Hi, everybody,
I was out early and am back late and just got through all the posts. I'm out early tomorrow again, so I'll see you in a couple days!
>I'm thinking they were just numbers with no meaning....
(a booming, all-knowing laughter echoes down from the sky) Your brain is much smarter than you think! (than you think....than you think....than you think....... <this is the echo part>)
The iSculpt Ballet sounds interesting, especially now that I'm looking for leg workouts that don't have lunges and squats. I've opened up a window to iTrain. Ooh, looks pretty cool. I'll check out the site after I finish up here.
Your DH will be happy with whatever you got him, for sure!
DANA - Okay, wait a minute wait a minute! Before you go and think that Japanese eat turtle brains for lunch and various animals' sex organs for dinner,...that show must have been a special about scary things to eat while in Japan, because I don't know anyone who eats the things you mentioned.
No wait. I have seen a restaurant that looks filthy as all he!! that has turtle. I wouldn't go in the door if someone paid me.
As for blow fish, it's.......delicious. And you can better believe you need a license! The 100 or so people who die from eating it ate it from people who don't have licenses, for sure! The liver of the blow fish is poisonous, so if your knife cuts into it and it gets on the fish meat, well, sayonara to you. But a teeny, weeny, tiny bit of it won't hurt you. In fact, there are some (very few - I've never seen any) places where you can get a teeny, weeny, tiny bit of it to put on your tongue and it'll make your tongue all numb and quacky and it's supposed to feel really cool.
Yeah, whatever. I'll just stick with the fish part.
But what's gross about eating bird saliva? Baha. Just kidding. That stuff is just as wacky for a Japanese as it is for an American.
Dang, you had a great workout! And the penguin story! OMG! How on earth could a kid catch a penguin, let alone put it in his backpack? That must have been one slender yet lazy penguin! LMAO!
That numbers story link is totally cool!
Anyway, feel better soon. Urgh on the sleep thing. Is this something that is suddenly happening?
MICHELE - I've been thinking about you all day. Any new news?
>I made a big discovery, too -- High Step Training Advanced is really hard to do when you're crying
LOL. You silly!
And that kitty folding sheet thing was so cute! Kitty! Kitty!
I loved your dream about the car and your DH in the restaurant with his girlfriend. Verrrry interesting! Could it be about Nancy who is "seeing" doctors?
As for your nightmares, are they a recurring one? I would so love for you to experience facing whatever monster is in your dream. You won't believe how euphoric it will make you feel.
When you go to sleep tonight, tell yourself this : when you next feel frightened, you are dreaming. Remember this post. Remember that I told you to be courageous and introduce yourself to the monster. Look the monster in the eye, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Smile at the monster. Show him you're its friend.
Remember this when you go to bed. You had a detailed dream recall last night, so it's more than likely that you'll be able to make yourself lucid in your upcoming dreams or nightmares. Remember to face that monster and show him some love!
Good for you for keeping up with your workouts. And best wishes on your project!
BECKY - I'm so with you on those squats and lunges. Did you get to check out the iSculpt workouts? I hope they're on DVD. I know Tammy said PDF files, which I'm thinking means that there aren't DVDs.
>I told my DH, who mentioned he wanted to lose some weight, that we were having broiled fish, brown rice and steamed broccali for dinner. He wrinkled his nose. He said he's not going to lose any weight if he doesn't like dinner and raids the cupboard after dinner.
ROTFLMAO!!! Your DH! What a riot!
Hey, your shoulder all right?
Wow, how nice to be able to see such a pretty sunrise, even if there wasn't any beach or ocean or cute guys in swim trunks.
JEN - Choco stays pretty quiet, but he's there. He'll be there until I either move or until I need to buy a new washing machine. He's so stubborn, darn him.
Hope you had a nice sleep!
MARIAH - Hey, I checked out your link! Looks great! The photos look great - wow, I want a place! The colors and feel are really nice. I know you're just putting things together, so it's just a draft, so these insignificant corrections are probably jumping the gun. But here they are :
Thank You -- Thank you
Thats -- That's
Reasonably-prices -- reasonably priced
Work out center -- Workout center
Also, when I go to other pages than the homepage, the words at the top of the page are only half there (Real Estate Property Mana). I'm not sure why that would happen.
Anyway, great job! It's exciting!
And what's this about cockroaches in your dream?!
SHELLEY - Hi there! How's your week going?
Okay, night night all!