Well, I have absolutely no hope of keeping up today.
Let's see.... August, I want to come and watch movies with you in my pjs! Is Japanese hard to learn? Did you learn all the dirty words first?
Miss Lee - is that workout done yet? You make sitting with steroid goop in one's mouth sound so FUN! My parents used to speak French so that we wouldn't understand, but then we all learned French so that didn't work so well anymore. My Dad swore a lot in French though.
Deb - I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STARTED! It's okay that you posted in the Xers check-in, just as long as you don't forsake us. We can have an open relationship
Dana - Sophie gets bad headaches too. We though that maybe getting glasses would help her, but it hasn't. She still seems to be getting them. And she gets to the point of throwing up too. I guess we'll have to investigate further, though on doing some reading, I find that headaches in kids really aren't that uncommon. Still, better to be safe. What's Knoebels? I just typed that from memory so don't laugh if I got it wrong
Robin - you classy Armenian, you

I hope your mood has improved today. Mine is okay. I had such a rotten night last night (dog threw up his dinner on the family room carpet, Sophie had a mass of homework, plus a not-good note from the teacher, Chris was 2 hours late getting home and the dogs were driving me crazy to go out, I had a killer headache, etc. etc.)
Today I am loving carbs. NOT good healthy whole grain carbs. Yummy chewy white flour bagels with cream cheese carbs. *sigh*
Diane - I love the pics in your pictrail. Your bump is adorable. I should show you my nine months pregnant pic. I was a HOUSE!
Mariah - your British chick dancing workout thingie sounds intriguing.
Everyone I missed - HEY!!! *waves*