Has anyone ever tried Nutrisystem

My friend and my brother both tried it. Neither stayed on it long term but both said that a month or two was a good "restart" to their diets b/c of the controlled portions and the glycemic index concentration. Both did lose weight on their brief stints and continued their loss afterwards with plans more along the lines of weight watchers (while still focusing on the Glycemic index).
Thanks for your post! It just seems easier to have all your meals already done for you considering time constraints are always an issue!
My sister tried it and she said "No wonder people lose weight, the food is tastes awful!" I had been tempted too before I heard that!
LA Weightloss--long

I've been doing LA Weightloss for the last 7 months. I LOVE IT! I make all of my own meals using all of my own ingredients & have found it to be easy to follow. The initial outlay is very expensive. You are required to pay for the entire program up front. The way it works is that they calculate how much you want to lose, divide that by 2 (2 lbs a week), add 2 weeks to allow wiggle room--add 6 weeks to that for "stabilizing" your diet, then add 52 weeks for learning to maintain your weight (I'm in maintenance for 10 weeks now). Multiply that by the cost of the program -- I think they are advertising $7/week right now. Then they sell you LA Lites. These are bars that have about 160 to 200 calories with an average of 8 grams of protein. Some of the bars are DELISH!!! They have about 10 different flavors but I only like 4 of them. There are a few that I find absolutely horrible.

The program basically tells you how many proteins, starches, dairies, fats, how many LA Lites & condiments to eat every day. They determine these by how heavy you are to start & what your activity level is. You can mix these up any way you want as long as you are eating all of what they tell you to eat each day.

I found the weightloss period to be very restrictive & after 12 weeks gave up & went into stabilization. But I did lose 19 lbs that I couldn't shake before. Now that I'm in maintenance I have found it much easier to stick with because I can eat a lunch-size bag of potato chips & not get lectured & I'm actually losing again (just lost 3 more lbs).

The support is only okay at my center. The women there are all overweight & have not lost any weight since I started going there in June. This tells me they don't put into practice what they are selling & I don't like that (in fact have thought about complaining to corporate). How can you tell me not to eat something when it is obvious that you don't even follow your own advice? But I digress...they also don't really know how to make the program work with a good fitness program. I overhead a woman asking "I'm going to start going to the gym, what are your thoughts on pre & post-workout nutrition?" Yes, she really asked that way which lead me to believe she is an educated exerciser. I specifically listened for the response. The response was, "well, you could eat before your workout so long as you allow plenty of time that you don't cramp & you can eat anything on program after your workout." Um, yeah, whatever that means. But there was no specific "eat this much protein before & this many carbs after" or anything like that.

So, why do I still go if the counselors suck so bad? Because the program itself has taught me to eat clean--something I wasn't able to grasp without it. I needed someone to keep me honest & paying for it did that. And when I signed up (I don't know if this is a policy for everyone), I got a plan that if I stay within 2 lbs of my goal weight (which I have so far) I will get $100 back after maintaining for 6 months & another $100 after the year is up (that's nearly 1/2 what I paid for the program).

And most importantly it works & I was never hungry like I was with Weight Watchers.
I started Nutrisystem in January...was on it until about 2 wks ago. I've lost about 20 pounds, which is pretty much what I wanted to lose. I think (most of) the food is great! It's not bad price-wise either, when you consider you're getting breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack. It's just what I needed to get me "jump-started." Since I've stopped it, I've really seen a difference in portion control (as opposed to how I was eating before NS) with the "regular" food I've gone back on! I highly recommend it! :)
Okay, where did you get your food, from Nutrisystem or QVC? I am eyeing up the "weekends off" package on QVC.com. I need to lose about 15 lbs, and figure a month of Nutrisystem could give me a good jump start. How much did you eat outside of the Nutrisystem meals? They recommend fruits and vegetables in addition to their meals, just wondering how much. Also, are the extra snacks worth picking up, or just stick with what they offer? TIA!

Hi Sally :) I ordered mine through Nutrisystem by phone...I've heard of the QVC deal...sounds like a pretty good one...mine was the extra (5th) week free the first month.

I added 2 fruits and 2 vegetables per day. There are some unlimited veggies (lettuce, celery, etc.). I can truly say I wasn't hungry on the diet. :)
Thanks, Sally. :)

You may get something off if you say a friend referred you...not sure, but I think that's how it works. If you decide to call them to order, let me know and I'll give you my name to use! :)
>Congrats on your weight loss BTW. Is there a coupon out
>there for nutrisystem buddies? Just curious...

I am currently on Nutrisystem and can give you the "Buddy Bucks" referral coupon for $30.00 off. :7 All I would need is your email address. If you are interested, you can email me at my Nutrisystem email tndrkiss4u at hotmail dot com. ;-) I'd be happy to help.
*raises hand* Me, Me, Me!!! :7

I have been on it since September 23, 2006. :7 I have lost 26 pounds so far and only am 10 away from goal!!!!!!!!!!

They say the average cost a day is about $10.00. They are correct. The food, surprisingly, is rather tasty. Out of the entire program's selection, there are only about six that I do not care for too much.

The program is very easy to follow. (It's like having your own personal chef) It takes the guess work out of menu planning. You do add in your own fruits and vegetables. I was NEVER hungry!

For anyone looking to start Nutrisystem and are first time customers, I can offer "Buddy Bucks" which is a $30.00 off coupon. In exchange for your referral and sign up, I, too, also receive $30.00 off. The referral program is great because you can offer them on Ebay. Of course you cannot say the auction is free anymore. If you word it right, you can get them to just email you and supply the email address. Anyway, because of this referral program and my doing it on Ebay, I have not had to pay for last month's order! Pretty nice, huh? I am actually a walking advertisement. Three of my fellow co-workers just joined because of my success.

I also have this WONDERFUL website that I can share with you that offers product reviews of all the foods from people who are actually on the program. This is how I placed my first two orders. :) It worked out really well.

If you have any questions with the program, I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge. The programs is GREAT and really does work!!!!! This program has really taught me about portion control and I have no doubts in my mind that once I am off Nutrisystem that I will be not be able to do it on my own because I KNOW I WILL BE ABLE TO! :)

Fitfully your's,

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