HATE - Feb 9


Morning all!

I did Slow & Heavy triceps and biceps this morning (plus the ab section it comes with). My arms were trembling so much when I was making my smoothie, I spilled stuff all over my table. I love it when that happens!

So, any plans for Valentine's Day? Did you know that in Japan they celebrate V-day, but in a slightly different way? Feb 14th is Valentine's Day where women give men something. March 14th is White Day where men give women something. Heh. I guess it's a way to let the man have a reminder plus an extra month to figure out what to get.

Me and my DP (darling plant) plan to spend V-Day fairly simple.

Anyway, have a nice Friday!

Arista - Is a walk/run for you outdoors?...What a great way to get in an hour of exercise by splitting it up like that. Good for you!

Dear Cottage Cheese God - Don't listen to the others on this board. I love you wholeheartedly. In fact, I'll be visiting with you in a couple hours.

Dana - I think you might be right about the taters. This last batch (8 small bags) that I bought frozen on the internet are super gooshy. Even too gooshy. I mean, you really can't even call them potatoes at this consistency. I think that may be part of the problem. Well, that and the fact that I've been eating one practically once a day for the past three months LOL...You've gotta try the hot cottage cheese in sauce with broccoli.

>I just noticed that I use a lot of !!!! when I post. I do have a loud voice in real life so go figure.


I'm intrigued by how many of we cardio haters are bullet walkers. Does anyone else find this strange?

Michele -

>I tend to use a lot of !!!!! when I post, too, and I also have a loud speaking voice.

Okay. So I have a relatively big voice, too, since we're going there.

Jen - LMAO that you are at work, feeling awful, with no time to eat your lunch, and yet are POSTING TO US! You're awesome!!!! (Said with big voice.)...Wait, Mr. Raisin is saying something. Nope, nope. I was wrong.

Robin - LOL about the conversation between your neighbor and your DH. Thank goodness the 17 year-old was all right (and that he didn't hurt anyone else, I'm assuming)....Wha...what?! You detest cottage cheese? But have you had it with pasta sauce and steamed broccoli?!

We could rename our thread : Fast Feet, Big Mouths.

Terri - 10! LMAO!! Now that is totally cute. Now I can more understand that conversation you had with her with her asking if it were all right to date him!

Mariah -

>I sure hope cottage cheese melts I have it in my thighs and my butt and my stomach and im hoping watching what i eat and exercising regularly will melt some of it


Water, water, water! It's so important. I slurp down two liters a day of it, usually in the form of herb teas. When you first start drinking a ton, people will ask you if you have "pipe trouble." But your body will get used to the water and you won't have to go as much.

>Tell me... do you have to check in each morning and recheck the box subscribing in order to get notified of postings???

I don't get notified, so I'm not sure about that,...but as for checking in each morning, YES. Yes, you must come and check in with us EVERY morning or we'll miss you. :)

All right then. Talk to you later!
Just quickly jumping in here before leaving for work to point out the obvious to August - Sweet Potato Smoothies!!!! I wonder if Mr Choco Raisin heard me?
Good morning all

Doing as told and reporting in this morning
Getting ready for work

August What time do you get up , that at 555 am you already did exersize
i barely can make it to the coffee pot

Well ill go thru my day and do my exersize when i come home

Do you gals think im cheating if i cant get an hour in and i do a Gilad Quick Fit exersize
All i know is that i sweat and i do feel them
and then on the days i have more time i will do Cathe I promise,, In fact i look forward to it
and to when i can get more of her tapes and/or tape some from FitTV
have a great day everyone

>>Me and my DP (darling plant) plan to spend V-Day fairly simple.

We don't' have any special VD plans. My DH usually, but not always, sends me flowers, and we sometimes exchange goofy, humorous cards, but that's about it.

August, I'm glad you're liking the S&H DVD's. I've been debating about what to buy next. I just got the BB series, and I preordered one of Tracey Staehle's new workouts, Sculpt Sweatfest. I still want Cathe's CTX, MM, S&H, and Core Max. I'm on the fence about PS, the various high step workouts (I have one of those -- the easy one:p :7), and Circuit Max + Cardio Kicks. Decisions, decisions!

