Hate...Hump Day Wednesday

Street smarts! Bwahahahaha.

Hey Dana, I swore I'd never get a cell phone, but we ended up with 3 after Greyor was born and in NIUC. I rarely use it, but it's nice for emergencies. I always get embarrased when it rings in public.

So I guess Cathe will give me an excuse to get an iPod. I still need to get a camera. Ask Shelley about my camera.

August, I hope you get to spend part of your day on the big comfy couch, cause I think you're gonna need it.

I'm headed for bed now. Night to Mariah, Jen and any other long lost haters who check in.
August ~ So nice to see you up so early:p :p There were two sets of numbers 4222 and 415...I'll figure it out eventually! Have a great workout!

Dana ~ Ooh...I missed that you were working out at night. I am a morning exerciser but I start a new job on 4/23 and I'll have to switch to nights. Any advice?
Tammy - I workout at night, actually I typically work 7:30-4 without a lunch so I can leave at four, I always come right home, change clothes, and head for the basement. I am normally start working out about 4:30-4:45 & done between 6-6:30. What time will you be working out? The one thing I find is I have to come straight home & work out then go run errands if needed. If I do it the other way around it is too easy to get side tracked & skip. That is also why I normally run all my errands on my one night off a week. After I workout & shower I don't want to get back out!!

So, you said DS#2 is a freshman...so the other still in high school and then what about DS#1? :)
JEN - Okay, I'm spacing. Now I remember your talking about your TTOM and its being scattered. http://bestsmileys.com/doh/1.gif Oh, but you do get the same symptoms, just no punch line? Urgh, that's more irritating than just getting it.....I have a couple busy days ahead of me where I'm out early and back late, so I thought I wouldn't be seeing you guys for a couple days, so Dana said she'd miss me. http://bestsmileys.com/innocent/2.gif Little did she know I'd be up at the crack of dawn with gusto!

ROBIN - My Mom always says the same thing about her cell phone - about how it rings and she feels embarrassed by it LOL. She'll take the cell with her when she goes out, and then she'll turn the dang thing off! I'll be trying to call her and have a little freak out when I can't get her. LOL.

Snake sofa. I'll be giving myself to it soon enough. http://bestsmileys.com/sleeping/11.gif

TAMMY - Isn't it interesting that you would remember those "random" numbers? You start a new job on 4/23? 4 and 2 and 3? 4222?

Where'd I put my crystal ball.... http://bestsmileys.com/halloween3/16.gif LOL.
Hey August- Well I am glad you got up early so I could chat with you before you are off for a couple days. Will you be back around this weekend? I think I am going to Champaign where my sister goes to school Saturday evening to eat out with her so i'm sure I will be sleeping in Sunday, it is about 1 1/2 hour each way! But, my mom is staying over there all weekend & my brother & sister-in-law live there so we are doing dinner.

Yeah, I think it has been about 2 years since I've had a period that lasted more than 1 day, yes I agree I'd actually rather have it than the symptoms. I don't always get the symptoms but sometimes. I used to have horrid cramps with it though, the pill did help some but I would still have to start taking Naproxine the day before it & take it every four hours during the whole thing just to cope. My mom was the same way though.

Oh, I think you may be on to something with Tammy & her numbers there....
Holy cow, what's going on in here -- LMAO!

August, what are you doing up so early!?

I just finished my workout -- PUB premix http://www.smileyhut.com/happy/victory.gif

I'm so friggin happy to be done with it! I'm doing so well with the April rotation:D . We're mid way through the 2nd week and...and...I'm STILL doing it:eek: :D

Please excuse my selfish, totally self absorbed post. I need to skedaddle now and forage for food. I really do mean "FORAGE". I don't have anything to eat around here. I should've gone to the grocery store but I just could NOT make myself do it.

August, I'll do my best to make my dream lucid.

Hugs and kisses to all:* :* :*
>>>Isn't it interesting that you would remember those "random" numbers? You start a new job on 4/23? 4 and 2 and 3? 4222?

August: OMG! I was looking at the numbers literally and not at 4 + two three times! Wow! My brain knew I was going to get the job before I did! Ooh! I can't wait to dream tonight! Using this protocal the other numbers of 415 = 4/6: the date of my 2nd interview.

Jen: I'll be working till 4:30, but I have a family to cook for when I get home. I'm going to try to cook dinner and then workout...it will definitely be out of my comfort zone. The other option is to get up at 4:30 AM and and that surely isn't happening:eek::eek: DS#1 just turned 22.

Michele: tsk! tsk! tsk!
For me, the hardest part of excersizing in the morning is then you are all sweaty and there is not proper time for me to shower shampoo and dry my hair and still get to work on time
My hair takes forever to dry
JEN - I'll actually be around this weekend with nothing to do! What shall I do? What shall I do?!?! The choices are limitless!

A) Be in pajamas and play with Nintendo DS Lite
B) Be in pajamas and watch TV
C) Be in pajamas and hang out in Hatesville (okay, I forgot the new name again already)
D) Anyway, be in pajamas

That's so great that you can go and visit your sister. I'm sure she loves that. Is it just a random family get-together, or is something going on?

I guess if the period thing runs in the family, there's not much to wonder. What a nuisance. You'd think if the dang things aren't going to come anyway, you could at least be spared the symptoms.

MICHELE - Hi, you! I'm working on emails right now as I warm up my voice. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc/fruits_cherry.gif

Good for you on your workout!! You really are doing great with your rotation!

Okay. Back to my email stuff.

Woah! More posts!

TAMMY - So what's the 415? Don't tell me you have to get up that early to get to your first day of work?! LOL.

ETA - I see you edited in a bit about what you think 415 might be. And if you think that's right, then it probably is. 4/23 (4222) is an important number for you after all! It's exciting! Are you excited?

MARIAH - My hair takes forever to dry, too. Course, that's probably because I smush it into blob when it's wet because I'm too lazy to dry it.
August: I'm excited and nervous, and that to me is a good thing.

Well HATERS in Hatertown...I'm off to bed. I have to go for a required physical and drug test tomorrow morning for the new job....Blech!

GOOD NIGHT:* :* :*
HATERTOWN! That's it. What a relief. Won't you take me to....Hatertown! Won't you take me to...Hatertown!

Have a good physical tomorrow. Don't take too many drugs buwahaha.

I agree. Excited and nervous is a great thing! Isn't that supposed to make the skin produce good cells or something magical? Bonus!

Night night and sweet dreams!


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