Karen - I must have been busy writing my long post when you posted. Sorry I missed you! Welcome!!! Sometimes I wish I could ride a tandem with my husband. He's pretty fast on the bike.

I hope you have fun. And yes, I'm thinking maybe dairy is messing up my stomach so I thought I'd cut it out and see what happens. It's worth a shot.
Netta - how long is your Oregon trip? How fun! The rodeo sucked. A bucking bronco got his leg stuck in the gate and it was so sad. They did get him loose and he seemed okay. Then another one's front legs buckled under him and he did a total nose dive into the ground while bucking. Poor thing. I couldn't even watch the calf roping or the steer wrestling. Like I said, I went for the company.
Speaking of the company, they can't wait until our February trip to Mexico so they want to take a quick trip, long 4 day weekend in Sept. Aaaaccckkk! I'm not sure my body is ready. You know I get so strict with my diet around October for our annual February trip. Oh oh. I better be good. I'm not sure if we'll go or not, but we'll see.
Maeghan - I think I remember reading that you are a firefighter. Good for you. My DH always says if he had it to do over again he would have been a firefighter instead of a cop b/c everybody loves firefighters.

He wanted to be a cop since he was a little kid though and he followed that dream and has moved right up the ranks.
Diane Sue - well, maybe I'll just have to ADD to my Turbo Jam collection of one.
My posts are always so long. Sheeeesh!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France