LMAO about your sweet potatoes, although I think Robin is on to something and you should try to incorporate them into your smoothies. Try it and report back to us, please--LMAO

Robin, yea! You found a washing machine!! I'm so glad...I saw you post about your dirty undies and I was worried you might have to beat them on rocks or something:eek: :p . I'm sorry about your DH's car. The same thing happened to my DH. He needed my car for 3 days this week while his was in the shop, only to pick his up and find that some panel lights now aren't working...AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I guess it's a good thing I don't have a life with a real job and friends and places to go because then I'd really be in trouble:7 ;(

Jen, so when exactly is your birthday? Mine is May 8th, and yes, I do like presents--LMAO

Oh hey, if you like pizza you should try making them with WW pita bread. It's so simple and they come out really crispy and tasty.

I hope you're feeling better today. It sounds like you had a great workout. Please don't ask me about my workout, kay? Thank you.

Mariah, yes, you need to drink, drink, drink! I'm over 50, too, and I just read an article somewhere about how, as we age, we may not show signs of dehydration or feel thirsty, and therefore we do not recognize when we're dehydrated. I drink a quart of water within the first hour after waking up, and try to drink at least another quart before the day is over, and more on days I work out. Please make sure you drink plenty of non caffeinated beverages.

Oh, August is in Tokyo so no, she probably wasn't working out at 6AM...Japan is about 14 hours ahead of us if you live in the EST zone.

As for subscribing to a topic. You probably have to subscribe to each NEW thread. I never subscribe to threads, I just check back periodically on the ones that interest me.

Okay girls, I'm signing off for now but I'll check back later. This is New Life Friday and I thank God everyday that He gave us 7 of them every week :p
Good morning gals-

Mariah - No it is not bad that all you can do in the morning is Gilad some days... that's definitely better than nothing!! I used to be in that frame of mind where it was either all or nothing, but the point is just to burn some darn calories, right? And improve our heart health and all that good stuff... So go for it! I only 30 minutes some mornings and then do a little more later on in the day.

speaking of heart health, I don't have any plans for Valentines Day. In fact, I haven't even got my guy anything yet. I'm a bad fiance.

Does anyone find it odd that the abbreviation for Valentine's Day is VD? Sorry, I don't know where my mind is. }(

Alright, I need some help with my diet. I need a menu plan that I can follow (the my fiance won't mind eating with me - he's not that picky, but wouldn't be willing to go vegetarian with me), that will help me shed some of this office-job weight. I'm thinking 1600-1700 calories a day... but I'm too lazy to create my own menu. Any ideas gals? I need convenience, but I don't mind cooking a little.

August - I love it when I can't use my arms after a workout... That means it worked!! LOL And I love cottage cheese - I'll have to try that pasta sauce and broccoli thing.

Alright, I've got to get off this board or I'll never get my work done. BBL! Have a great day all!
Hi girls. I did not get to work out last night (or Wed) and it looks like I won’t be able to yet again tonight. I am getting company. I always tell you guys that I need to commit on working out in the morning but 4:00am to workout is pure insanity. But I really want to shed this weight.

So when is everyone’s birthday? Mine is August 1st.

August – I think that Robin came up with a great idea. I bet if you put 1 cooked sweet potatoe, some vanilla protein powder, some cinnamon and whatever liquid you use (skim milt, ff vanilla yogurt or water) – it would taste great. I don’t think I would add the spinach in with that combination though. You may gag! Are you just doing one week of S&H or is this for the entire month?

