HATE - Apr 3


Morning, residents of Hatertown! http://www.smileyhut.com/square_ok/bleh.gif

I've got my heater on this morning. Where did all the springtime go? Long time pa-ah-ssing! Where did all the springtime go? Long time a-go-ho!

My throat is no better and no worse. But now that Robin has clued me in as to who to fight, I think I'll have a better chance. http://www.smileyhut.com/red-w-stems/blush.gif

I've got a meeting this afternoon, but after that finishes, it will turn into a pajama day. So I plan to come home, do my workout and then I think Mom and I will watch SINGIN IN THE RAIN!

It's raining outside, after all.

MARIAH - Glad you had a good eye exam. That's great that you were able to work up a good sweat dancing with the British woman's DVD. Pancakes and cuffs! LOL.

>but put your order in and ill let them get stale


MICHELE - I wish there was something I could do to help you feel better. FEEL BETTER! Did that help a bit? Doing something light or nothing at all is a good idea if you're feeling nauseated. Whatever you do, take it easy.

ROBIN - http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/blush-anim-cl.gif No wonder my throat isn't getting any better - I've been commanding my Army to kill the good guys! Heh. That makes sense. Kill the virus! Kill the VIRUS!

You felt guilty for not working out yesterday...and did two workouts today? Is that what you wrote? You nut! You're doing your house! Is that not a workout in itself?

DIANE - Hi! Glad all's well with you!

JEN - LOL about your boss, I'm not sure how to feel about the guy. I guess for the most part he sounds cool, as long as he wasn't tryin' anything fishy with you on your 21st bday. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/hmm.gif

REBECCAROSE - Hello there! Soooooo? Is the Cathe workout open? http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/rolleyes.gif

TERRI - What's going on with us - you're sick, too? Are we all cybering into one? Get some good rest and feel all the way better soon. And don't forget, if you're able to give the virus to someone else, it'll go away quicker from you. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc/13.gif

Don't have a barfy or snotty day and chat with you all later!
Good morning!!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, my nausea is gone, and I'm ready to take on the day!! Now, if only I could breathe -- LMAO! There's things a pollinatin here and it's wreaking havoc on my seasonal allergies:eek: x( .

I'm officially 1 day behind on my rotation. I might...MIGHT (i.e. no promises) try to do 2 workouts today to catch up. If I don't, then I'll just change my rest day to Monday.

August, you had to turn on your heater!? http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/aak.gif Noooooooo!!! It's been beautiful here; sunny with temps in the low 70's. I hope it lasts.

Are you home and in your jammies now? I'm definitely getting dressed today. I spent yesterday in jammy-like clothing (not jammies but not suitable for wearing in public).

Hi Mariah! What's your workout today, young lady!

Edited to say hello to everyone else and I'll check back later:*
Holas Senoritas!!--Okay-I did it- I brought it-yesterday-but I'm not even sore today-I don't get it-I didn't have my chin up bar put together so I used the bands, maybe thats the difference. On the next chest w/out this week I'll have bar put together-wish me luck-

Robin-I have a teeny amount of $ to spend on a new workout and I was thinking of buying Amy Bento All Pump Extreme (did I get the name right?)-do you have that one or does anybody else have any suggestions although I will be married to Tony for the next3 months-the cathe workouts I have are:

GS-Legs/BSB/Chest & Tri
Power Hour/MIS/Body MaX
KPC/Legs & Glutes
Imax 2 & Cardio & Weights
Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance
The new series-cardio fusion, low max, body max 2, etc...

If I buy another cathe I was thinking maybe sloww & heavy or muscle max-any ideas?

michele-did Heather ever give you the Texas Sheetcake recipe??

Hi to all--bbl--deb
Morning haters. I just have a few minutes at work now.

Deb, I only have one Amy workout - advanced step challenge. I like it, but she is not Cathe. The cueing isn't as good and she doens't teach the moves as well as Cathe, but it is energenic and different. I'm glad you finally started Tony.

