HATE - Apr 16

Yes, please, send her with all good speed!! I look like I'm 5 months pregnant, for crying out loud!

Michele - sounds like you and Sophie have the same thing. 3 hours of sleep earns you the right to play:)

We're currently having a Harry Potter marathon. I need to get back to Prisoner of Azkaban.
Well gee, Shelley, I wish I was at your house! Have a bag of popcorn for me, kay!?

Alright, I better get in the shower and head out.:*
What on earth have I been doing?! I've been working when I could have been playing with Michele and Shelley!!

Come back! Come back! I promise I'll give Aunt Flo good directions to Shelley's!

Okay. I know. Work.

>She was so nasty and she's not welcome here ever again


Ooh, movie marathon!!
I am not MIA just want you all to know that
Ive been working double shifts today im painting getting ready for guy to come install floor tomorrow I also am trying to coordinate phone calls to see if its possible for some guy to get a mortage and then he can make an offer so im back and forth from paint brush to phone today
figured id do a quick hello here

Ive been HORRID 2 days of an eating binge, havent spoken to my OA sponsor for those 2 days also havent excersized in those 2 days either and so far not today

But FEAR NOT I shall get it all together shortly because Im worth it

I hope that when i finish painting i can take a short break and ill read fri sat sun and mondays posts im sure they will just be me skimming over them so if anything really important is going on please someone write it today cause ill pay more attention to todays postings

Have a great day all
Hi Haters!

I am here too! Hating Mondays, as usual.
Only it IS sunny today so it's actually a pretty "up" kind of day!

I'm not getting much done either, as the phone keeps ringing and I've even had unexpected company!

Right now my son is over and he's taken over the pc, so I am using the laptop!!

I did GS BSB and 20 minutes on the stationary bike today, then he wanted to walk so we took a short walk. It's so darn windy out there, I felt like it helped push me right along, but then we had to turn around and THAT was a workout!!!:eek:

Hope everyone's having a good day today!


Thanks for sending Aunt Flo! Wow, she didn't take long to get here from all the way over there!


Mariah - sounds like you're crazy busy.

Becky - it's so windy here too! I took the dogs out a while ago and their ears were plastered to their heads:p
Oh DANG!!! I missed the PMS party! Hope all involved have received the red carpet treatment from Aunt Flo.
Hello haters! Going to make this quick b/c I am starving, just finished working out.

Dana- Have you tried the south beach pizza yet?

Shelley- Is the PMS better now? How is Sophie feeling?

Robin- What workout did you end up doing? Hopefully you had a better day today than the previous two days?

August- Warmed up yet? I think I will have to try one of those shakes or maybe the bar Dana was talking about.

Becky- You still around or did the wind get you?

Michele- How did the dentist appoitment go? Hopefully they got you all fixed up and feeling better?? How is your friend doing? She is still in my prayers daily.

Tammy- Is your weather getting any better? I guess I probably shouldn't tell you it was sunny & 68 here today!!!

Mariah- Sorry to hear you are so busy & having a rough time, you need to check in here more often for your daily support & you are correct, you are worth the extra effort it takes to workout and eat healthy!

Okay haters, I'm going to fix something to eat! I may check back in a bit to see if anyone is around tonight!

All you MIA haters, HI!!!!
Yes, Jen, I did get a workout done. I did Tracey's Sweatfest Step. I used an 8 inch step for the whole thing. I was huffing and puffing through the first part, with the intervals, but didn't work up much of a sweat during the second half. I don't think I'm liking this workout so much. Are you feeling more like your energenic self tonight?

Shelley, is Sophie better? Will she be going to school tomarrow?

I'm also pleased to say I ate pretty smart today. I had a tiny smidgen on chocolate cake after dinner, but otherwise the menu was squeaky clean. Hope I can say the same for the rest of the week.

My new dresser got picked up today and it looks perfect in the bedroom. I still need to get some stuff on the walls and a small area rug or two. Oh, and handles for the closet doors. Right now you have to hit the doors just right to get them to pop open.

I'm pretty tired and ready to head to bed with a book. The wind kept me awake most of last night, but I think it's finally dying down.

See you all tomarrow. Sweet hateful dreams.
Hey Robin!! I didn't get her step workout since I have to watch how much step I do but I did preorder the kickboxing one, I have it scheduled for Sunday I think. I did one of the premixes last night, the lower body one, only 18 min. total w/ warm-up & cool-down - I only did the warm-up and actual w/o & did sweat - I am going to use that done twice as a 30 minute leg w/o once in a while. It sure makes you appreciate Cathe's premixes though-it isn't broken down at all & just moves from one thing to another and doesn't flow like Cathe makes her premixes. That being said, it is a good leg workout with all the kicking if you do it twice & leg workouts that don't bulk me is what I need!

Anyway, did you get her kickboxing one too? If so, have you done it yet? I think I'll like it okay but not near as much as the Powerstrikes or Cathe.

Yes, I am feeling much better this evening! Not sure what was wrong on Friday night, very strange it was like all my energy had been zapped!

The new dresser sounds awesome, you need to take pictures when it is done & post them! Sweet dreams!
Hey girlies!

Jen - you and your leg bulking! I looked at your Picturetrail and you look absolutely amazing, so shaddup;)

Robin - I can't wait to see the amazing popping closet doors;)

Sophie is coughing up a storm, but Chris (my SO) is off tomorrow, and he said if she needed to stay home, he'd stay around with her.

Hope y'all have a great night!
Okay Shelley, I'll make you a deal....}(

I'll stop complaining about my leg bulking if you'll stop being so hard on yourself for your eating and missing a few workouts now and then...:eek: Deal??? :p

Sorry Sophie isn't feeling better, that is sweet of Chris to offer to stay home with her tomorrow so you don't have to feel guilty about staying home with your sick kid, but I know what you mean about that, I always feel guilty when not being at work unless it was planned before hand. Give Sophie hugs & kisses to get better!

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