Arista – LOL at Valentine’s Day=VD. HA!!! What do you normally eat? I’m desperately trying to lose weight but I am so impatient. I want to see results now! A few years ago I did WW and I lost over 30lbs. I was very easy to follow and I lost the weight rather quickly. For some reason, I am having a very difficult time this time around. I pretty much eat the same foods for breakfast, snacks and lunch. I do not eat eggs – blech!!!! So my breakfast is usually 1 cup of cooked barley or old fashioned oats and I”ll mix in a cup of berries. I buy the frozen mixed berries from the grocery store. I get about 4 servings from one bag. I know I should eat some protein w/all my meals but that is hard for me. Once in awhile I’ll have 2 pcs of turkey sausage w/my breakfast.
I eat a morning snack while is almost always a lite and fit yogurt (60 calories) and an apple or other small piece of fruit; lunch is a WW boxed meal or a salad. That is what I eat everyday. I can always use ideas too for dinner. My family is very picky though.

Terri – OK, so your daughter is 10. That is too funny.

Jen – how are you feeling today? Are the Powerstrike DVD’s kickboxing? How do they compare to KPC? Are they harder or easier? What are you up to this weekend?

Michele – so are you talking to me today? LOL

Robin – yeah, so you found a washer? When are you going to pick it up? Isn’t it sad that we get excited over getting new appliances? LOL Do you have to work this weekend?

Hi to everyone else. Have a great weekend.
Hi Dana,

My birthday is August 18th! We're a couple of Leos! My best friend is one too.

I eat pretty erratically. I think I do my fair share of emotional eating and impulse eating, which is why I'd like a menu to go off of. If I leave it up to what I want to eat, I'll never lose weight! Weight Watchers would be fine, but I don't have the extra money to do that right now.

I have a penchant for sweets too! I probably eat about 2400 calories on days where I'm not going overboard, but not really depriving myself. I eat chicken, salad, oatmeal, and fruit smoothies, but then I also eat cookies, chips, and cheese... Yep, you can find cottage cheese in more places than just my fridge.


OK, back to work. BBL
>Michele – so are you talking to me today? LOL

Walk...it's WALK with you...and NO -- I will NOT walk with you, you little speed demon you-- ROTFLMAO!

And I'm having the same problem as you with the weight. It just won't budge. Well, actually it IS budging -- it's moving ^^^;( .

Arista, I can't help you with meals when you're counting calories. I just cannot count calories. I would go insane if I did. Right now I'm just looking at trying to be fit and trying not to pay too much attention to weight and calories.

I think it would be an excellent idea for everyone to record their birthday in this thread. No...no...I DEMAND to know when your birthday's are!:p
Hello- I am so glad it is Friday. Still haven't decided if I'll do Powerstrike or Tone It Up tonight, if I am feeling energetic I'll do powerstrike if not, tone it up. If I don't do PS1 tonight I'll do it instead of IMAX this weekend & do IMAX next week.

My B-day is May 13th, I was born on Friday the 13th and 13 has always been my lucky number.

Dana- Powerstrike 1 & 2 are only available on VHS and I personally find them harder than KPC, maybe b/c with KPC I always take about 2-3 min. after the first part before starting the combos, with PS it is a solid 45-50 min (60 w/ warmup & cool down) of non stop movement. Not too much planned this weekend, I have been trying to stay around the house more b/c poor Sport needs so much attention & I'm at work all day then w/o at night and don't have a ton of time for him. He eats up the weekend days that I stay home most of the time. Such a spoiled baby! What are your plans this weekend?

Arista- I don't have time right now but I can maybe give a few ideas for a "meal plan". I will have time to post more on weekends so i'll give you some ideas then!

Mariah- Any w/o is better than NONE! Just remember that & remember to drink water!

August- I think Mr. Choco Raisin was saying something...you just didn't listen close enough... you know what he said? Eat a Sweet potatoe, eat a sweet potatoe... LOL! You were cracking me up with your posts, thanks for the laugh.

Michele- How old are you going to be? 5 days apart on our B-days! May is the month to be born!

Robin- "Just quickly jumping in here before leaving for work to point out the obvious to August - Sweet Potato Smoothies!!!! I wonder if Mr Choco Raisin heard me?"

Crack me up! Too funny! :)

Terri- Did you get my e-mail?

Diane- You here today?

Okay, I must get back to work, will BBL tonight after my w/o... whatever that may be!
Hi Arista and Jen! I guess we all posted at the same time.

