Has anyone tried P90X system?

Was wondering what you thought of the P90X system...the videos...diet...etc

Did you get results? compared to Cathe?

Thanks for your input:)
I'm currently doing the exercise portion of P90X - not the eating plan or supplements. I just started Phase 2 of the Classic rotation on New Year's Day. So far I've made noticeable increases in strength, and some muscle gains in my upper body – my shoulders definitely look more muscular. I can’t believe how many push-ups I can actually do now!

I think the system is a nice complement to Cathe’s workouts. I like that you work individually to maximum reps in a certain time frame more often than to a specified number reps. That makes me go to failure more often. I also love the plyometric cardio workout.

There were more threads about this set during the summer. You might try doing a search for it. Also, the Video Fitness forum has a P90X reference thread here: http://forum.videofitness.com/showthread.php?t=48711&highlight=P90x+reference

I have done 2 P90X rotations! The first time I lost 21 lbs and so far have kept it off. I didn't try their diet because the 1st rotation I had changed mine drastically to vegetarian ( Vegan, except for whey protein powder) which I know helped in the weight loss. I got results all over, but for the first time a friend told me my abs looked chiseled!! I had another person tell me although I was always fit...now I looked very lean.

Yes, there have been a few threads here about P90X, searching might help you find out some more things. It is really a great system....:)...Carole
I did a P90X rotation in August-October. I didn't follow the diet, just ate pretty much what I usually do, but maybe a bit cleaner.

I think P90X strength training is a step up from Cathe. The way the exercises are sequenced allow you to lift heavy, and there are rests/stretches (including dynamic stretches, which Tony incorrectly calls "ballistic" stretches) in each workout.

During my rotation, I got a tighter core and the lines in my abs (a 2-pack, going on a 4-pack?) are more defined. My arms are more defined. I gained strength (I never thought I'd be using a 15# dumbbell for 1-arm tricep extensions! and I went up to 35# on dumbbell lat rows) and can now do push-ups on my toes.

On the negative side, there was not enough specific glute work for me, and my back end started getting smaller and lower, which I don't like, but I added some leg presses and some floor work into the rotation, and that helped.

The yoga and stretching (both the separate stretching workout and the stretches that are in the workouts) helped my flexibility a lot.

The cardio component isn't as intense as Cathe, and in fact is rather low-key, but that's because the focus of the system is strength and muscular development.
I am on the very last week of the 90-day classic rotation. P90X is a great system and well worth getting. I got it because there were so many rave reviews from a LOT of Catheites, which is a rare thing.

I did not do the diet at all, and I subbed Cathe and various yoga workouts here and there, mostly due to time constraints. With most of the exercises, you choose the rep range and pace, and background exercisers continuously show modifications which can still be quite challenging. I'm an ecto and my main goal with this series was to increase overall strength (so I stayed in the 8-10 rep range) and gain a bit of healthy weight. Before I started the rotation, I was a geek and took before pictures and did the fitness test, and I plan on doing the fitness test and taking pictures again when I'm done this week.

As far as results go, I definitely gained strength and definition, most significantly (and surprisingly) in my core. The core is emphasized to a degree in almost every workout and this emphasis, along with the excellent workout, Ab Ripper X, really kicked my core strength up a notch. The few times I subbed a Cathe ab workout (e.g., PUB), it was much easier.

Like Kathryn said, the cardio was designed to be less strenuous. Plyo X is very good, but I didn't care for Kenpo X, so I subbed KPC or Cardio Kicks. I never tried Cardio X.

Unlike Kathryn, my butt is rounder and higher than ever, even though I pretty much did Legs & Back for my legwork. Two times, I subbed the L&G/KPC premix when I decided to combine leg work and kickboxing due to time constraints.

I got P90X from the Ya Ya Swap, but I've heard the price has come down so it's more affordable. I believe the system belongs in every advanced home exerciser's video library.
I did P90X last Spring. I got good results. My abs definitely got tighter and I think my arms and back got more defined. I didn't notice any improvement in my lower body, but I didn't notice any muscle loss either. I would say it pretty much stayed the same as when I do Cathe lower body. I didn't follow their diet because I'm a WW Lifetime member and have already been doing my own thing for years, which works for me. IMO the Plyo video was the only good cardio. CardioX and the Kickboxing one were boring to me.

All in all, it was a good switch from Cathe, but I just didn't think it was very fun. I can't say why exactly. The strength workouts were definitely hard so it's not that it wasn't a challenge, I just didn't have fun doing them. I still do the Plymetrics video and Ab Ripper X, but other than those I doubt I would go through this whole system again.

I am not crazy about Tony Horton as an instructor. He irritates me, so that's definitely part of it.
Well you've already gotten some good information regarding P90X. I too went through this system and I got some good results with my core, arms as far as my legs I would sometimes substitute one of Cathe's workouts. I wasn't getting enough for the legs, although Plyometrics was good. It's definitely an advanced workout and in my opinion well worth the money. Tony is not as great an instructor as Cathe, but then few can compare with her style and personality. For a change of pace that will be sure to give you results I would go ahead and give P90X a try. You will get results.
I just started another P90X (Lean) rotation. I still think it's one of the best (if not the best) programs out there. It's very challenging and I think, quite fun.
After my first rotation (classic), I was in the best shape I'd been in for years. It's tough and you'll probably want a change after 90 days. That's where Cathe's hardcore come in.;-)
For those that want more cardio, it suggests a doubles program where you add in an extra cardio (CardioX or other) workout 3 to 4 times a week.
About the diet, I followed it to some degree, but not 100 %, maybe 70-80%. I had a hard time getting enough protien in the first phase. The 3rd phase is close to how I eat normally.
I LOVE this series. Like Kathryn, I think P90X is a step up from Cathe. I highly recommend this series. It's one of my best investments of 2004.
Hi -

I did P90X this past summer too. I didn't follow the diet, but I tried to eat as clean as possible.

I saw lots of strength gains esp in my upper body (back and tris mostly) and core, but not so much in my lower body.

I also subbed in my own cardio (didn't care for P90X's cardio) and didn't do much of the yoga or stretching. I also tried to fit in cardio 5 days per week, but on the days of the strength training I would just do something really moderate as far as the cardio work.

What was amazing to me was that after completing the 90 days was the change in my musculature composition. Pre P90X, my muscles looked bulkier and not so lean. After P90X, my musculature looked leaner and a bit more wiry. If I could make a good analysis, my body looked more like that of a gymnast than that of a body builder. ( Not that I am even close to looking like either one ;) )

If you are looking for an extremely advanced and different from Cathe type of workout this is the ticket. It is definitely a nice complement to Cathe. But as the other posters mentioned, Tony Horton and his crew (IMHO) are nowhere as near as personable or as charismatic as Cathe and Co.

Take care, Lynn M.
P90X is worth it!! It does wonders for the core....with Ab Ripper and all those push ups (can you say "plank"?) Like the others, I sub in Cathe cuz I just can't go without her for long. But the tapes are great like that, then you don't get bored and you can do a little of everything!!

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