Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Thurs June 6


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did Imax 2 and modified some of the jumps on the rebounder. I must either be dehydrated or have a touch of something cuz about 10 minutes into the workout, I got really nauseous and almost threw up. I got weak and shaky and had to take it a bit easy. It was hard for me to get my intensity going. My stomach's been hurting the last couple days and I've been nauseous off and on, but I didn't give it a 2nd thought until now. Too bad, cuz I really like that workout when I'm feeling better.

Jan Jan - That's great you start PT and September will be here before you know it....so you'll be running again. My injury is more of a chronic, ongoing thing. There's a lot I have to modify because of it. It stinks and really gets me down at times, but I do the best I can. I know I'll never be able to lift as heavy as these ladies do because of it. I try to accept that, but struggle with it.

Charlotte - Are you starting to get into that new Chili Peppers CD yet? I know it took me a couple listens before I really appreciated it. Same with my DH. I think it's some of their best work to date....except I'll always hold a soft, dear spot for Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik!! If I end up getting some good pic's at the concert, I'll have to send you some since I can't post them here.

Where's Diana Sue? I think she's camping...but for this long???

Have great workouts everyone and I'll try to check in from work later.

Which shirt should I wear to the concert everyone?

Here's 3 of them. I don't have a picture of the fourth one, but it is blue sort of tie dyed and has an angel with wings (sort of) holding a guitar. It's really cool, but hard to explain. I need votes.




you can click on "more views" for better picture of the artwork. Thank's for bearing with me everyone.......I'm gettin' excited for the concert.......can't help myself.
Today is my rest day which I really need. My legs and butt are so sore still. Can't wait for tomorrow's workout. I will be using my new Power Tower! Woo hoo!

Have great workouts, everyone!
Good Morning,
Finally home. It was kind of late and I am into piles of laundry and putting things away. Somehow I ended up with grandchildrens laundry in my laundry chute in the trailer. Now I have extra. They liked dropping it in. Jasmine did well. By the end of the trip she was making her bambi like legs work to climb in and out of the trailer for a treat:) I am not sure how much workout I will be able to get in but I am off to try. I have loads to do today and errands to run. I will try and catchup later.

Lora, I like the stripe shirt. Hope you aren't coming down with something. That happens to me if I take any of my vitamins or before my workout.

Hi, and welcome Jan Jan.

Diane Sue
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Not much to report on yesterday's workout except for shoulder work. It started to rain here and I lit up all my candles and just wanted a day to chill before all the REAL work begins again since we will be moving now. We did get our new bed in yesterday, but delivery guys only delivered mattress and not box springs so I slept on the couch last night.


I like the third choice of the shirts the best. I was going to wear my Playboy bunny tank top if I would have went with you, but you know that, right? I went back and read the rest of your post. I am sorry you got sick during the workout. That Imax2 is something though. I know when I do it, I go beyond the red color and my face looks brown by the time I am done. It is really tough, but if you are going into it not feeling well at all then I am not surprised you got sick. You got to remember to listen to your body,girl!!!!!


Hope you get everything done today.


Enjoy your day

Jan Jan,

I like hearing about your unique pushup. That's the way to work it! Now can you do a one arm one for me? }( LOL!

Hey Maniacs!!!

Well..let's see I start PT today!! Yeah!!! I don't know what to expect so I will plan the remainder of the workout after the PT. I think I am going to do PUB today and some ab work + clean my house before my MIL gets here to watch DD. You know you can't have a dirty house with MIL coming over....

Char Char, I don't think I am up to the 1 arm just quite yet....gimmie a week and we'll talk again...haha...

I am actually a little unhappy with the upper body work, since I can't balance I have to go lighter than normal (Lora with your injury I know you can feel my pain on that one). So, I feel like I am starting to loose some muscle. I had to do a push up, I can't go w/out push-ups. Not saying these are the best, but hey they somewhat work right?

Oh and Lora, I am kindofa in the same boat. Because my knee was so bad the some damage was irreversible so step aerobics will more than likely never be in my vocabulary again. x(
It's a bummer, but hey as long as I can squat, deadlift and get my legs back I will be happy!

