Diane, for crying out loud. I think letting the secret out is better than jeopardizing your and the baby's health! Don't make us go over there!! If you really can't tell people you're pregnant, then you should come up with a good white lie, like you hurt your back doing Cathe or something like Arista suggested. Be careful!!

Judy - Hi, Judy, hi!

OMG, I just saw Dana's photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how fun it is to put such a pretty face to the Dana I know!

All right, I'm off to yet another meeting. And no, there ain't no donut shop in that area. Or any area near me, apparently.

Have a fun day!

P.S. I'm reluctant to tell you that Ched came back, begging me to let him into my life again. I told him I'd give him one last try.

On a similar note, the avocado I bought when I first bought all the fixings for my Mexican dinner whenever that was, is dangerously close to becoming an avocado prune.
August- There you are! I was worried about you... I am glad to hear that Oogi made a mint on the stalk market, got to love it when that happens. Must have been something in the air yesterday, the bonds were doing good in NYC also & rates & prices for loans were awesome yesterday & today!

Also, about the donuts... DON'T TRY THEM!!!! WARNING... YOU WILL LIKE THEM & WANT MORE.... DON'T DO IT... }(

Okay, now that I have that out of my system...honestly though you will like them & want more. I find with stuff like that I am better off never eating, you forget how good it is after a while (or try) and get used to not having it. Oh, I how used to LOVE the white iced long johns filled with creme from the bakery on Saturday morning... ah, the memories...to bad my thighs & butt won't allow it now! x(

Hey, Ched is back...have you checked on Mr. Choco Raisin lately to make sure he is okay? You aren't neglecting him, are you? I have kind of grown a liking for him...still working on Ched and not a big fan of avocado, which is good & bad I guess. It is fatty but the healthy kind however I prefer my fats from the unhealthy kind, like brownies. Speaking off, think I will go get one now!

Not sure if you already off to your meeting, if so have a wonderful day!
Kids...don't try this at home....:p :p }( }( }( }(
OMG...can you believe I have surfaced again? Girls, let me tell you I have seen most of the west coast of this country and I am tired. Seriously, if I made a list of everywhere I have been in the last few months....well let's put it this way, I am already Elite status for the airline this year!

How the heck is everyone?

Last time I checked, August was running around in her bra chasing the sweet potato man and Michele had some gunk in her eye, Diane was preggers and Dana was running after Gabe and Gannon, oh and Robyn was laughing at everyone! I see there are new peeps in the group so a big hello to everyone!

Ok, so I had a few seconds and wanted to just pop in and say HELLO to everyone! I will do my best to be better at saying hi.

Hope everyone is doing super good!

Janjan }( }(
Hi haters. Sorry, I don't have time to read all of above. I am in the computer room at the hotel in Annapolis. I just got done with a 2 mile treadmill run and am headed for the shower and the workshop. Have a wonderful day.
Good morning everyone!!!!

I was just settling in for a big posting session but I'll have to come back later. The exterminator just called and he will be here any minute now. I've never been so happy in all my life to see a man with a spray can of noxious chemicals:eek: :7


Oh! he's just pulling in my driveway. I'll BBL:*
Jana!! So good to see you. That is fun that you got to travel everywhere, but I bet you are exhausted.

I am at home today, I took a personal "mental health" day today, called in "sick." I just need some rest I think. No matter how much sleep I get, I am still tired.

I know, no more heavy lifting. I am so mad at myself for doing it, but I felt fine at the time and my back didn't hurt until later.

I think I am going to go back to sleep and be back on later. I am hopefully going to get some reading done, run some errands and just have a relaxing day.
Dana - I just saw your pic and you are so pretty! It is really so great to put a face to a name. Your hair looks great. I love it when they straighten my hair, it is so silky. When I straighten it, it doesn't look quite as good.
Since I have a ton of free time today, I updated my picturetrail. I added the ultrasound pic and my first belly pic at 8 weeks. I promise that I was much skinnier before the pic was taken, my belly was actually flat at one point.

I also added a few new pics of Sadie and Sydney.
Diane: you are so beautiful! What a beautiful wedding party, too! WOW! And you're little tummy is so darn cute...man, if you saw mine, you'd think I was downright pregnant! I love, love, putting faces with names...Arista was right...August? Michele?

August: I cheated this morning and read your post last night before bedtime. It's just not the same so I'm sticking to morning breakfast reading. By the time you find any donuts, the craving will have passed...:)

Dana: do you realize you've lost 14 sticks of butter? That's a lot!!

