Has anyone had an MRI?


I have to have one done early this afternoon. It was just set up yesterday. I am nervous because I am clautrophobic. I hold my breath even when I take my shirt over my head. If it gets stuck I start to panic (and I keep holding my breath). I have to have the MRI done on my head. I have problems with headaches and with lightheadedness. They are looking at my brain and my sinuses. I am going though my closet trying to find something that doesn't have snaps, zippers, buttons, etc. I had to resort to a workout bra since all my bras have underwires in them. I can't wear eye makeup either. Has anyone had this done and how was it? Do you get to listen to music or do you lay in there in silence? Any suggestions so I don't go crazy? Does the test take long?

Sorry for the long winded post but I do that when I am nervous!:)
Hi Sabrina,

I've never had an MRI, but my Dad has had several and he is extremely claustrophobic. He has to take Valium before having an MRI - even if it's in one of those open MRI machines. Sooo... if the closed space becomes a problem for you, ask them for some Valium (but you'll need someone to drive you home from the test!).

Sorry I'm not much help - but just wanted to let you know you're not the only one who gets nervous about MRIs, and if the closed space really gets to you, there are things they can do to help you. Good luck, and I hope they are able to find out what's wrong with your head and get you all fixed up! :D
I thought that they now have open ones? Anyway, the valium sounds like a great solution. You'll be so relaxed, you won't care what's going on.

I've had MRIs and they don't bother me at all. Good luck!
I have had dozens. This is what I do:
1. Bring an eye mask if you are claustrophobic. Just make sure it is NON metallic. Nothing metallic may go into the magnet. If you cannot get a mask ask for a small towel to be draped over your eyes. WHat you cant see in this case is good, because then you cant get scared.
2. Dont take drugs you may be talked to during the MRI.
3. Wear comfy socks so your feet dont get cold.
4. If you have a pair of stratch pants like in the Cathe videos you can usually get away with wearing those in to the MRI. You may have to argue your case, but you will feel more human in actual clothing. It als depends what area of your body is going for the MRI.
5. GO to the bathroom before going to the MRI.

Dont panic, the MRI is there to HELP you in the long run. Keep thinking about that while inside.
Hi Sabrina,

I've had a couple and it was not nearly as bad as I thought. I had gotten myself all worked up and believing I would panic and make them stop the test, etc.. and mine wasn't an open type and it still wasn't bad. When it is going over your face as yours will, just keep your eyes closed and think relaxing things. I imagined I was vacationing on the beach.....that ALWAYS relaxes me. :)
My doctor did offer a valium, but I didn't take it.
They did turn on music for me and asked what station, what volume etc, I wanted and really it wasn't bad.
If you really can't find clothes w/o the zippers, etc. they will have you put on a hospital gown. The thought of that made me find something really quick!!! :)
I've been through MRI's, CT scans, PET scans and survived them all......YOU WILL TOO!!!!!! Just remind yourself how lucky you are its a non-evasive test. No pain at all!!
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I still say go for the valium. You will still be conscious and able to talk, you'll just feel relaxed.

-Druggie Nancy :+
Thanks Emily, Nancy, Suzanne, Becky! I appreciate the vote of confidence!

I found some lounge wear that will work and a workout bra. Good enough and it should be comfy. That is the best part. Hopefull it will be a little cool in the room. I notice if I get warm it makes me get more uncomfortable in places. I have no idea if the machine is open or closed. I will vote for open. I hope there is music so I don't lay they and think about being in the tube. Mayb I will have to visit your beach Becky! Want to meet there and have a picnic?