Ok maniacs, I am off to finish cleaning the house, oh yeah fun..not!

You guys have a great day and a great workout! ..I have to go visit the I hate cardio girls now!
Good morning,
Today's workout was S&H biceps, triceps and abs. Did a short bike ride last night to pick up my car at the repair shop (again). I borrowed some aero bars for the next time trial and am getting used to them. Have a bike ride tonite with the ladies.

Lora, your workout yesterday sounded good. I've heard such good things about P90X. Hope you have great results. Sorry you were light headed today on Imax2.

Debbie, enjoy that rest day today!

Charlotte, glad you got the stitch out. How were your legs after the horseback riding? Why are you moving and how far from where you are?

Susan CM, I like the Jen Carmen TLT too. I need to get it out sometime. Now I get it about the un-american Chinese food. I would not have given it a second thought. I love it, but the salt really makes me gain water.

Marley's Mom, glad you are coming back. You are a true maniac! Hope the knee is healing up. Sounds like you are chomping at the bit for the PT to start.

Hi Suz, glad the bike ride was good. So you fell, huh? So far, I've avoided it, but my day is probably coming. I wish I had Tivo for the Tour, but don't so I've caught bits and pieces of these first 4 stages beings I was gone for the first 3 or 4 days. Do you have a favorite you are rooting for? I'm in a pool and all the real hopefuls were taken (Basso, Ulrich, wow what a mess all that stuff is), so I chose Mayo. I see where he had a mechanical or a fall or something and his team paced him back up to the peloton (again). I love watching cuz I appreciate how tough it really is. I can survive a century and they RACE it! Day after day after day.

Dallas, so that spin class was a burner, huh? Wish they had something like that here. I'd do it in the wintertime. Hope you enjoy Chicago.

Nicole, did you get your leg workout in? I'm bad about leg workouts for some reason and I need them really badly.

Must go now and watch Le Tour.

Hi everyone,

I'm going to continue with circuits for another week. I have all my workouts fully planned out.:D

Today I did CTX 10-10-10. Started with interval one (kickbox) then did CTX Chest, Interval two (hi/lo), then CTX Back, Interval three (step), then planks and abs.

Seemed rather easy. Tomorrow is the same w/o except switching weights to bi/tri/shoulders. I think since I'll have more time, I'll do a little bit more cardio.

Lora, I liked the shirt with the roses best. There have been times I've felt nauseous during a w/o. I always blamed the coffee, or if I hadn’t eaten. Hopefully it's something simple. How do you feel now?

JanJan, WELCOME! Do you really hate cardio? What happened to your knee? Let us know how PT goes today.

Hi Diane Sue! Nice to have you back! I'm glad to hear puppy doggie did well. Camping is FUN for dogs.

Jeanette, hahaha I didn’t either until I got home (getting Chinese on 7/4). My dh said we should have cooked out on the grill. Too bad it broke two weeks ago. I really didn’t want to have to buy another one this summer.

Nicole, I’m still keeping up with my organization. Next week, I tackle ALL the kids (Justin’s old) clothes. I need to sort them btwn baby on up. I’m dreading it. Last night I saw the commercial for your Hoover vacuum. Looks really nice. Are the boys games still going on?

Debbie, I have a dip station, but the bars are so wide I cant use them. My arms are out past my shoulders. Bummer!

Dallas, have a great time in Chicago!

Hi Marietta and Terri!

Jan Jan,

Oh but why not? LOL!:p You crack me up!!!


My dd's butt and mine were alittle sore after getting off the horse, but that was it. Lots of different reasons we are moving....nice to pay stuff off, have less land to mow, more space for workout equipment, everything new, etc.


I forgot to mention to you about the tattoo sleeve top....since your a fit maniac, those sleeves might be too tight for you. I can no longer wear those kind of tops anymore. I do have my ac/dc pink top with the white sleeves and it just isn't comfortable for me anymore...just way too tight along my arms. And just yesterday I was thinking of ordering a camo one like that...don't think I will. It is alittle chilly here this morning (weird, I know) so I put the ac/cd top on and then I just couldn't stand the squeezing on my arms.

