Hardocore Fitness Maniacs for Tues Nov 20

Suz, I could never understand why people think it is ok to comment on someone being thin, but take offense about their weight. For one thing isn't it wrong to make comments about someones appearance unless it is good. Maybe in some way they think saying someone is thin is a compliment. No, I am just taking the mashed potatoes and the family traditional fruit salad. DD and her husband are doing Thanksgiving. I don't think I would want to do a whole Thanksgiving dinner again.

I am really sleepy today. Must be all of that turkey:) Waiting for dh to come home. He called and is doing some security thing that is keeping him late.

Suz, I could never understand why people think it is ok to comment on someone being thin, but take offense about their weight. For one thing isn't it wrong to make comments about someones appearance unless it is good. Maybe in some way they think saying someone is thin is a compliment. No, I am just taking the mashed potatoes and the family traditional fruit salad. DD and her husband are doing Thanksgiving. I don't think I would want to do a whole Thanksgiving dinner again.

I am really sleepy today. Must be all of that turkey:) Waiting for dh to come home. He called and is doing some security thing that is keeping him late.

Diane Sue - I don't get it either. Some people say it in a "concerned motherly" way and other people say it in a not so nice way, if you know what I mean. I don't understand how people think it's their business. And some of these people I only see once a month or so, so it's not like we're really close.

I'm glad you're not cooking a whole meal again. I can't imagine! I'm sorry your DH is hung up at work. They do get into the most interesting things, don't they? :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Today's Chest/Back/Cardio

STRIVE CHEST PRESS: 15x70, 2x12x75
+5 on this one tonight. I've exploded on the chest press over the past few weeks! For the longest time I would not gain on this exercise


CABLE FLY: 3x12x25

ASST CHIN: 3x12x120
It is going to be a long time 'till I do very well on this one. The last set was a struggle. I have to remind myself that I started at 140; I did gain 20 lbs. from the initial weight.



CARDIO: 25 minutes on the treadmill, hills, 3.6 mph, incline 0-7, 180 cals burned
Since I am doing keto I may have to tone the cardio down some.
I'm just sick right now. My DH just told me these 2 guys were arrested today for killing a German Shepherd (sp?) puppy for pooping on the floor. He said they did some pretty bad things to the puppy before they killed it. He knows better than to tell me sad animal stories. :( Somebody took pictures and turned the guys in THANK THE LORD. I believe animal cruelty is a felony here. I wish he wouldn't have told me. He thought he was doing a good thing by telling me these guys got busted. That is good. But I wish I didn't know the rest.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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