It's STILL snowing outside. No school today. It's been the worst snowstorm in 25 years. I love it but just wish it was around Christmas, not now when my sandals are begging to be worn. Once the wind dies down we're heading outside for some playtime. DH is off from work today so it's a genuine family day.

I did Powerstrike #2 this morning. Again, what a sweat feast! When it's dripping from my elbows, you know it's a good workout! This evening is low weight/high rep legs, like Firm It Up. I do have a question for you all. If I'm working out twice a day, how many calories would you suggest? Currently, I'm at 1700. Sparkpeople calculated that I burned 600 calories from doing 50 minutes of kickboxing. Don't you think that's a lot? Maybe 400, but 600? Then, if I workout in the evening for another hour (legs takes longer), lets say that's another 400, I've burned 1000 calories for the day. Now, I am hypothyroid and my medication has increased so maybe this isn't so bad? Just curious to what you all think.
YAY - Diane took the day off. Woo-hoo! Does this mean you're getting a 3-day weekend? Enjoy!

I'll be working most of the weekend, but that's OK. Ryan's 30th birthday is coming up and I could use the extra $$. I have NO IDEA what to do for him on this very special of birthdays. He liks to snowboard, so I was thinking of taking him for a stay at a mountain resort... but that seems almost too easy. Plus, I'm not sure that he'll be able to get both days off.

Shopping for this man isn't easy. He's picky like a girl. :)

Oh well, I'm sure something will come together.

August - I'm glad that you and Ched are back together. He seems like such a nice guy; and he clearly makes you happy.

Its too bad about the donuts though! What does a girl have to do? Its probably for the better though, as Jen pointed out.

I agree Jen, once you eat one bad thing, its SO easy to eat more. My cupboards are bad-thing free right now, so I'm really excited about that. I'm eating an apple right now and the sun is shining.

Robin - Good job on working out on the road! I hope your workshop goes well. Talk to ya soon.

Terri - I think 600 calories burned from a one-hour workout sounds just right (especially if sweat is dripping from your elbows!) I think 100 calories every ten minutes is typical for a tough workout that keeps your heart racing. Between both workouts, you're burning a TON of calories per day! Good job! I think 1700 calories is on the low end. You will lose weight eating 2000 calories definitely. If you get hungry, don't beat yourself up for having an extra snack because you'll still be on track.

Diane - Your little belly is so cute! Thanks for posting it. And who cares what your belly looked like before?! You've got a little bean now. :)

I must be a couple months pregnant too! That's it! You'll never get a picture like that out of me. }(

Hi Jana! Your trip sounds like fun. Did you get up to Spokane, washington?

Michele - Yay! Exterminator man. I hope it works this time.

Have a good day all. BBL:+
Hey everyone!!

The exterminator left a few minutes ago and I'm still hyperventilating. He said I have one of the worst infestations of ants he's ever seen:eek: ;( . He said they're looking for water -- not food. That surprised me. Anyway, he put this gooey gel-like substance all around the back splash of my kitchen counter and instructed me not to wash it off or kill the ants (I let him in on my discovery about Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner being a great pesticide:7 ). The ants are attracted to this gel which they eat and then take back to the nest. He said if all goes as intended, the whole nest will be wiped out, but they'll die happy and with a full tummy:p . This process could take a couple of days. I just want them out of my house. I've had to feed my poor kitty upstairs because the ants have invaded his food and water bowls. He told me to eat out for a couple of days, too, which is the one positive thing to come out of all this:7

August, I'm glad to hear that Oogi made a killing in the Stalk Market.

>>They're so pretty and colorful fluttering delicately to and fro all around the flower patches..for Oogi to trap with her net and sell, because really, it's all about the money LOL.<<


That does it -- I'm mailing you a donut, for crying out loud! :* :7

Judy!!! What a thrill to have Judy visit us in Cardiohateville!! Please, please, stop by anytime:*

Jen, we'd love for you (any of you) to post in the <--- thread. It is a fun thread and everyone there is so nice, just like the Hater's thread. Evening posting kind of goes in spurts but just pop in any old time. I'm so glad you're feeling better. And by the way, you're one of the reason's this thread is so nice :*

Jana, you little traveler, you. We've missed you and your wackiness. I miss Kate, too. She hasn't posted in AGES! Kate, if you're lurking, please pop in and say hello:*

Robin, I'm so glad you found a computer in the hotel! Enjoy your meeting with the FunGuys:p :7 I hope you have time to pop back in over a break or something.

