Harry Potter site--WARNING: spoiler

I just love reading all of the speculation! I'm so frustrated that there's another two years before we find out what happens...
Isn't it annoying?! x(

Anyhow, I love all the theories on that site. Some of them are really interesting and seem quite plausible.
I finished the book and said, "Ah, no that's too pat. Please tell me that she hasn't given in to the obvious!!" I had to talk to everyone who has read it to ask their opinion (which was rather interesting... You learn a lot about people by asking such a question).

I just re-read the entire series - how nerdy of me - and I am about 175 pages into it. I'm going to read it a bit more carefully. We'll see what I find...
I read the entire series again before this latest book came out, so count me in as a Potter nerd. :) Friend of a friend put forth the theory that Harry himself is a horcrux. I'm not sure about that one--wouldn't it mean that Harry has to die to get rid of the piece of Volde's soul that he carries in him? Also, neither can fully? truly? live while the other is alive...just not sure about it.
Another Potter nerd here:+ ! Yes Christine it is aggravating to have to wait another 2 years to see what happens....but I guess we have to give the woman a little bit of a break before starting the next book, LOL!! No, I don't buy the theory that Harry himself is a horcrux, but I do like a few of the theories on that website; they seem more than plausible. Even before I went to this site, I was wondering whether or not Dumbledore was TRULY dead.......hmmm!

Ok, now to help me pass the time waiting for the last one to come out I am going to re-read the entire series!!
Funny thing--I went to lunch today with a friend I haven't seen in ages, and it turns out she is a HP freak, too!

She sent me a few web sites. :)

www.the-leaky-cauldron.org Go to Leaky Lounge Forum; Flourish and Blotts; The Princely Nook

She thinks that Dumbledore is definitely dead, though will come back in some spirit of some sort to help Harry. Or possibly, Dumbledore's brother, Albefore?, who is the bartender of the seedy bar in Hogsmeade, will help Harry.

I'm so impatient for the answers, I want to write the book myself--but then it wouldn't be the "real" answers.
I don't think Dumbledore is dead, and I don't think Snape is bad - think he's a kind of double agent and they're orchestrating everything very carefully to lull Voldemort into thinking Harry is his only real foe. But I do think Hogwarts will somehow stay open or re-open and eventually Snape will be the next headmaster. Call me crazy. I wrote down that theory and sent it to me neice, who is convinced Snape is evil and Dumbledore really dead. We'll see in 2 years.

Bunbun thanks for all those links!!! I'll be diving right into those lol! I am thinking that if Dumbledore really is dead, then he very well may come back to help poor Harry... jeez he's already lost so many people that were there to protect him.

Lorrie, as much as I hate Snape and have always had my suspicions about him since day one....I am reluctantly thinking the same thing. Dumbledore HAD to have a reason to have this unwavering, total faith in him even when all signs pointed otherwise. Well Hogwarts better stay open at least one more year, otherwise we would have no final book:p !!

Oh and I just have to say this......I am thrilled that Harry got together with Ginny....I've always thought they would make a great match:D....I was annoyed with him when he broke up with her, although I can see where he is coming from.

So, I just bought the Prisoner of Azkaban movie and am now going to watch it...again:+ What did you all think of the latest movie??
I'm not sure Dumbledore is dead--I waver back and forth on it. It might be that he was dying already (remember he had the burned hand that the book kept describing as dead). But Snape is obviously on Dumbledore's side. Interesting theory about Snape being the next headmaster--I think you may be right on that. The Leaky Cauldron forum also has a theory on it that the reason Snape is loyal is because he loved Lily. Also some folks think he was there the night that Voldemort killed James and Lily.

I can't believe I am getting so involved in these books! I mean, I love the books, and they're loads of fun--but they're on a very simplistic level compared to say, Tolkien. Also, Rowling tends to "cheat" a lot by suddenly dropping in totally new elements without any prior warning--eg, suddenly in this book there are horcruxes whereas noone bothered to mention that before, though they talked extensively about Voldemort cheating death. And in the next book, she said in an interview that Harry having his mother's eyes is going to be important. So instead of it being a sweet, universal truth--he has his mother's eyes and his parents will always be a part of who he is (something we can all relate to)--suddenly it's going to be this magical property that never before surfaced in any of the 6 books. Anyhow, getting down off my soap box now. It's a personal pet peeve against what I see as sloppy and lazy writing in books I otherwise love--don't lynch me. :)

I watched Prisoner of Azkaban last night, too. It is actually my favorite movie of the 3--I like it because of all the scenery outside the castle--it's gorgeous. DBF likes Chamber of Secrets best and that's a close second for me--Kenneth Branagh does such a fantastic job in it. Oh, and those web sites I posted have a link to the trailer for the next movie, which is out Nov 18. Yay!
Yeah I find the the theory that Snape could be the next headmaster interesting too. But, isn't Prof. McGonnagal the new headmistress as she was deputy headmistress while Dumbledore was alive?? I thought she would automatically become headmistress unless it has to go through the board or something for a vote..

No Bunbun no lynching here LOL......just because we love these books doesn't mean we can't critique the auther....she is human and not above reproach:D !I would think the same thing.

I know what you mean, I am another one here who cannot believe how involved I've become with these books as well...they are a relatively easy read but I've become so attached to all the characters over the past few years. I think she has done a superb job of having the characters develop/grow realistically.