Arista, my nephew's Bday is the 18th of August. He'll be 23 on his next Bday.

Jen, I'll be 52:eek:

OH! My timer is beeping -- lunch is ready!! I'll BBL:*

Ahhhh, that was good:9 . I inhaled my lunch! I'm not telling you what I ate. It was bad, very, very baaaaad:eek:

What is all this about some talking raisin? OMG, now I'm going to have to read back through all these posts to find out about this raisin. LMAO!

So Jen, Dana, and Arista -- how old will y'all be? Jen, so your Bday's on the 13th?

Oh yeah, where is Diane today? I wonder who all knows about her little secret by now?

WTH is Kate? Jen and Arista, I don't think you've met Kate yet. She's a real hoot but she hasn't posted in ages. And Jana -- where's Jana?
Michele- What did you eat... you must tell!

Yep, May 13th- I will be 30...

yes you need to go back & read about August and her raisin... can't remember when it first came about, I know it was a weekend b/c i had posted about pulling my stove out & cleaning behind it and that is what made her mention the raisin under her washer that has been there for years, it is funny, you must find & read.

Okay, really need to work now... maybe!
Hi Michele,

I'll be 28 on August 18th. Mr. Choco Raisin started about two weeks back. I'll let the other girls explain about him though, because they do it so much more hilariously!!

Don't worry, I had hot wings for lunch yesterday Michele!! Top that! Baaaaad girl... But I did take most of the skin off of them.

OK, back to work. I'm writing a press release for a photography workshop that's coming up... It's mind-numbing stuff, but it could be worse I guess.

Okay, so I think I remember hearing about Mr. Choco Raisin way back when, but when did he start communicating? And do we know for sure it's a "he"? LMAO!

I really hesitate to tell you what I had for lunch because, obviously, I'm an elder and should function as a role model, but WTH; I had a cup of minestrone soup (healthy) with a grilled cheese sandwich (LF cheese on 5 seed WW bread - not too bad), with a mess of...are you sure you want to know?...nah -- I better not tell you...well, okay, I'll tell...it was tater tots...and they were good, too!!:9

When my timer went off ^^^ there...it was the tater tots -- the tater tots were done. :9

LMAO... tater tots, I LOVE THEM but almost forgot they existed cause I haven't had them for so long... you must tell how they were, in details!

Good question about Mr. Choco Raisin, maybe he is a she. He/She started talking when I threatened August that he was going to get up and walk out from under the washer, can't remember why exactly but that is how it all started!

I love grilled cheese too but I never have bread in my house, just don't buy it, so I haven't even had a fat free grilled cheese sand in so long. I am jealous!
Hi ladies -

Sorry I am just now checking in. I had a hectic morning. I had my performance review this morning at 8:30 and was running late. Then it was crazy at work. And then I had a nice long lunch with some friends at work. So now I am back.

Tator tots! Yum! Michele, you have encouraged an new unhealthy craving for me, thanks a lot.

I had a donut this morning! A blueberry cake donut! So bad, yet so good.

Well, the rest of the picture frames to my dad and our sisters went out yesterday, so the other people in Texas may be getting them today. We will see... We are telling DH's parents tomorrow night before we go out to dinner.
Hi Diane - Donut?!?!?! Ah, I am living through you guys!

Can you guys tell I'm not working as much as I should be? I think I have decided... tonight is Tone It Up and maybe another 20 minute thigh/leg work and then tomorrow is Powerstrike 1 instead of IMAX, I'll do it sometime next week. I want to be able to give PS1 MY ALL when I do it and tonight I'm not going to have it. So... that is my plan. I am leaving the office in about 30 minutes, my tummy has been acting up this week... I have went to the bathroom like 2-3 times everyday this week and normally once a day is all for me & I have to drink hot water in the morning to make that happen. Anyway, maybe I've lost a couple extra pounds b/c of that, I sure hope so!

Okay, well after my w/o I'll be back on-line- spending a nice quiet evening at home with the kitties, my kaluha, and my blanket. It is way too cold here and they are talking more snow on Monday, ugh!

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