Michele, I'm glad you are feeling better. I did two workouts yesterday and I'm still exhausted today. I'm not so sure you want to do that. Maybe do 1 1/2.

Mariah, slow down girl!

August, enjoy your PJ afternoon. I love Singing in the Rain.

Today's rotation calls for Step Blast and some ab work. I have to get home to babysit, since DH has to return to work for a meeting. I'm not sure when I'll get to workout.

See you all later.
Hiya Deb and Robin!

Deb, get that bar up, you little procrastinator, you -- lol!

I can't help you with Amy Bento. I don't have any of her workouts. I preordered 2 of Tracey Staehle's new w/o's but they haven't shipped yet.

Oh, I'd say you can't go wrong with MM or S&H. Those seem to be ranked high on the all time Cathe favorites list. I just ordered a few more Cathe w/o's yesterday. I'm getting CTX, Ab Hits, and HSTA :eek: . With this order, I've nearly completed my Cathe library. There are a few I don't intend to buy, like RS and IMAX 3. I just know I'll never use them. I'm much more interested in strentgh training than in step w/o's anyway. I probably won't order HSC either, because I have 2 High Step w/o's and that seems like enough to me.

Yes, Heather posted the Texas Sheet Cake recipe in the OD forum. Here's a link:

Robin, thanks for the tip. Maybe I will do 1.5 w/o's today. I think I'll hop on Eli instead of doing SB. At least I won't dread the cardio part. Is SB an interval workout? I hope you find a good stretch of time to do your w/o.

Oooh, I LOVE Singing in the Rain! August, somehow I missed that when I read your post. It sounds like you have a lovely evening planned with your mom:+

It's time to get up and get moving!
August, are you into figure skating at all? I was wondering because the World Figure Skating Championships were held in Tokyo last week! I love FS and would have killed to have been there. The Japanese did so well this year. They took home the ladies gold and silver, and the men's silver medal. That Miki Ando is gorgeous!
I'm back from hanging at Mom's and now I'm sucking on C.

MARIAH - Hey, you busy bee. How's your day going?

MICHELE - Yay! No more nausea! It's better than a stuffed nose AND nausea, right? Yeah, I've got my heater back on. Today people were dressed in Spring clothing and everyone looked miserable! I wore clothing that probably could have passed for pajamas to my meeting, and they were cozy and comforting. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc/baby.gif Nevertheless, as soon as I walked in the door, I put on my sloth clothes. Ahhh. Anyway, I'm so glad you're feeling better.

DEB - S&H, S&H, S&H, S&H. Oh, did I mention S&H. Great for you for starting up your P90X!

ROBIN - Mom and I ended up vegging and watching regular ol' TV tonight, and we're saving SINGING for another night. It's been ages since I saw it, so I'm looking forward to it. Have a good day at work!

All right then. Now what. Sleep? I don't feel sleepy.
Figure skating? Sorry to say, and don't gun me down all, but I have no interest in sports of any kind. None. Zippo. Zilch. Nadda. I don't even know the name you mentioned. I have a guess though. Does she do that Gumby move?

ETA : When there's another time you'd kill to be here, COME HERE! :D
>I don't even know the name you mentioned. I
>have a guess though. Does she do that Gumby move?


What do you watch on Japanese TV? Are there any English speaking programs on TV or can you and your mom understand Japanese well enough to watch the local stuff?

ETA that I remember turning on the TV in Germany and seeing all these American sitcoms dubbed in German. It was wild! I was a huge fan of Star Trek, The Next Generation, and it was oddly appropriate to hear Warf speaking German.
I NEVER watch TV myself. Literally. My TV is NEVER on.

My Mom however, LOVES Japanese TV. They do have a lot of funny shows - mostly things that are funny and educational at the same time. Lots of animal shows and lots of food shows, lots of Can You Believe It?! shows...TV is really big here.

