Hardcore vs. P90X??


I just got my Hardcore DVDs today, and after a few quick previews, I can tell I will LOVE LOVE LOVE them! For those of you with P90X, how does Hardcore compare in terms of intensity?? I may purchase those in the future (primarily because I want to develop my lat width a tiny bit, and I'm curious as to how the whole pullup workout is laid out), but I'm curious to see what you Catheites think???

I did GS chest and tri for the first time yesterday and I've found it a little more intense than P90X because of the faster pace, but the # of reps are about the same or close to it. I just loved GS yesterday! I'll do GS back tomorrow. See if Cathe can beat all those pull ups in P90X.... Mari
So far, I think HC will be more intense because P90X has a longer rest between sets. I clocked it and the rest between some of the HC gymstyle sets is around 15 seconds, that is short since you are working the same muscle group again. I like the fact that Cathe does one bodypart before she moves onto the next and P90X combines bodyparts so that we can lift heavier. I am glad HC is not exactly like P90X, I think this way they complement each other.
The longer rest periods in P90X enables you to give it your all for every single set. Cathe's shorter rest periods makes it impossible. In my unbiased opinion, the P90X strength workouts are definitely more challenging and Cathe's cardio is definitely more challenging than P90X's cardio.

I personally think that both series will complement each other quite nicely, and this is what I was hoping for. I think doing one week of the HC's followed by a week of P90X would be a great rotation. When I do this, I will replace the drop set push-ups in the GS workout, and replace it with dumbbell work.
>I personally think that both series will complement each other
>quite nicely, and this is what I was hoping for. I think
>doing one week of the HC's followed by a week of P90X would be
>a great rotation.

That is exactly what I had in mind. Cathe builds endurance and P90X builds strength.
I agree with Kepi and Fanni.

By the way, I just posted a "P90X-like" rotation for Hardcore in the rotations forum (the last weeks are a departure from the P90X type of set-up, but the first weeks and recovery week are pretty close to the way P90X sets things up...though I still think P90X is better for building muscle, I will give the HC series a try in the same way I did P90X and see what happens!)
Thanks for all of the input. I definitely like Cathe's shorter rests in her strngth training workouts - it gets my heart rate up, plus I don't want to get larger muscles per se, just more toned . But I do like variety and I'm willing to try anything..so if I were to invest in a few P90X workouts - which would you recommend? All of the strength training ones? Yoga? Kenpo?
>I saw that rotation, Kathryn. Would you mind posting your
>progress with this rotation?

I probably won't get to it for a while, and I don't plan to necessarily do the "cardio focused" part of it, but I'll post once I've done a good 3 weeks of it.
What Kepi said rang a bell in my head! Now I know why I can do all the pushups in the P90X workouts and go real heavy with the weights doing the upper body work, yet whenever I do a Cathe strength workout I have to cut down drastically on the pushups and use less weight. At first I thought it was a psychological issue I had with Cathe. But the the rest periods being so much longer in P90X does make all the difference!

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