Meant to check back in earlier, but the power went out … probably due to the hail (golf ball size with a few baseball’s thrown in there) or maybe the wind with up to 70 mph gusts - although it could have been the tornado spotted a bit less than a mile from here. Also got distracted by the rain gutter coming down. It no longer resembles a rain gutter at all. Modern art maybe - twisted off the house and hanging by the drain on one side.
The roof held though - so far - and there were people that had much worse damage than we did. 3 more storms supposed to come through, back to back. There hasn’t been a chance to do any more repairs and the wind is still horrible. I’m a wee bit stressed. What can you do though? Said the serenity prayer and tried to finish a project for work. I did legs today (Slow and Heavy - Slo Mo) if you can believe that. Actually, I finished my workout right before all the fun started. My neighbor across the street is a retired contractor and he told me that when they did the roof and gutters, (about a year or so before DS and I moved in) he could tell they were doing a pretty half baked job (he didn’t say “baked” though). That, I had inferred for myself by this point. I had the house checked/inspected and everything before we bought it, so … I don’t know. Just hope the upcoming weather isn’t too brutal. It’ll be ok , I know … we’ll work it out - just haven’t figured out exactly how yet.
Theresa - Nah - not at all too wordy. For an example of “too wordy,” refer to the passage above. I hope you keep us posted on the lifting with your DH. I’m really interested to hear how it goes -- think it’s way cool. Seems like your first time was a success - too much soreness might have put him off. Not enough might have made him feel like it wasn’t effective. Good sore is … good
Diane Sue - Sorry your workout was frustrating. I’ve had my share of those (I believe frustration has a very high MET value though, so it all evens out
) I don’t think this storm was quite as bad as the one you got and really, it is ok with me if you continue to hold that record. Think we’ve both had enough of spring storms. About the "to do" lists: Yes. Well put. Also, your ideas for doing a mural sound like a really good approach. Wish I'd thought of that. Glad you figured out your HR monitor was being moody
Linda - No wonder you were hurting so much. Sounded like a fairly encouraging visit and a decent doc. I feel relieved for you -- especially if it heals without surgery (finger's crossed),
Lora - The new(er) Baptiste DVD I have is called Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga. It’s from the Great Instructor’s Yoga Journal series. I think Collage video has it in stock. The other one I have of his is Soul of Strength. I’ve really come to like it but was getting tired of it. I only had 3 yoga workouts that I rotated. Both of the Baptiste’s are with a live class. Theresa’a probably right - he talks a lot but at least in the one’s I have, much of it is helpful cuing. He’s kind of grown on me.
Cheryl - Sounds like you’re doing really well. Fun weekend. Congratulations on your success!
Sorry if I missed anyone (or anything). Hope you all have a good evening.