Good Monday evening haters!!! For some very strange reason I am in a great mood for a Monday. Maybe it is the weather, it was like 70 here today & going to be that way through Wednesday before it gets back to the low 50's/high 40's Thursday through the weekend.
Anyway after double workouts all weekend long I was still able to manage to do Powerstrike 2 AND Bun Shaper, 30 min butt work from beach body! I was planning on EITHER PS2 OR a 30min lighter cardio w/ bun shaper but I was feeling so good I managed PS2, bun shaper, & 200 jumping jacks, on top of walking 2 miles at work today. So tomorrow's workout will be Tone It Up for sure, which I'm sure will be plenty after hard workouts since last Thursday!
August- That does sound YUMO! I will have to try & report back. >>Those smarty p-ants<< LMAO! I also loved you saying the penis butter sandwich sounds fattening...too funny! Sorry you had to get dressed again today for work, hate it when that happens. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be able to stay in your PJs?
Heather- WOW, 22 pairs of shoes for working out??? Holy cow! I love shoes but I have one lonely pair used for all my workouts. Did you let Mr. cockroach go today? Hopefully none of his friends showed up to try & save him before you let him loose. >>I need to get to bed now. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs (or roaches or ants) bite. If they do, hit ‘em with a shoe and say, “I don’t want to sleep with you!”<< LMAO, funny!!!
Robin- Sounds like you are having warmer temps like we are here in IL. Don't you love it? What days do you have this week since you worked the weekend? Any big plans for those days? How was LIC today?
Deb- Sounds like you are eating very healthy! Way to go!
Shelley- Holy crap, 10 mile run? Wow, I am impressed! Your workouts look really good for the week. Thanks for the post in the OD on KempoX, sounds like one I should pass on. I did Powerstrike 2 tonight & I forgot how much easier that one seems to me than the first one, do you agree or am I odd...well, don't answer the 2nd part of that!!!
Sorry your Friday night plans got changed... hey, if it makes you feel any better I think I was in bed by 10!!!
Michele- Glad you found your bookmark. So, what workout did you do today? You are motivated remember, so YOU MUST WORKOUT!
Dana- Sounds like a good plan to not hang out with that couple any more, she sounds like a drama queen. That is awesome that your DH is talking about getting a treadmill & as Terri said, maybe he'll see the light about needing "alone time" to workout & help more so you both can have that! Glad you are feeling better & your workouts look great for this week!
Mariah- Glad you are back. As everyone has said, we are here for you. Wow, you will for sure have to let us know what happened at Wal-Mart, glad you are okay. Hopefully Shelley can help you with a rotation, I don't have a clue what I am doing so doubt you want my help too much!
Arista- Tomorrow night is the big night!!! I am so excited for you. Did you post a picture of the ring? I will have to check out your picture trail again to see if it is added.
Diane- Sorry to hear about the rat in NY, what a jerk. He obviously needs more work to do if he has nothing better to do than try to get you in trouble. At least your boss knows you well enough to know you are doing your job, but I know what you mean about being embarrassing. Hang in there, hey you are prego, that should put a smile on your face! Don't let that jerk get you down!
Terri- Hello, did B&G makes your B&G come off? Too funny. I LOVE KPC too and hope she makes a KPC 2!
Kara, Corrie, MSY, anyone else I missed? hope not... if so, I apologize. Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday!
I am off to find some food to put into this body, STARVING I am! BBL.