Well a while back there were several discussions about self tanning lotions. I was impressed by what others were saying and I bought some and tried it and was happy that I finally could get some color. I applied it in several applications to get a nice soft glow (I'm fairly pale) before I went on vacation. While on vacation I went swimming and it started rubbing off in the pool. When I came in and showered I tried to scrub as much off as possible but the color still came off on the hotel towel which was of course white. At home I never noticed this, but I don't have white towels either. So I'm wondering if it was from the chlorine in the pool or what. I know that self tanners aren't permanent, but I didn't know that they would come off from swimming. I figured it would come off in a week or so on its own, if I didn't reapply. Anyone else experience this and is there a way to prevent it? I sure liked having color and would like to be able to keep it even if I swim.