Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Tues July 11


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90X Plyo X while listening to Buckcherry. I modified parts of the higher impact jumps on the rebounder because of my back and neck. I was really flying high up on the tuck jumps and flew off of the rebounder and into the stereo......yikes...I could have gotten hurt. I have to be more careful. I've been waiting for the day that would happen. My DH won't even jump high on it cuz he always goes flying off. You also have to be careful you don't hit your head on the ceiling also. Of course, I jumped, jogged or rebounded during the small breaks...till the very end when I ended up taking 2 small breaks with them. I had to laugh though, cuz right before the gap jumping section....during the break where Tony is catching his breath, all of the men in the video are bent over with their hands on their knees and breathless. Remember what I was saying the other day??? So what if they have testosterone and can build muscle easier than me! LOL.

Charlotte - I heard Animals on the radio this morning and thought of you. I love that song and always have to turn it up when it comes on. It's funny that you tend to really like the songs I like also....like Crazy Bi... also! Now every time I hear Animals, I have to smirk and think of Crazy Charlotte. I wish you were coming with me on Tuesday. I think you're hubby got scared or something when he thought about us 2 maniacs together rockin' out!

Jan Jan - I feel for your DH. You haven't been around to hear me talk about it, but the hospital I work at is on the verge of going bankrupt and we've been on the local news daily. The HUGE downsizing is coming very soon and I've only got 2 years seniority. I've been really nervous, as I've lost my job a couple times over the last several years due to downsizing. It's a stressful environment to work in...especially when you're not even sure the company you work for can pay their bills on time. They have a company in there assessing the situation and trying to help save them though.....so fingers crossed.

Well, I worked my butt off yesterday (funny it's still there though) but at least the boss didn't go all Jekyl on me yet. There's always today for that...LOL!

Have great workouts. I'll try to check in later.
Hi everyone,

Today's workout was GS Biceps (I liked it better than GS shoulders) and then I did SJP hi-lo premix only. During my workout, my dog ran out in the backyard and got sprayed by a skunk, then ran back inside and jumped in bed with DH! He got up quickly to say the least. We'll have to take care of that after work.

Today I have our club's monthly bike time trial after work. It was windy yesterday so hope it won't be too bad today. It will be a 12 mile out and back effort, with 2 hills along the way (4 total). I'll wear my HRM so I won't go into my red zone and flame out LOL. I'm using a set of aero bars for the first time on a time trial. We'll see if they make a difference.

Lora, sounds like you really enjoyed your workout. You also sound more positive in your posts so guess things are better? I know about downsizing and stuff. My DH worked at the local sawmill for 30 years. They closed down a few years ago, but we'd seen the handwriting on the wall a long time before that. He ended up with a nice job at a power plant about 20 minutes drive from here, better hours, better pay, safer conditions. He only has about 5 years until retirement. We keep our fingers crossed.

Must run now,

This morning I did Pyramid Triceps and Muscle Max Triceps but since these two workouts are so similar, with Pyramids - instead of doing overhead presses with a dumbbell I did lying extensions with a barbell using 25/30/35 lbs. It was kind of a pain because I had to change the weights on the bar but I went as fast as I could and really felt it. I used a 25 lb. dumbbell for the overhead presses in MM.

Then I did abs on my Power Tower, I did three sets of 12 reps of straight leg extensions. Then I did three sets of 10 reps each side of oblique twists. I haven't been able to make my abs sore with this, I really thought I would be the first time I did these.

Then I did the step portion of IMAX 3. I love the chore in this workout, it is so fun. I was in my zone for 23 minutes and burned 148 calories. It is so humid here today, I finally turned on the air but after I worked out. I was sweating like a pig!

Jeanette - Oh thats nasty! We have a skunk around here and its been spraying every night. Horrible creatures!! I hope you can get that aweful smell out of your bed sheets and your dog.

Lora - Great workout! How do you do workouts with your own music? I want to do that when I'm weight training with Cathe but if I don't hear what she says, I'm lost. Even though I know all the workouts by heart.

Have great workouts everyone!
The boss is in a meeting!!

Netta - It's funny you should say I sound positive cuz I'm really depressed the last couple of days and having some mental problems dealing with a certain health issue that I have to make a phone call about today. I guess it sounds so positive cuz I'm trying to refrain from saying "I'm so depressed and life doesn't feel worth living anymore"......except on the upside, I am REALLY looking forward to going to that concert next week and calling of sick. That being said, I get extremely nervous when it's time to go. I'm a bit neurotic about things and until I'm actually watching the show, I'm a basket case. I'm so set in my ways and I'm "out of my element" and then I always worry about having to deal with the drunk men hitting on my 17 year old niece!! LOL. Wow.......did I just confess all of that? LOL! (Also, except for this last time, every time I lost my job, it did not move in a more positive direction. I always took a pay cut, etc. The last time, I took a paycut, but at least I got back in the hospital.....so I'm not real positive about all of this, but I'm trying to convince myself things will be okay).