Diane!!! Thanks for posting your US picture. You look so cute with your tiny bump:+ And good for you for calling in today. You need to take care of yourself and I've always thought you work way too hard. I hope you really enjoy your day. They kitty pictures really make me smile, too. My Johnny boy loves to go up high on shelves. I often find him on top of my refrigerator --lol! Your kitties look nearly identical to my cats. Thanks for posting all the fun pictures:)

Terri, I don't think 1700 calories is enough, really I don't. I guess the thing to do is give it a fair trial for a week or two and see what happens. If you gain weight that would signal your body is going into starvation mode, in which case I would ^^ the calories. --^5's for a great workout! Do you have an HRM? You might want to consider getting one. A good Polar will allow you to input your information and give you a more accurate reading. I think it's possible to burn 600 cals with your workout, especially with something like Powerstrike. According to my HRM, I burn almost 600 on my elliptical when I do a Cardio Coach workout.

The sun is out and it's a lovely day so I'm headed out to enjoy it. Besides, I need to go out for lunch :p :9

Arista, Dana, you lovely woman!, Kara, Mariah, and anyone I may have missed -- what 'cha up to today?

I'll BBL:* :*

ETA a shout out to Arista!! We were posting at the same time.

>>I must be a couple months pregnant too! That's it! You'll never get a picture like that out of me.<,

ROTFLMAO!! Yeah, and I'm about ready to deliver:p ;(
Hi ladies.

Arista & Michele - you 2 are nuts!

Michele - with all the snow & rain you all have been getting, why are in the ants in your house???? Don't they know that the water is outside. DUH!!! Not very smart are they? I thought the same thing, mail August a donut. Tokoyo is giving her the run around. No donuts, no pb eggs, no chicken broth and she had the hardest time finding barley. We need to get her a nice care package together.

Diane - you look so cute! I hope that you post belly shots throughout your pregnancy so we can see your bean grow. Good for you for taking the day off. Have a relaxing day!

Robin - hi!!! How's the conference? ^5 for getting a run in! Did you have much rain on your drive down?

August - ched - what a guy, you can't live w/out him, can you? HA!!! I am so sorry that you didn't get any donuts. You better put in an order to KK although if they are having 3 hour waiting lines, I can't see them closing down anytime soon. Do they sell pizza in Tokoyo? I'd die if they didn't. We missed you yesterday. You and your game - you crack me up.

Arista - that sounds like a nice present for Ryan (the getaway). If he can't do an overnight, do they have one day specials? How far away do you live from the place? How's the microwave? I have to go and get a new one today. Ours is catching fire. It has been on the fritz for awhile now. I"m going to go to Wal-Mart and Sears to see what I can find. Did you get a LC pizza? Jen talked me into them and the mushroom one was wonderful.

Jana - hey stranger! It is nice to "see" you. How is Marley? How does she handle you traveling? I bet you miss her. Yes, I'm still chasing my boys around. They keep me busy.

Jen - I'm glad you are feeling better. I guess you'll be back to your regular workouts in no time. I admire you for the length of your workouts - there is no way I could make it that long.

Terri - a day of play sounds like fun. I can't imagine having that much snow. I can't wait to see what that amount of snow looks like.
I'm glad Michele answered your calorie question b/c I am uncertain when it comes to figuring out how many you need when working out and trying to lose weight.

Hi Judy!!!

I was trying to talk DH into getting me this little guy, isn't he a doll: But he told me nope!!!

What are you all up to this weekend? Tonight I"m doing Power Hour as soon as I get home. DH is going to shoot pool at 7:00. So we are either ordering pizza or I"m taking the boys to Perkins for dinner. Gabe has a certificate for a free meal for his perfect attendance. Then we're off to look for a microwave. I really don't have anything else going on right now.

Have a great Friday haters!

ETA: I can't figure out for the life of me how to work this photobucket and I consider myself somewhat comfortable with the computer. Let me know if this works for you.

Check out the Snow 07 photo album. We just got back from our walk. We had a blast! We live on the edge of a state forest and have miles and miles of trails behind our house. The snowmobiles came through so we had a trail to follow; otherwise the snow was pretty deep! Up to Ken's thighs in some places.

Michele-How happy are you now that the ants are gone? Esctatic (sp) I bet!

I'm heading down to do Firm It Up, even though I'd much rather be lazy...

Good evening haters! I am so happy it's Friday night, my favorite evening of the week- it's the night it's "okay" for me to do nothing but hang out with the cats & veg in front of the computer!

