Has this happend to any of you?


I hit a wall last night! I felt completely exhausted after doing the leg portion of S&H and just could not do the shoulder portion of the video. My 5lb. weights were just too heavy to lift. Has this happend to anyone? I'm finding the S&H series to be not as much fun as I thought it would be. Even though most body part sections are 25-30 minutes, I feel like I am working an hour on them.

Hi Beth,
At first I didn't like S&H but after doing it a couple of times I really like it now. In fact, I love it. Give it a chance. Plus I saw great results.

RE: Yep

Not during that particular video, but sure, with other videos. I think it is so important to listen to your body. I mean, you trust Cathe right? and she says that all of the time. I hit a wall during MIS's shoulder work. But I kept thinking '2 more body parts to go!' so I kept going and dropped a dumbbell during the next segment. I should have stopped.

Some suggestions for S&H:
Do 1 body part per day. M- legs, T- shoulders, W- chest, Th- back, F- tris, S- bis.
Do half in the a.m. and half in the p.m.
I found that if I do S&H early in the morning, I am focused and sharp. Other Catheites do it in the evening when they aren't sleepy. Just find what works for you. I really hope you find a way to enjoy this series. The results are so motivating. Have fun!

walls happpen!

I posted the same thing last March. I have never done the S&H series, but I had this same problem generally. I had to realize that my energy levels are very tied to my menstrual cycle: there are simply around 10 days each month when I can do it, but it's not as comfortable and that's not the time for pushing back plateaus, only for maintenance and more feel-good workouts, like Rhythmic Step/Powermax and MIS and/or PS legs rather than PH and IMAX.

You may have similar personal ebbs and flows of energy. Knowing your body helps a lot to make growth and fitness strides forwards. Pace yourself for best results.

I remember similar posts concerning starting with S&H and people reporting that Cathe herself has said that you may get very tired with this series at first. Many people report that they sleep extra and feel wacked out during first weeks' training with this series. In which case, you are right in there with the educated crowd. Your body's response is perfectly normal.

Yup. Every once in awhile my body feels like lead and I end up taking a night off. Ten minutes into the workout (whether it's spin, Cathe, cardio, step, weight lifting, yoga) my body says "NOT TODAY, GIRLIE." I think most of us hit walls occasionally. Sometimes you push through, others you realize you need a day off. :)
Look back and see what you were doing for exercises in the previous days. Maybe you weren't recovered enough.

I quite often will "hit the wall" in total body routines right after the shoulder work. I maybe could go on to arms, but I feel that I wouldn't get the kind of intensity I want, so I wait until later in the day, or the next day.
This is why Cathe suggests only doing the series for three weeks at a time, and each tape only once a week. You may be overdoing it. Could that be the case?

Just Do It! :)
I'm definately not overdoing it. I only work out 3 days a week. I have decided to take this week off and resume next week. (Hopefully with some more energy)

Been there, done that one too. My most recent "wall" was out on a long racewalk this summer, and I hit one BAD too.

It's an experience you don't forget too soon

OMG, I hit a wall a few weeks ago, and that had NEVER EVER happened to me before! I was doing Bodymax (in itself tough!) but I had a strange feeling, not like I was fatigued, but I guess the lead description would fit here as well, I just could BARELY move, and felt sluggish and weird! I am strong headed (sometimes this is bad!) and I pummeled through the workout and I didn't feel any better for getting through the workout..

walls are tough, it is like I ran outta gas, and my "car" (body)
wouldn't run!

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