Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Mon Jan 29


Thanks. Your too sweet. Told you this before. Dh is gonna take care of it and grab one somewhere.


What did you do yesterday....treadmill? Not sure what you did to get your ribs to hurt.

Char - I did Gym Style Chest & Tri's. Can't figure out why I'm sore there either. Its weird.

I ended up doing some ab work this evening because I've neglected my abs, I'm actually surprised I was able to do it. I can hardly lift my arms above my head. I feel a little loose now so thats good. I just did a bunch of different things with the stability ball, my ankle weights and my power tower. Now I'm getting ready to watch 24.

I just want to jump in your face right about now and give you a high five and watch your face get all twisted from pain. LMAO! Just kidding (smile) Enjoy 24. We watched one of the older series yesterday.

Hey Crazies! Finished up with Extended Low Max. Man, have I been sore with all these circuits back to back. My knees hurt alittle today. Have to find something easy for them tomorrow.

Char- I can't believe you don't have your HRM yet! What's up with that? Crazy! Gonna get me some of those oils as soon as I get some extra money. I've got to get a Stability ball now that mine got popped.:( Did you lift heavy on all these workouts, or did you lift lighter some days? I'm definitely feelin' it.}(

Debbie- My abs got really sore doing pull-overs the other day. I didn't even do ab work that day either.

Hi everyone else! Gotta get some protein in me.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Hi guys. I just finished CC6. I did not push my speed or incline, and I wrapped my ankle for good measure. It felt alright today. Had a good WO. My hip flexors were hollering pretty good at the end. Did some extra stretches for them.

Dallys- I woulnd't let my boys play with my stability ball after yours popped !!LOL! THey were mad!

I have had a really busy day today, so not around to much here. You guys all rocked today as usual!

Anne- you always crack me up!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
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