Oh, I forgot to mention my workouts for the day. Well a bike ride is out of the picture this morning due to rain. Going to do Coremax 1 and 2 and arms again. Think I need my chest to rest awhile due to the removal of the stitch...just want to make sure I don't open the wound back up and then I will do 3 sets of bbm w/weights and jump over hurdles 12x's. Got to take children to the mall today too to get a few thingies.

Good Morning Maniacs!!

I've been off work the last couple of days and didn't get a chance to check-in with you guys. Hope you all had a happy and safe 4th of July.

Here's my workouts for the past few days:

Tue - Ran 5 miles. Then I did some back work and walked 2 miles on an incline.

Wed - IMAX 3. Then I did some chest work and walked 2 miles on an incline.

Thur - Ran 3 miles and then did Cathe's Bonus Butt workout. I'll probably get in another run at lunch today and do some lower body stability ball work.

Lora - Sorry you are not feeling well...hope you feel better soon.

Debbie - Isn't it awesome to be looking forward to a workout?? Enjoy your rest day!

Diane Sue - Hi there! The worst part of being gone is having to come back and get organized...oh well, no way around that.

Toasty - Hey nut!! So when are you moving?

JanJan - Welcome! Sorry about your injury, but it sounds like you are well on your way back. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know how your first session goes...

Netta - You be working that bike girl!! Enjoy your day!!

Susan - What bought about this circuit workout week for you? Sounds good though...

Hi Suz, Terri, Dallas, Nicole and Sandy!! Please forgive me if I missed someone.

I'll be back later...

Good morning!

Well, this morning it was all foggy again, so I figured a ride wasn't safe unless I was alone with my red blinkie light, but with my girlfriend I'm sure one of us would have been smacked by a car. So I did Spinervals 2.0 Time Trial - it's 60 minutes and let me just tell you that those 60 minutes KICKED MY BUTT!!! I would have thought with all the outdoor riding that this would have been easier. YIKES!!! I think I'm going to cry on my ride tomorrow with my girlfriend.

Lora - I hope you're feeling better. That sucks to get sick during a workout!

Debbie - I can't wait to hear how much you love your power tower. You lucky girl!

Diane Sue - welcome back!!! I know what you mean about the Bambi legs. Don't you just love that stage? I'm glad Jasmine did well.

Charlotte - you sure will have your work cut out for you with the whole moving thing. I HATE moving, yet we are on our 4th house in 13 years (plus the rental we had before we bought our first house). We're not moving again. :)

Jan Jan - I'm glad that my MIL's house is messy all the time. Takes the pressure off of me - sort of. I still feel like I have to clean before anyone comes over. I think I go over the top b/c we have animals and I never want anyone to think our house is "dirty" because of the parrots or something. DH thinks me a bit obsessive. :p

Netta - keep reporting on those aero bars. Sometimes I think I want them, but then I don't. I'd love your reviews. I haven't fallen b/c of my pedals in like 4 years - and then I only did it once - well, twice right in a row, like a big dork! I'm not sure what happened the other day. My girlfriend in Atlanta crashed hard last week b/c her foot came out of her pedal in a sprint. They took her by ambulance to the ER, but she was fine, thank goodness. She didn't want to go, but she called her friend daddy and couldn't remember her address or phone number, but she had just moved. Have a fun ride tonight.

Susan - I'm so impressed you have all your workouts pre-planned. I'm never that organized. :)

Marietta - you've been working hard as usual. You must keep your metabolism up all day since you spread out your workouts. I like that.

Tonight I'm knitting with the girls at Barnes & Noble and one of my cycling buddies is coming so she can learn to knit. Yay! Got another one!!! I'm making a cute baby blanket for a friend of mine who already had her baby. Oh oh - I better hurry!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

All right....I am back......guys, I must be crazy I have come to the conclusion. I am very disappointed in my PT. So, all we did was test my strength, bend the knee and do 2 exercises......I was like "umm...do you think you could make this a little harder?" Ok, granted I know you have to start some where right, but I have been back on the bike for 30-40 mins a day for 2 weeks now and have made progression on my own. There was this older lady in the room next to me and her PT was making her really work and this lady was complaining the whole time. I wanted to look at my PT and say "do you think you could do the same thing as the other PT?". Worst part is my ins co-pay is $25 and I have to go 3x's a week for 4 weeks, $300..I don't see me getting my money's worth.

