Hardest Upper Body Mish-Mosh


So I think it's fairly safe to say that the chest work from Gym Styles is Cathe's toughest chest workout. For biceps I think it's either ME or PUB. If we take the hardest of the hardest what upper body mish mosh would you come up with??

Chest...Gym Style
Biceps...ME or PUB

I'm interested to see what we can come up with for a "CTX Upper Body 2"
This is a tough call. I think if you go as heavy as you can during PP, PUB, S&H, GS, MIS's upper body section, or PS - then any of these could be viewed as the 'toughest'. Okay, this is what I'd say:

1. Chest - Gym Style (I agree!)
2. Back - Pure Strength (going as heavy as possible) or CTX
3. Shoulders - PUB (using 8-10-12-10-8, or whatever challenging weights work for you)
4. Biceps - Gym Style or PS for strength (I think CTX is the TOUGHEST in terms of endurance, tougher than ME or PUB); for strength, I find GS to be tough as there are so many excercises available (and Cathe uses 20lbs for concentration curls!) and in PS's biceps section, Cathe starts with a 45lb. barbell!
5. Triceps - GS is tough for me. (CTX is tough in terms of endurance.) For me, the toughest tricep excercise there is is tricep pushups. I also think skull crushers (or lying barbell extensions) are very tough, so for me, Power Hour's tricep section is a doozy.

I think it all depends on how heavy you go. I can get a great upperbody workout with PP or SS simply by going as heavy as possible. I love to use all 5 CTX sections back-to-back as a strength workout (instead of the intended endurance workout). For Chest, I use a 45 or 50lb barbell and go slower than Cathe. I use heavier dumbells and instead of doing the set of dumbell presses that she does, I do two sets of flies. For Back, I use a 45lb barbell for the rows and take longer rests between the sets. For the one arm row drop sets, instead of using 20,15, and 10, I use 25,20, and 15. For shoulders, I use 12lbs during the giant set of side laterals, rear flies, and front raises. For biceps, I pretty much use what Cathe uses but I do try to go heavier on the alternating rotation curls and the concentration curls (if I can). For triceps, I go heavier for the lying extensions and I like to 12lbs for the superset of one-arm overhead presses and kickbacks. Again, it's all based on how heavy you can go, and what your goals are. Somedays I like to do endurance, but I still try to go as heavy as I can while keeping up with Cathe's speed and maintaining proper form.
For me, these are the toughest for STRENGTH work:
chest: yes, GS, definitely
back: PS + a few sets of chin-ups/pull-ups
shoulders: MIS and PUB
biceps: GS and MIS
triceps: GS and PS (going as heavy as possible with PS)

chest: PH
back: PUB and CTX
shoulders: CTX (going as heavy as possible)
biceps: PUB and ME
triceps: PH and CTX (also as heavy as possible)


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