Will let you ladies know how it went when I get back. The appointment is at 1:30 central time. Now to find something to do to keep my mind off of it until then!:)
Sabrina- if you're anything like me, the anticipation is always the worst part. Find something VERY distracting to keep your mind busy until it's time to leave. Watch some mindless TV or play a video game. Everything will be fine! In a few hours, it will all be over. :D
Nancy-Sounds like a good time to play Bejeweled 2 on my PDA!! LOL! Too bad I can't take that in there with me, it is very addicting and you lose track of the time.
Perfect Sabrina! I LOVE Bejeweled. Also, reruns of Friends always works well for me. Try both together. :+
I asked if it was okay to close my eyes and I closed them and breathed as focusedly and deeply as possible. It was noisy but as Nancy said, the anticipation was worse than the procedure. I think valium is a great idea and tell the technician you're claustrophobic. I am sure you will not be the first claustrophobe they've had and they can help. Good luck. It went very quickly! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
I had an MRI done a couple years ago what I did that helped me was before they started I closed my eyes and practiced my breathing and then I never opened them so therefore my brain image was of not being closed in it si loud but you wear headphones and listen to music remember to keep calm like after a good workout just relax and breath it doesn't take long especially if you lie still I think the y woudl give you valium or xanax if you have driver that also would work I am very claustrophobic and did fine good luck!
Sabrina - I have no advice to offer, but just wanted to say that I'll be thinking of you, and please let us know how it went.:)
Yes Sabrina, a picnic sounds great!!! We'll be so busy catching those hot summer rays and scarfing down all the goodies in the cooler, you won't have time to think about the test.

You really WILL be okay and now you know all of us are thinking about you and I'm adding a prayer that they find what the problem is and can fix it fast and you are back to feeling 100% in no time!!

Here's a suggestion for you , to keep your mind off it until you have to go........ do CATHE workouts until its time for your MRI, you'll be so exhausted you'll SLEEP through it !!!! :D

Good luck!
Becky-That is so funny that you brought up the Cathe workout because I was sitting wondering that if I mentally done one while in the MRI if it would count as a workout. LOL!!! Too bad it doesn't work that way! What sounds good for the picnic? COOKIES!?!! Chocolate chips ones fresh out of the oven!!! MMMMMMM!! Maybe I should just think about those. If I think about them too much though I will end up having to have one.

I am glad you all will be thinking of me. That helps. It is one of thouse things you don't know what to hope for. There has to be something there that is giving me headaches all the time but you also hope they don't find anything at the same time. Maybe it will end up being my sinuses and I will have to take some medicine at that is it. What is so funny is that we took my oldest son yesterday for his 5th grade physical thinking he was going to have to have a shot and I was the one that got it plus another. One for each hip. Steroids for my sinuses. I wonder if there is a differnce and what this will do with me lifting weights? I don't know a lot about steroids.

I will let you all know how it goes. Also let you all know what the results are when I get them. Have to see how long that will take.

Thanks Everyone!!!
I had one.
I'm not claustrophobic, so it wasn't a problem.
It's quite loud at times. I just closed my eyes and tried to imagine what the clanking noises could be: I ended up imagining a metallic woodpecker!
do CATHE workouts until its time for
>your MRI, you'll be so exhausted you'll SLEEP through it !!!!

Or go over the choreography of a Cathe workout in your mind while you're haviing the MRI done. That could distract you.
This is what helped me too. I had one a few months ago. They put a cloth over my eyes before I went in, and from that point on I imagined being in a big dark open space and focused on my breathing. It really helped - I was so relaxed by the end I was half asleep! I did not open my eyes one time, so I never felt claustrophobic.

It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be.

Xanax was an option as well, which I would recommend if you really feel uncomfortable.

I'd also recommend going for the closed MRI. My BF's brother is a radiologist and he says the open MRIs are not as good.

Good luck!!! Do a mental Stretch Max!!
I have had a CT scan - it's a totally different set up. There's nothing to be claustrophobic about with a CT scan (at least when I had it done) - it's just a big ring around a table and you lie on the table. For my particular CT scan, they had to inject iodine into my blood vessels for contrast and I had to PEE SO BAD very soon after the iodine was injected (your kidneys will process the stuff quick). That was the worst part - trying to lie there while having to pee really bad. I kept saying to the nurse "I REALLY have to pee!" and she was like "Oh just a few more minutes". ACK! As soon as that test was over, I grabbed my little IV wheelie-stand and RAN to the bathroom. What a relief that was! :p Other than the need-to-pee issue, the CT scan was no big deal.

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