The reason I think I am crazy is because I expect more from PT. I walked in and told the PT before we even started that I am here to work and work hard so push me, some how she missed that conversation.

I am bummed to say the least.

Susan-oh the cardio thing, ok let me explain that one. I don't hate cardio all the time. I hate steady state cardio, I get bored and the ADD kicks in. I love HIIT and am all for it in cardio and do way more than the 20 mins everyone always talks about. I do prefer to lift weights, I love to lift, I feel really you know not so girly (yes even if it is only 8 lbs). I do love those gals in that group they are all really sweet and nice, so I take it more as a joke, know what I mean? Oh wait one exception for the steady state, I do really enjoy bike riding in the TX hill country, that is a lot of fun. Where I live it is so flat so bike riding gets boring.

Suz, I am like you with the house cleaning thing. I swear it has to sparkle (ok, well at least the downstairs). I have a long hair big dog (Australian Shepherd) and a short hair kitty and I have hair every where. We have about 800 sq ft of title in the down stairs and the rest is carpet so the fur likes to hide. I sweep, swiffer and vacuum and fur still hides from me. It is never ending. I find globs of dog hair all over the place. My dog likes to protect the wall during the day (he sleeps on his back while facing the wall, paws up in the air, he looks so silly when he does it) so on the wall he sleeps on the fur gets on the wall. Nuts I tell you! My animals are crazy I swear! Never at a loss for laughs with those 2!

Ok, so back to work, back to work.

Good Afternoon Maniacs!!

I did a little run a lunch and then did the PLB stability ball work because I didn't have time to do it this morning.

Hey Suz - Sounds like you had an awesome spinerval workout. I think working out the way I do keeps my metab in check...I can't recommend it for anyone else, I just know it works for me...know what I mean?

janjan - Your PT experience doesn't sound too promising. Is there a way to get another PT? I hope you don't have continue with one you are not satisfied with...maybe they are just taking it easy right now and they will get progressively more challenging. Ask the PT what his/her plans are for you and then be sure to let them know your expectations...perhaps there is a method to the madness.

If I don't get back here today you guys have a wonderful evening!!


Hey girl!!! Missed you!!!!

Jan Jan,

Your personal trainer sounds woosified! Pretty pitiful, if you ask me. Hope you have better luck. Well I gotta go workout. Just got back from the mall and bought three tops AGAIN! Got some primitive bulbs and a few electric candles for the windowsill to dress things up nicely. Actually have my windows open today cuz it is such a nice cool day, for a change. Gotta run now before my energy takes off on me.


HI again,
I need a break! Today I've been working on marketing and advertising. I can do it... I guess pretty well, it just takes me so long to come up with new ideas. It's finally over, for now.

Marietta, I'm doing circuits because I did three weeks of Slow Heavy and three weeks (or more) of Gym Styles. I was missing a lot of cardio and not enough abs. I just needed a big change. I'm enjoying it.

JanJan, I hear ya on the steady state cardio. It's such a dread factor for me, but once I get going I'm fine. I have a Wheaton terrier. He's nuts too! He's crazy nuts, but very loving. Luckily, he doesn’t shed. I have glass tables in my living room, and I cant stand to see dust on them, let alone if there was dog hair. Sorry you don’t care for the PT. Can you find another one?

Suz, is Spinervals a dvd? Can it be used with an elliptical?

Well, off to have something to eat.:9

Susan C.M.
Hey Everyone,
You all have been busy around here today!! Today I am going to do my PS back and a cardio if I can work it in??

Netta YES I got my PS legs in, and my butt really feels it today!! I just LOVE that feeling ha ha.

Janjan when my son was going for pt a couple years ago 3x a week.. His pt worked him the whole time. Showing him/me exercises and then photo copy them for us..... that was on our 1st visit and then the pt would sometime add some new ones. Good luck and hope it gets better!!

