Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Sunday Aug 27

Debbie I used free wts in the above workout.I use the bow flex now and then but not very often.
I try to increase wts often even if I can only do 1 rep.I need to up the wts on back.
Debbie - How long were you on the treadmill? I've done 20-25 minutes of solid fast running on it and it's too much for me yet. If I run slower, my HR doesn't get up high enough....so it's sort of difficult for me to use it. Maybe I do need to break in slower also and hopefully we'll both get used to it. Yes, I love GH. I used to watch it as far back as the 70's but then I didn't watch for years until my DH got me hooked on it about 10 years ago. How's your rotation different from doing a total body weight workout from a DVD 3 times a week? Do your rep ranges vary? I'm thinking about doing a Jari Love rotation in the future and her rep range is high.
Lora - I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I did a light jog on it most of the time. I'm getting sorer as the day progresses, I can't believe it. My total body differs each workout. Some workouts I do 8 reps, some 12, some 15. Tomorrow will be 18 reps. Not sure why this program goes so high in reps, its suppose to be muscle building. However, its working so I'm not going to question it. If you did one of Cathes total body three times a week you'd be overtraining big time. The rotation I'm doing limits you to only 6 exercises a workout. You do a lot of compound exercises like pullups, row and chest presses. These exercises work other body parts indirectly. You are suppose to do 4 compounds and 2 single-joint exercises each session.

Diane Sue - is today your birthday? If so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Debbie - Thanks for the info on the rotation. I hope we can both build up to the Treadmill. Maybe I need to start slower also. I worry about getting my HR up high enough...but I guess it won't kill me to do an easier cardio once in a while. I'm trying to get used to it, so when my Barry's Bootcamp gets here in October, I'll be able to do it. They use the treadmill for 30 min and then 1 body part weight workout for 30 min.

Diana Sue - I know you're probably enjoying your cake right about now, but I just wanted you to know that I watched the last Charmed episode. I'm very emotional right now. I'm so sad it has ended and this is why I've been putting off watching it....I don't want it to end. You know how I hate the good stuff to come to an end! I really wish a similar show would pop up. I'm gonna start watching Nip/Tuck next week, but that's not anywhere near Charmed! I loved Charmed so much. The ending was good. I like that Phoebe ended up with Cupe.

I'm gonna go watch the other episode of GH I missed now. I'm depressed cuz I have to go face my mean boss tomorrow. I hate Monday's!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANE SUE!!!!! How old are you? 22?


I just got back from my bike ride. Did the 14 miles into town. Did leaner legs with heavy weights before I took off. I took my vitamins. Ate like a hog and so I am done. I will feel it tomorrow, I am sure. DH just got done working out and says that being on vacation made him stronger, but never feels this way myself, but anyhow, he is really making some progress...I see definition more and more. I am really happy for him and proud of him. Can't you tell the endorphines have set in? I am just feeling so happy about everything.

Ya'll are busy here. Glad to see new people joining us. Welcome, Janie.


I hope I never make you mad...swinging all that weight. Gosh!!!!

Well I gotta go.

Lorajc- I've never tried that Mark Power Yoga you mentioned, but will took into it. Todays yoga on Fit TV was the advanced one, and to tell you the truth and wasn't wicked hard for me. I think the easier ones are harder for me:p

Debbie- What rotation are you talking about that builds muscle or something? The one you were talking about that reps that go up and down and stuff and the one you emialed to Janie. If you could, would you also email it to me? My address is [email protected]
Thanks so much!

Have a good night ladies!
Debbie - why don't you just post it on this thread. I want to look at it again also and see if I could figure out a way to do it with certain DVDs and just follow the rep range.

Adri - you're a lot younger than me....but I still think if you did one of Mark's yoga DVD's, you'd be shakin'. My favorite so far is Volume II of the Progressive Power Yoga series. It's around 90 minutes long. I don't have a favorite from the Sedona Series yet, as I haven't worked up to doing the Culmination one. It is like 100 and something minutes long. I don't know if I'm quite ready for that. At least, I'll have to do it on a day I don't do an hour of other exercise first! Last week, I did P90X Kenpo X followed by a 90 min. Mark and I was toast.
Wow you guys are chatty today LOL!!

Sheila- OMG girl!!! Way to go!

I just did a 3 mile interval run and did abs.

Charlotte glad to see you feeling so goood!!

DS_ hope you are having a fab birhtday

Deb and Lora- I love GH!

Adri- I like Namaste yoga too. I just bought a Rainbeau Mars one, beauty for dusk and really like it! That woman is flexible!!

Anne- how was your WO?

Steph, how was your rest?

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi everyone,
Well , I enjoyed my lasagne, ice cream, cake, garlic bread sticks. Dinner was great. We had a wonderful time with the family.

Debbie, yes today is my birthday.How's your dh doing?

Charlotte, good workout today!! Sure 22 LOL

Lora, this is the rotation I have been doing. I had posted it Aug 22
Mon. Cardio no stretch, Pyramid Total Body no w/up,Pyramid Lower Floorwork&Str.
Tues. Cardio, abs, yoga and/or stretch
Wed. Step Blast/SJP Premix Circuit 81 min. no str, Muscle Max Premix Push/Pull no w/up.
Thurs. Cardio, abs, yoga and/or str.
Fri. Cardio, Muscle Max lower Premix no str, Muscle Max Premix timesaver no w/up.
Sat. Cardio, abs, yoga and/or str.
Sun. rest

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I really need to get some things done this evening.

Diane Sue

Hi Everyone,

Still trying to get the hang of this. Since I'm coming in a little late, its hard to read everyone's reply and then respond to it all. Give me a little time and I'll pick up on it. Today was a 6-miler. It was pretty humid out (Debbie - I hear you. I'm from PA and its like I live in the middle of the rainforest most of the summer). I did have to walk .5 miles of it on the home stretch. I think most of it had to do with my new running shoes. Trying to break them in before the 1/2 marathon in October. Not doing so well. Ended up with some minor blisters. Think I'll have to get some new inserts. You guys were mentioning a lot about muscle milk. I love quick breakfast ideas like that in the morning. Since I doubt many of you will check this again tonight, I'll have to ask tomorrow what all your normal breakfast schedules are. So many people at my work don't partake, and I just don't get it! It's almost like a free meal. You pretty much start your metabolism up that way and burn it all off in two hours. I try to spread the word, but you know how that goes. Well, hope you all have a great night. Will check-in tomorrow.
Hi DB,
I always check the forums and check ins late at night. As late as midnight most of the times. If you see read here again tonight, please ask the question you wanted to about the breakfast and the Muscle Milk. Is it about when we eat breakfast or what we eat? Well if you don't ask it tonight, I'll c yea tomorrow:) Have a good night Fitness Maniacs:p :p :p


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