Has anyone had PRP therapy?


I've kind of hit the wall with the cortisone injections I've been getting in my feet. After the first two rounds I had about 50% improvement, but then I seemed to backslide & even after 2 more rounds of injections I'm right back at square one. :(

So now my podiatrist wants to try this PRP therapy, which is basically using your own blood platelets to stimulate new muscle & tendon growth. It's relatively new. I'm wondering if anyone else has tried it, & if so, was it effective?
Hey Laura -
I googled PRP therapy because I was curious about what exactly it was. So no, I haven't tried it. :D But I did find these sites that might help you in deciding. It seems like the therapy isn't always all that effective, but it depends on each person's situation. Anyhow, I hope this helps! And good luck. Painful feet make your whole body hurt.



Thanks Shannon. There's no question about it, I have to try it. We've about run out of treatment options.

Elaine, yes, I have PF. Also tendonitis & heel spurs. He says the PRP should help the PF & tendonitis. The heel spurs aren't so bad so I think if I could clear up these other two issues cardio might just be fun again. ;)
If I'm not mistaken, it's not heel spurs that cause pain, rather they are the result of the chronic tension and inflammation of the plantar fascia where it attaches to the heel.

I can't comment on PRP, but I have had a very tough time with PF. After all conservative treatment methods where exhausted surgery was recommended, on my left foot about 2 years ago and just last December for the other.

Both surgeries were successful and I am currently running 4 miles on my TM three times a week and doing some Cathe cardio here and there as well.

Oh. And I've been hiking every weekend too.

I wasn't thrilled with the idea of having surgery, but it's depressing living with foot pain.

I hope you find the solution to your problem sooner rather than later!

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