I did KPC cardio & Bun Shaper tonight, swept the house, mopped the kitchen, both bathrooms, and laundry room, showered, and started a load of laundry-all by 7PM, not bad! Of course now is when the "doing nothing" sets in! :)

Diane- I am super glad you took the day off of work, don't you love "sick" days when you really aren't sick? Of couse, half the times I feel more guilty for calling in so it disrupts the relaxing part. Your pictures are adorable... you are so tiny!

Terri- Love the pictures, your girls look so much like you. The picture of the family I couldn't get big though so couldn't "check out" your hubby... need a better picture of the family, hint, hint! Do you think Powerstrike 1 or 2 is harder? I haven't done 2 in a while... I think I have one planned for tomorrow...need to check out what I decided last weekend! And as my e-mail said, up those calories if you are going to working out 2 hours a day! So...you really did PS2 this morning & Firm It Up tonight? You go girl, you probably need at least 2200 calories today, PS2 burns a lot!

Arista- Sorry you have to work this weekend...at least you get to work from home though, right? That would stink even worse if you had to get dressed & go into an office! I am so with you on the not keeping "bad" food around...it is WAY too easy to just eat it. My mom always keeps a bag of M&Ms at her house...it is like her fav, my 2nd fav, and my sisters fav candy(reeses pieces my fav). I don't know how she does it, I'd open it & eat the whole bag in like 2 days. I just can't keep that stuff around the house.

Michele- I am so sorry about the ants, that is terrible! So...where do you have planned to eat this weekend? Ah, thank you for the "nice" comment, although I think you win hands down...maybe Robin will give you a run for your money.

Robin- So glad you found a computer! Enjoy your weekend & have a safe trip home!

Dana- I only workout for like an hour a night... that isn't that much, you do MORE than I do girl! You work, have 2 boys, and a husband! I have 2 cats...trust me, if I had kids, WOW my workouts would suffer. I admire you for just being able to find anytime to workout. So, give yourself MORE CREDIT, WILL YA! :) That dog is so adorable, why won't DH let you get him? Of course you do need to think about this...are you ready for a 3rd kid? Dogs are much more work than cats...get a kitty, they are SO easy to take care of! This weekend I am relaxing & going out to dinner tomorrow night with my mom & sister-a town about 40 min. east of here, it is halfway point for all of us so it works out good & there is a mall. :)

Jana- So are you traveling for work?

Mariah- Where are you today?

August- See my post from last night...up above, right under your post.

Well, I am off to find something exciting for dinner... huh, will it be LC BBQ chicken pizza or LC garlic chicken pizza...oh, the decisions, I don't know how I do it. ;-)

*creeps in, shamefaced*

Hey girls.... sorry I've been MIA. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and like I couldn't do justice to any kind of personal posting on here and I didn't want to come in and say hello and just leave, but Jen yelled at me over in Open Discussion so I figured I'd better come back:p

So hi!!! I haven't really read anything up there in depth except I saw something about Dana's picture so I checked it out and OH MY GAWD GIRL you're beautiful. So just shut up about not being in good enough shape for the RT.... whatEVER. Do I sound 16? I'm trying to sound 16.

I feel old and tired and wrinkled and grey and boring and fat and flabby.

That's the state of MY union.
Hey Shelley- Happy to you over here. Don't feel the list bit bad if you can't do personals, totally understand! And I've seen your pictures and by no means are you old, tired, or wrinkled and saw your comment in the thread "feel blah & boring" and I bet I could give you a run for your money on the being the most boring person. It's Friday night at about 10 & this 30 year single girls is heading for bed soon, how is that for boring! ;-)
Jen - Boring can be good... it keeps ya out of trouble at least! I'm sitting at home tonight watching Half Nelson. I think Ryan Gosling is way hot. I loved him in The Notebook.

Hi Shelley! I had the same day yesterday that you're having today. I hope you feel more spritely in the morning. And you LIKE TOTALLY did a good job of sounding 16! :p

I just did an old VHS workout and now I'm eating a big slab of steak. I'm trying to get more protein in... but this really isn't that tasty. :( Oh well.

I've only eaten 1800 calories today!! woo-hoo. Seriously, that's about 800 less than normal, at least. I'll probably have a beer and some popcorn later to make it a good even 2000. But I'm happy with that. Its Friday night after all.

Terri - I saw your small family pic, but I coudln't find the Snow album... I'm likely retarded. But your family pic is great! What a beautiful family. You're very lucky.

Alright, time to get busy watchin' that movie. Have a good night all.


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