Debbie - Believe it or not, I turn up the TV so loud that I can actually hear Tony a little bit and then I blast my music also, so I sort of have the best of both worlds. Although, sometimes I don't even need to hear Tony if I know a workout. I love doing my workouts this way.....however, with Cathe, I usually listen to her music cuz I like most of it, even though it's not Buckcherry!!
HI everyone,

I had a great workout this morning!:D
After every interval I did One minute (or 30 reps)
Interval One: Bicep Curls
Interval Two: One minute Squats
Interval Three: kickbacks
Interval Four: Alternating dips
Interval Five: Shoulder Press
Interval Six: Alternating dips
Interval Seven: Deadrows
Interval Eight: Deadlifts
Interval Nine: Rear Delt Flys
Interval Ten: Push Ups
Then did Cathe's Total Body Stretch #1 (Basic)

Lora, I agree, the breaks between each exercise in PlyoX is way too long.

Jeanette, Your poor puppy-doggie! HOw are you going to clean him up? I think I've heard tomato paste works. Poor thing.

Ugh! Boss Man is getting ready for a business trip and needs my assistance. Got to run. I'll be back soon...I hope.

I dip back one leg at a time. It's easier on my knees than lunging forward. I did 15 per leg.
I'm glad your enjoying your Tower thing (cant think of the name). Is it hard to hold on while doing leg raises? My hand grip doesn't seem that strong, I'm not sure if I could even to them. I cant do the monkey bars anyway! hahahaha
Susan - Oh, I thought you were doing tricep dips. I like how you did IMAX, that is too cool! I want to try that. Reminds me of Extended Low Max.

Yes, its hard for me to hold myself up, my shoulder endurance isn't there yet.
Hey Everyone,
Today I am going to do PS shoulders and some kind of cardio (prob. TJ)

Lora I am curious to hear...... what is your favorite purchase from BB?

Netta bummer about your dog!! When I was a kid our boxer got sprayed by a skunk and I can remember my mom bathing him is LOTs of Tomato juice.

Susan how long are you going to do your circuit workout?? Do you think it would be okay if I worked some SS into my 1 body part per day workout??? I am gettting the yen to do those again. I can't wait for some new Cahtes though!!

Gotta go clean my house!! will try and be back later!!


I am really liking Turbo Jams. I have to add them together or to something else as they don't seem long enough by themselves.

Hello to everyone else. Speaking of TJ I am off to do cardio party3 and fat blaster. Then later BSB.

Good afternoon,
I will make this quick as I need to run to the bank and then have my eye surgury in an hour. I started with Step Jump & Pump w/up and step, Step Blast section#3 and challenge and ran 2.25 miles on the treadmill, I then did Gym Style Legs and stretch Max #1. I don't know if I will get back here later or not. Last time they said I could watch a little television but mostly I needed to rest my eyes.

Have a great day
Diane Sue
Good afternoon,
I will make this quick as I need to run to the bank and then have my eye surgury in an hour. I started with Step Jump & Pump w/up and step, Step Blast section#3 and challenge and ran 2.25 miles on the treadmill, I then did Gym Style Legs and stretch Max #1. I don't know if I will get back here later or not. Last time they said I could watch a little television but mostly I needed to rest my eyes.

Have a great day
Diane Sue
Suz -I like your quote at the end of your posts!!

Where's Charlotte today?

Nicole - Right now, I'd have to say TurboJam's and P90 Masters are my favorite purchases. I also like P90X, but I'm having a hard time saying that right now cuz I'm already starting to get sick of it. I do like the weight workouts in P90X though and P90 Masters has a great 40 min. total body weight workout that left me sore. I like the fact that Masters are shorter and you can add on to them or repeat segments to make them longer, or if you're pressed for time, you can just do the workout as is.
Well, I didn't do so well on getting back here, did I? Today I did a 21 mile ride with my friends. It was SUPER windy and I almost called and told them I wouldn't be there. But I'm a maniac, right??? Interestingly enough they were both complaining about sucking wind and I didn't think it was that bad. And they also got behind me so I could block their wind (drafted off of me) when we were headed directly into the wind. Although at that point my HR was in the mid 180's for awhile, I still didn't die. So...I'm wondering if a) the inahlers are starting to work or b) am I just getting in better shape riding with them all the time or c) was I just having a good day? I'll have to see. But I guess I won't know if it's the inhalers or getting in better shape b/c they're so fast. And since they don't have the equipment here to test me for asthma under and exercise condition I'm not sure how I'll know. Hmmm...

Anyway, it sounds like everyone had great workouts as usual. I'm heading home now for turkey chili. Hopefully DH plugged in the crock pot (he forgot yesterday and I had those stupid cup o'noodles for dinner with some chicken strips on the side. Wonderful, I know. And my taste buds were soooooo prepared for chili. I was so bummed. :( But if that's the worst thing that happens to me this week then I guess I'm pretty lucky! :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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