Has this ever happened to you?


Tonight I was with Brooke(10 weeks tomorrow) on our couch. I moved her so I could reach her diaper. She fell off the side onto the floor. It is 16 inches high and she landed on carpet. I called the doctor and they said since baby's are quite durable and since she's acting fine I shouldn't worry and it's not that uncommon.

I've never felt so terrible in all my life. I feel like I abused my daughter. Everyone keeps telling me that accidents happen but I just feel terrible. I love her more than anything and don't want to hurt her in any way and by just not thinking I hurt her. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Please help I feel miserable.
I know how terrible this feeling is for you. I've had a few of these incidents too. The first one was, of all places, at the doctor's office. I was in a room waiting for the doctor to come in and I had my little guy (couple months old ) laying on the patient's table/bed (whatever it is called). I was playing with him, then leaned over to throw away his tissue. In that exact moment he rolled off, face down onto the hard floor. I felt sick and disgusted with myself! Yes, it was horrible. Then the nurse came in and took my baby from me to comfort him and made me feel even worse, like I couldn't comfort him. Fortunately, he was okay.

Yes, it is a miserable feeling. Your daughter fell a much shorter distance, fortunately! I am glad she is okay!

I have not experienced this myself but my dr. told me it happens all the time..don't be so hard on yourself...accidents happen and thank goodness, your baby is ok...i am fortunate that this has not happened yet, but I am sure..something similar will happen one day...if not now, later...trust me, I love my little girl, more than anything else..but accidents happen, and they happen alot..she will be fine..as a parent, it's hard to deal with...but she will be ok....
Wendy- I did the exact same thing with my daughter when she was a month or so. The doctor told me the same thing. I too felt terrible. She'll be fine.
Wendy, I did the exact same thing with my son when he was only a month and I felt the same way that you do! I cried, I felt so guilty, but I assure you that your baby is fine. My son is now in the first grade and is above grade level in reading, has a perfect score in spelling and has an A in math, so it didn't do any damage. And, he doesn't remember it! I totally understand how you feel, but I can assure you that you are still a great mom, especially since you are so worried about it. I would worry if you didn't care.


ETA that once I forgot to buckle DD in her carseat when she was 4 months old. I picked her up to take her to the car and I swung her. She flew out of the carseat and onto the coffee table where she landed on her face and blood started gushing out of her lip. I felt like the lowest creature on Earth as I was trying to comfort her, and I felt like I deserved to go to jail for what just happened. Accidents do happen, but everything will be fine. I hope that my story makes you feel better, because what I did really is bad.
When Jory was little he fell out of a Supermarket grocery cart head first. I felt awful (still do). He's so durable...he cried for a while & was fine. I was just thinking the whole time how I should have known better, he should have been fastened in. I also felt awful b/c of who could have seen it. What would they have thought of me as a mommy? Awful. HOWEVER, we live & learn from our mistakes, right? The fact that we care so much about our "accidents" tells us that we're great mommies. ;)
Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thank you all SOOOOOOO much for making me feel better. I started a journal for Brooke from the day I found out I was pregnant but I think this incident is one that I'll "forget" to put in :)

It also makes me feel better that since I never thought that feeling so bad actually shows of how much I love my little girl.

Thanks again,
So glad you all posted this! And I am glad you are feeling better Wendy!

I was getting ready to breastfeed Hagan when he was about 4 weeks old in a chair I had never used. I was trying to get the Boppy in place and hold him at the same time. I ended up dropping him hard onto my chest. He had a bump and bruise on his forehead and cried for about 15 minutes. I called the doctor the next day and they said the same thing, thank God.

Oh, and it did not go in my journal either. Although since I ended up having a boy, I doubt he will ever want to read it so have not been writing much anyway!
I agree, don't be so hard on yourself. When my son was a tiny infant and I was holding him, I walked through a door and bumped his head on the doorframe. Hey, I hadn't slept in weeks - that was my excuse! Babies are probably quite tougher than we realize. My aunt said (many moons ago) that she stuck her infant daughter with a pin while putting on her cloth diaper! Ouch! I think every mother has had some sort of accident. Take care.

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