Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?


Active Member
Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T? It is on the Beachbody.com website and looks like fun.
OK thanks, I read the reviews on Forum.Videofitness. Are there any High Intensity Catheites who can tell me how the workouts are for those of us who like to sweat? I don't feel like I got a cardio workout unless I am sweaty.
OK thanks, I read the reviews on Forum.Videofitness. Are there any High Intensity Catheites who can tell me how the workouts are for those of us who like to sweat? I don't feel like I got a cardio workout unless I am sweaty.
I finally caved in after reading the reviews at Video Fitness and ordered it today. I should have it within 5 to 7 days if all goes well, so I can post some details then if you are still interested.
They aren't really that high in intensity, however, Level 2 (Advanced) DVDs are a bit more intense. It all depends how much you put into them. I am able to get a moderately/hard workout with adding that jumps and larger movements. It is the same way with Yoga Booty Ballet......depends on how much you put into it. It's no way Cathe intense, but I think they are fun and pretty easy to learn. They are unique and I feel it working my abs (sort of like when doing Turbo Jam or kickboxing).

I hate to post my opinions over on this Forum because there are so many on this board that are very picky and usually say a workout isn't worth doing if it isn't Cathe or Cathe intense. I'm not like that. My body needs a great deal of variety and different intensities. I got really burned out on Cathe's after I did about 6-7 months of pure Cathe rotations and I know my body responds better to variety. You have to be a person with an open mind and someone looking for a fun workout to like these.
Thanks for the input. I like variety, especially when it comes to cardio. Would say that these DVD's are for those days when you want to do cardio, but not an intense all out cardio? (or days when all you want to do is take off your work clothes, put on your "fat" comfy pants and veg)
That's a pretty difficult question ....since it's all in what you put into it and there is someone doing a lower impact version and then others adding the impact, jumps, etc.

Let me just explain where I'm at in my training right now. I'm advanced and in great shape these days. For the past 2.5 weeks, I've been working out like crazy (lost my job). I've been averaging 90 minutes of cardio on my cardio days (mostly starting out with Cardio Coaches) and on weight days, I've been tacking on lower intensity cardio and moderate workouts for any where from 30-50 minutes. Instead of takng a rest day on my Saturdays, I've been doing lower intensity step (learning dancy step ...etc.). Well, I popped in Level 2 of Hip Hop Abs on this past Saturday which was like a recovery day.....and it was a bit too much intensity for me, so I popped the level 1 Hip Hop Abs in and it was much better. My HR was probably low to midrange -- 125-140 and hit 150 a few times, but I kept an eye on it and lowered my intensity.

So in summary, you could probably get a pretty good moderately intense workout, as long as you're good at using big movements and experienced with what gets your HR up. I suppose if you just wanted to veg in your comfy clothes, you could pop the Level 1 one in and follow the lower impact version.

The only thing I really don't like is that it cost sort of a lot to get the entire package and I don't really think you got your money's worth. Also, the weight/cardio DVDs (which I haven't done yet) probably wouldn't get you that sore if you're used to lifting Cathe weights. I use the Turbo Jam ones with weights sometimes just for a change and I usually don't get sore. I guess it would make a good add on to another workout though. I've yet to try this yet....but I've been thinking about it.

Thanks. You are at a higher level than I am for Cardio that is for sure! I am sorry to hear about your job. I hope you get another one soon (and a better one). I did think that the price was a little high for this DVD set. I really only want the Level 1 + 2 of the cardio to add some variety. I have 3 different set of Turbo Jam and I really only do the Cardio Party ones. I have to admit that I get bored with these so I only do them once in a while. The weights I prefer to do with Cathe. I think I will wait awhile on Hip Hop Abs. Have you ever tried the one where they teach you the Latin dances? (can't think of the name - it is endorsed by one of the "Dancing with the Stars" judges). We got about 2ft of snow today. The snowplow came around again so I have to go clear the end of the driveway again. Can't complain cause it is a good workout!

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