Has anyone tried a Belly dancing exercise video..target has it.....

I have, and I prefer the good old ab routine on the floor don't get me wrong it was a blast, and at times I had to slow down not to go over my heart rate, I just didn't find it all that much of a workout for the abs. But I do love dance workouts so I pick them up from time to time just to try. The one I'm using for a total break from normal exercising is Kathy Smith's Latin Dance, it is soo much fun and you work about every part of your body, and you can really get the heart rate up if you just let lose and follow the steps, the 20 minutes go by so quick and it is more of mind break then anything as it still gives a pretty good workout. Just some days it's nice to have a completely different workout that seems like it shouldn't be a workout, as you do the sexy moves of the cha-cha, and Salsa.

RE: Has anyone tried a Belly dancing exercise video..ta...

i've never tried the videos for this, but i did polynesian dancing for 8 years and belly dancing for about three of those years. it's kind of a workout that can sneak up on you. personally, i would recommend a tahitian dance before belly dancing, as belly dancing tends to be a bit more jiggly. both incorporate similar moves. tahitian dance is more strict and faster. don't know if there are any videos like this though.

i know they have hula videos, but hula is slower. not to say it isn't effective, but you have to work at it. such as in the chants when you spend the entire dance very low to the ground, you have to work to keep the abs in while feeling your thighs burning!

a good move to get you started is called the ommi (with a soft A sound). it is just a hip circle. not exageratted. start on your knees with your butt barely brushing your heels and do 16 circles to the right and 16 to the left. then rise up onto your feet VERY low to the ground, but still just above your heels but you are standing, do the same amount of reps both directions. next level is with your knees bent in a gentle squat, same # reps in both directions, lastly stand all the way up and do same # reps in both directioins, repeat the sequence in reverse. you will definitely feel this in your butt, lower abs, and thighs. good luck! hope you can find a good video for this.

Hi, yes I have belly dancing tapes and I take classes. The tapes I have are Discover Bellydance with Neena and Veena. They have good instruction and then you put together a finished routine. The set has 3 DVD's. Feels great on the lower back as well as the abs.

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