HATE - Apr 3

Hi Dana, I forgot to metion that I don't have Wed off. I thought of you the other day when my neighbor was backing his trailer into his drive. I guess race season has started? I hope Gabe's headaches are nothing serious, but I would definitly mention them to his doctor.

Michele, cool link. I had to look up Armenian dirty words. There were only four! That's because us Armenians are such a classy bunch of people.

Well, I have absolutely no hope of keeping up today.

Let's see.... August, I want to come and watch movies with you in my pjs! Is Japanese hard to learn? Did you learn all the dirty words first?

Miss Lee - is that workout done yet? You make sitting with steroid goop in one's mouth sound so FUN! My parents used to speak French so that we wouldn't understand, but then we all learned French so that didn't work so well anymore. My Dad swore a lot in French though.

Deb - I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STARTED! It's okay that you posted in the Xers check-in, just as long as you don't forsake us. We can have an open relationship ;)

Dana - Sophie gets bad headaches too. We though that maybe getting glasses would help her, but it hasn't. She still seems to be getting them. And she gets to the point of throwing up too. I guess we'll have to investigate further, though on doing some reading, I find that headaches in kids really aren't that uncommon. Still, better to be safe. What's Knoebels? I just typed that from memory so don't laugh if I got it wrong:p

Robin - you classy Armenian, you;) I hope your mood has improved today. Mine is okay. I had such a rotten night last night (dog threw up his dinner on the family room carpet, Sophie had a mass of homework, plus a not-good note from the teacher, Chris was 2 hours late getting home and the dogs were driving me crazy to go out, I had a killer headache, etc. etc.)

Today I am loving carbs. NOT good healthy whole grain carbs. Yummy chewy white flour bagels with cream cheese carbs. *sigh*

Diane - I love the pics in your pictrail. Your bump is adorable. I should show you my nine months pregnant pic. I was a HOUSE!

Mariah - your British chick dancing workout thingie sounds intriguing.

Everyone I missed - HEY!!! *waves*
Good evening haters! Workout done, tanning done, dinner not done! I am starving!

August- No, no the boss was not trying to hit on me or anything, actually I think his wife was there with us. She is a sweet heart and he is a good guy... he could've fired me if he wanted to, there were "plenty" of days he'd call me at home an hour after I was supposed to be at work to wake me up & see if I was coming in!! Not proud of that but he knew it was just the age & a phase I was going through & knew I was a good worker. Now, I am never late for work & usually the first one there, but he isn't my boss anymore. I've been there since I was 20 so had he of fired me at age 21 I wouldn't be where I am. He is still there too, actually talked to him today. Sorry your weather is cold. It was 75 here yesterday & tomorrow's high is 42 with a low in the 20s. UGH!

Mariah- Hope your hectic day made way for a little exercise??

Michele- Glad you are feeling better!

Deb- I so totally thought at first you had checked in at an "x-rated" website... LMAO! I finally realized that you meant the x-check in here! I'm a little slow today!

Robin- Did you find time to fit your workout in between work & babysitting? You sure have a lot of energy!

Dana- Sorry to hear about Gabe, I would get him checked out for sure. Poor guy. It could be something serious. When I was 16 I got home from a band trip to Ohio & was feeling horrible. Major headache & light would hurt my eyes so bad and sick to my stomach. Finally about 3 AM my mom took me to the emergency room & I had to go into a room with the door shut & lights off to wait b/c the light in the waiting room was too much for me to handle. Anyway, they checked me out & said nothing was wrong... HELLO, something is wrong with me. Anyway, fast forward TWO WEEKS & they finally figured out I had mono! So, I would for sure get him checked out as symptoms like that can mean lots of different things.

Shelley- Happy to hear you are in better spirits today. Sounds like you need to get Sophie checked out too, see above novel to Dana!

Hello to everyone else, I am off to find some food for my belly!
How nice how everyone in here gets to know each other
my friends just left, wow what an empowering experience it is to have the 'girls" sit around and discuss life It makes you really happy to be a woman

Exercise no i didnt get to do it now its time to jump in shower do the dishwasher start coffee for morning and go to bed
I need a vacation
Im hoping to go to Croatia in either sept or oct as a traveler not a tourist
which means backpacking no frills hotels, no frills trains and busses and i cant wait I just hope i can make it happen

Diane I have to go back and find you pictures Im so happy for you
What a miracle

The british gal and dance was called "Firm It Up!" with suzanne Cox
I got it at Wal-mart a while ago for a dollar figured i cant lose and it is worth every penny of it cause its fun
Hi there, yikes, I'm late but I'll be back!

Have a great Wednesday!

Mariah, LMAOLMAO that you got "Firm It Up" for ONE buck and say that it's worth every penny!!

Glad you had a great time with your girlfriends!

I'll get to the rest of yous laters. }(

Clothes, clothes...Where are my clothes?!

I was good today. I did my workout -- GS Legs premix and stability ball abs from one of Cathe's DVD's (don't remember which one). I haven't done GS Legs in awhile and boy, it got me good! I was actually a little nauseous afterward. I was going to tack on a little cardio tonight but it ain't happenin.

Dana, it sounds like Gabe is having migraines, not that I'm a doctor or anything, but it is common in kids. Does he get carsick? Kids who are prone to motion sickness often suffer from migraines, too. I had migraines as a child and they could be downright debilitating. I would definitely mention it to the doctor. Give him a hug from me, kay? :* Let us know how the appt goes.

And aren't you hoity toity, Miss "Estates at Hatersburg" -- ROTFLMAO!!!

Just a little aside -- my DH and I once talked about moving to a new development where they hadn't yet named all the streets. He wanted to name a street Weiner Dog Way http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/idiot.gif

>>I had to look up Armenian dirty words. There were only four! That's because us Armenians are such a classy bunch of people.

ROTFLMAO!! Yeah, and did you see how many there were in Italian? What can I say? My ancestors are a colorful people http://www.smileyhut.com/misc/icecream.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/meh.gif

Shelley, congratulations on your post count, you little yakker, you! Ooh, Sophie gets headaches, too? She could also be having migraines -- vomiting is common. I hope you can get to the bottom of it soon.

Hi Jen! Get a good nights sleep:* :*

Mariah, it sounds like you had a nice time with your friends tonight. I really miss having my friends around. Many of our friends have moved away and most of our current friends are busy with school age children. A group of us used to get together once a week and have a blast. We had a prayer group and then we'd sit around and chit chat, eat -- you know -- have fun! I miss that a lot.

G'night everyone, except for August...good morning, August. Make sure you're fully clothed before you leave the house :eek: :* :*

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