Yes, Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite so far also, the scenery is simply BREATHTAKING!! Hmm although i think they left a lot out...I know I know it's a movie and they can't possibly include everything in the book.. Oh but I enjoyed watching it last night:)! I cannot wait for Nov. 18 now lol......move over kiddies}( :p
Yep - McGonnagal is the interim headmistress, but that could change for a bunch of reasons. Can I really throw you for a loop? My DH thinks McGonnagal is aligned with Voldemort. This he says, is the last thing you'd ever expect, and I agree with that. But that's what he's calling for. As I said, we'll see in 2 more years. Guess we'll all be theorizing for about that long anyway.

Ooh...McGonnagal as evil--now that would be a shock! I'd be really disappointed in the character, but I wouldn't put it past Rowling to pull something like that!
Whoa, yes that would be a complete shocker!! I would also be completely disappointed in the character as well. I hope not! I like her character a lot, but we'll see what Rowling has up her sleeves in 2 years. Oh the suspense!
I think Dumbledore is dead, but will help Harry through his portrait in the office. I would find it very difficult to believe if Snape becomes the next headmaster. I would be more willing to believe that part of the plot will be Harry's understand of why Snape did what he did (I do not think Snape is evil - I think he's not a nice man, but he's not evil) and perhaps rescueing him from the prison (can't spell it).

Malfoy still has a part to play. He did not fulfill Voldemort's wishes, but they were carried out, so I think he'll be spared. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up dying in the last book - although I think it may be in away different than expected.

You know, I agree that these stories are not Tolkien or even great epic novels, but they are well written, very entertaining, and hero is very "boy next door". There is something about these books that just have fired my imagination.
Yes, I think it must be revealed why Snape did what he did. As Snape isn't exactly Mr. Cuddles, it is so much easier to just think he is a vicious death eater (I know that's what I keep wanting to believe!)than to think that he really is deserving of the faith Dumbledore put in him and that despite outward appearances could be another one of Dumbledore's men through and through.

Now it would be very interesting to find out what ends up happening to Malfoy.......now granted I have no love lost for him but I almost start to feel just a tiny bit of pity for him at the end and I think that if the rest of the death eaters had barged in a minute later instead of when they did, he might have actually taken Dumbledore up on his offer of protection. Now this is Voldemort we are talking about here so just because the deed was done doesn't necessarily mean Malfoy will be spared; Voldemort has killed for far less than someone not following his orders down to the last letter.
Very cool website! From the minute he finished, my husband maintained that Dumbledore is not dead. I have to agree that all the theories & clues are compelling, but I guess there's part of me that still thinks it's too good to be true. On the other hand, I was very convinced at the end of the book that Snape was still working for Dumbledore. I think it really hit home when he became so enraged at Harry calling him a coward... Snape has always been one of the most interesting characters to me, and I cannot wait to find out in the end what his deal is & what makes him tick. Now, the idea that he loved Lily or that he was present when the Potters were killed are both good theories, IMHO. And the idea that Harry himself is the last Horcrux??? WOW!

Oh, one other suspicion of mine... There is much more to Scrimgeour (the new Minister of Magic) than we saw in the last book! Good grief... I really don't know how I'm going to wait another two years.
Yes Skoobie I think that if Snape really were a true Death Eater and aligned with Voldemort, then he would have made some SERIOUS attempts to kill Harry, especially after Harry called him a coward. The idea that Snape loved Lily may very well have some merit because if you notice, while he screams bloody hell about James all the time, I don't recall him ever having said one cross word about Lily. In fact I dont' remember if he's ever mentioned her name throughout the six books.

I really don't know if Harry being the last Horcrux makes much sense because if Voldemort were to kill Harry, wouldn't he in essence be killing himself? That would defeat the entire purpose of splitting his soul!

Yeah I don't know how I'll be able to wait another 2 years too!! Can you imagine all the crazy theories that will have developed by then??!!
Don't forget Snape muttering a countercurse in The Sorcerer's Stone, putting himself between the kids and the werewolf in Prisoner of Azkaban (or was that just the movie?), stopping Harry from using an unforgiveable curse in this newest book. I think that Snape is protecting Harry--maybe he made an unbreakable vow to protect him? or maybe he is just doing it because of his feelings for Lily. Either way, it could also explain why he picks on and seems to hate Harry so much--he is too much like James and not enough like Lily.

Wow...another obsession. Sigh. I am NOT going to register on those Harry Potter forums--I spend too much time here as it is!

I don't think Harry is the last Horcrux, either. Especially since to really kill off Voldemort, you'd have to kill Harry, no? And there will be riots if Rowling does that!
That's right I forgot all about that countercurse in the sorcerer's stone....well since I will be rereading the entire series, I might uncover even more clues now that I have more of an idea of what to look for LOL!!! I could now see him making an unbreakable vow to protect Harry. But I really don't think he's quite the carbon copy of his father that Snape makes him out to be....while James seemed to have been quite the hellraiser and loved causing mischief, Harry gets into all kinds of trouble not because he loves trouble but because he has to do what he has to do to try to defeat Voldemort. He also appears to have inherited Lily's kindness as he doesn't relish picking on/making fun of people as James did.

LOL, OMG I know there is no way I can register on those forums either!! I am actually thinking of buying this black t shirt off of one of the sites, I think it's the Leaky Cauldron.....On the front in white lettering it says"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" then the back says "mischief managed"....it's cute and comes in baby doll sizes for women. I know...oh man!!

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