Tonight we watched a show about...Transexuals in Thailand. Just the perfect mother daughter night of relaxation! LOL. The "new" women were all gorgeous. Gorgeous figures and gorgeous faces, great makeup. GREAT makeup! I felt all inspired to take out my Spring stuff again. Yet instead I'm sitting here trying to get warm!

I speak enough Japanese now to understand. Mom's bilingual.

>it was oddly appropriate to hear Warf speaking German.

>Tonight we watched a show about...Transexuals in Thailand.
>Just the perfect mother daughter night of relaxation!


>I speak enough Japanese now to understand. Mom's bilingual.

I want to get to that point with Italian. My vocabulary is improving all the time but I don't hear enough Italian to really grasp what people are saying.

My mom was bilingual, too, but she didn't really want her children to know Italian. She and her sisters always reverted to Italian when they wanted to talk about stuff that they didn't want us to understandx(
Sorry about that, my provider was having some problems for all this time! x(

Now I'm back. :)

I think Italian would be so fun to be able to speak. That's cute about your mom not wanting you and your siblings to know Italian so that she could freely speak with her own siblings. My dad only spoke English, and so I never learned Japanese until I was just finishing high school.

And to think you and I could be bilingual without effort! Those darn parents! }(
My mom was a stinker alright!

I love learning how to say bad words in foreign languages}(


I've been previewing Step Blast. I think I'll go with the elliptical today;)

Alright, I better get moving before my behind takes root in this chair. I'm not doing so well with my lists lately and I want to show signs of improvement today:D
Hey cuties! You may all be in Hatertown but not me, I reside at The Estates at Hatersburg. I may be moving to Hate Terrace soon though. HA!!!

August - are you sleeping yet? Sheesh woman, I could never keep up with your hours. Did you ever see those low budget asian kung-fo movies? My brother used to watch them all the time. Not sure what language they are speaking but they are changed to English and the voices are not in tune with the movie. So you would see the guys mouth moving but the words were so off. I hated those movies, but my brother would watch them every weekend.

Michele - NOW have you worked out? You slacker! My mom's parents were from Poland and would speak Polish to each othe when they didn't want anyone else to know what they were talking about. They never did teach my mom or my uncle any Polish though.

Hey Deb, so you are finally doing Tony? Was he all that you expected and more?

Terri I'm glad that you checked in yesterday.

Robin - is the room finished now? What big plans do you have for Shelley? I don't think Sophie will be bored. If she does get bored, Knoebels opens the last weekend of April.

I didn't start the April rotation yesterday. Why you may ask? Because my DH (I'll let you fill in the D) had to go to a friend's house to work on a transmission and didn't get home at 8:00. I was not going to do GS Legs and abs at that hour. So all I did was walk 2 miles yesterday. And 2 more miles today. Gabe has t-ball practice at 6:00 so I'm hoping I can do the workout tonight. I am taking off tomorrow so maybe I can catch up with the rotation.

Yesterday I got a call from daycare that Gabe was throwing up. So I left work (only had 30 minutes left anyway, he goes to daycare after school). And he was sitting in the kitchen with the owner with the lights off with his head down. He started crying that he head hurt really bad. This is the 3 time in the past year that he got such bad headaches that he threw up. I'm wondering if he has migraines or sinus problems. DH was/is all concerned that it could be worse and thinks he needs a MRI. He does have his annual doctor's appt in May so I'll bring it up then. As soon as we got home though, he felt better. Laid on the couch for a bit and then we were outside playing the rest of the night.

Just want to let you know that I'll be off work Wed through Monday, so, if I don't get a chance to post everyday, don't worry that I've been kidnapped! I will try to pop in when I get a chance. My plans for Wed & Thurs are Spring Cleaning. Wed will be upstairs and Thurs downstairs. Then the kiddos will be home with me on Fri and Mon.

Have a great day EVERYONE!!!!

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