Has anybody here tried juicing? (Montel William's HealthMaster)


...By juicing, I mean using a high powered blender like the new Montel Williams Health Master for liquidfying fruits and vegetables for drinks and soups. I guess this blender will even cook your soups for you as you make them. Has anybody out there done this and has it been beneficial in regards to your weight, energy, and overall mood...I've been tempted to purchase one in order to help take out some of the added sugar and unneeded preservatives in my diet. Also, by juicing with the Health Master, you leave in the fruits/vegetables seeds, etc. which are full of vitamins which we do not normally ingest. Anyway, has anybody tried this? :)

BTW...1st post! :cool:
I watched this infomercial yesterday:eek: I was trying to figure out why Montel was selling blenders. It does look neat with the heating feature. Then he served them up some brown sewer sludge and the men didn't look too happy about it. Then I changed the channel. A blender that heats is a cool idea, though. Other than that, I'm not sure how its any more special than any other blender. I think my blender is my least used kitchen thing. I love smoothies and all, but its a big pain in the butt to take it apart and clean. I actually have a smoothie maker (it was a gift) and a blender. The smoothie make comes out maybe 2x a year, and the blender probably less. I'm just always wary of infomercial things. Sham-wow anybody?

Oh, and welcome to the boards!

I don't know anything about the Health Master, but it sounds like a knock off of the Vitamix (which I have ) or Blendtec, the two 'blenders on steroids' that have been around for a quite a while and have a reliable reputation. The Vitamix will blend greens and fruit into a creamy smoothie consistency, will make frozen sorbets or ice creams using frozen fruit or liquids and ice, and even heat soup (if the liquid is blended long enough--the friction is what causes it to heat up).

I've been making green smoothies almost daily for about 3 months, and I feel they give me more energy and nutrition. It's definitely a nutrient-dense/low calorie food that can help with weight loss or maintenance.

If you do a search for "Vitamix" and/or "green drink," you'll find some other threads about it.
Well, my healthmaster is on it's way, I'll let you know what I think of it after I use a few times...Till then. ;)
I watched the infomercial this morning and was interested also. Please let us know what you think when it arrives and you have had a chance to try it. Looking forward to hearing about it!
I love green smoothies and they do give you such a boost! To anyone that cares the web site www.crazysexylife.com and www.therawdivas.com have alot of info on green smoothies. The Crazy Sexy Life site has info on juicing too. Juicing takes out the fiber so it is supposed to be more digestable. so juicing in a juicer is different than using a vitamix or the sort. Alot of people with immune deseases and especially cancer think it helps to make the vitamins more available and easier to digest. They talk alot of it on the CSL site..Didn't Montel have cancer? I assume that is why he is on the juicing bandwagon! I myself have a vitamix and make yummy thick smoothies!! Even my family will eat spinach in smoothies!! :p
Also, check out Victoria Boutenko's "Green for Life" (about the benefits of green smoothies). You can also find some videos about them on youtube.com showing some combos. www.greensmoothiegirl.com also has a lot of helpful info.

Let us know how the blender works. If it's anywhere close to as good as a Vitamix (though I'm skeptical because of the price), it's a great deal!
I watched the infomercial this morning and was interested also. Please let us know what you think when it arrives and you have had a chance to try it. Looking forward to hearing about it!

It has arrived today!..It's time to start chopping!...I will keep you posted. :)

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