Susan yes we are still doing the baseball thing... My sons made the allstar teams so that is what we are doing now. I have to go through my boys clothing to, and like you I am dreading it!! I hate dejunking clothing for some reason....but feel great when it is gone!! Goodluck!!

Suz I wish I could come to you knitting circle tonihgt!! That is one thing I would like to learn!! Seems like such a relaxing hobbie!! Have FUN!!

Diane Sue happy to have you back!! Wish I could put my laundry in your chute LOL!!

Hello to everyone!!

Janjan - your dog sounds funny. :) Our dogs have short hair, but it still gets everywhere. I have no idea how since I'm CONSTANTLY cleaning! I'm sorry about your PT. Do we all need to come there and kick her butt into action???

Toasty - cute new avatar. :p

Susan - nope - Spinervals is a cycling workout, but I think they have Runervals now or something. Maybe that would work? You can check them out at www.spinervals.com.

Nicole - I wish you could join us for knitting too. It's so fun. Sometimes we do more gabbing than knitting (or b!tching than stitching, as they say), but it's so fun. And there are so many people from so many different backgrounds. It's fun to learn about everyone. This one gal who found us on the Internet recently is 6 months pregnant (had to use fertility drugs) and has only gained ONE pound!!! She was really sick early on and so lost weight and has just now started gaining again. She already made a scarf and is now making a baby blanket. And she just learned!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good Evening,
Today ended up being very busy. I did get in a 4 mile run with hills on the treadmill but that is all. We had to go to the eye dr., then banking etc.. Then I came back to start putting things in order again. I stopped and picked up McDonalds for lunch and got the aisian salad. This is good but I used some low fat low sodium raspberry dressing on it. I think I had an overdose of salt when out camping.

Charlotte, sometimes we just need a rest day to devote to whatever makes us happy. I love lighting candles and relaxing with some music and a book or some craft like painting.

Nicole, I am still doing laundry. I have one more load. Wait a minute! More laundry??:) It will fell good to have it done. When I used PS Legs a lot I developed some good quad definition and definition in the glutes. I do use ankle weights and pretty heavy dumbbells for the glute raises. This is a great workout.

Suz, I love knitting and crocheting. It keeps my hands busy so I am not snacking non stop. Jasmine is so cute I love seeing her try to learn. She is so smart. I am funny about keeping things clean too. I scrub the house down when the family comes over and pick everything up, knowing I will be starting over when they all leave:)
But, it makes me feel good.

Jan Jan, does PT mean personal trainer or physical therapist? I have not read all of the checkins yet. Hopefully it is not Personal trainer. I would want someone to push me harder than I would myself.

Diane Sue
Well Maniacs, I just finished working out my arms (shoulders, tri's, bi's and a few leg workouts). I have been feeling stronger this week so I thought I would take advantage of these times and try to curl with a 65# barbell and I did and 3 sets of 10 and then worked with the 30# db's in 3 sets of 3 doing various hammer, standard curls, etc. I was still able to control my arms, but it took everything out of me so by the time I got to legs I was out of gas, so to speak.Then onto incline in which I used 25# db's cuz this move is so restricted and harder. I did 3 sets of 20 for all leg workouts....leg curls and hamstring curls . I used 40# for hamstring curls on a decline and I started with 60# for leg curls and then had to take 10# off for the last set. Deadlifts I stuck with 80# in first set of 20, 2nd set of 15 and 3rd set of 10#...I was just capoot after that.

Diane Sue,

I was glad I did rest yesterday and I enjoyed every minute of it. Those times don't come often when everything seems so lined up just to have a pleasant relaxing day.


Thanks! I just bought that top today. I have the two others also. One is white and a prissy tank top style and the other almost looks like a pajama top, but is a babydoll style. Shows off the arms nicely.

Damn Charlotte, I can't believe that little body of yours can lift all those heavy weights. You put me to shame girl!! Damn! How often do you train your body parts? I thought you just did bi's a couple days ago? Aren't you afraid of overtraining?


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