Good Morning -

Hermia - I'm still waiting for my Cathe DVD's, too. I try to forget that I ordered them, so I don't drive myself nuts, but it's tough hearing the reviews and not having them yet. Always fun to hear about your yoga classes. I have just a few DVD's for yoga - I like them all and have been much better about including yoga in my rotations. There is never that element of surprise like you experienced with having the substitute though; that would probably be good for me :)

I didn't get to my workout until late last night (one of those days). I just did shoulders and triceps (double wave). Had a very good workout, but did not get to cardio. I'm not sure about today - need to look at my calendar (and energy level) to figure out this week's schedule. Lately (on most days), I've had a REALLY hard time getting started -- sort of on the opposite pole from Debbie, I think. It seems like I'll have a few so-so workouts and then a really good one, and then ... back to :confused: Plugging along though.

Not sure if anyone's around today -- Enjoy your Sunday.

Hi Lori,
what yoga dvds do you like the best? I like mine fairly well, but many of them (or at least, from my small collection) don't seem to hold the poses for long.

I did one today that I haven't done for a while, Tracy Long's Better Burn, Better Buns. It's different and kind of fun.

Hope everyone's had a great day. =)

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