It has been one of those odd days. I spent this afternoon showing my grandson how to use different peices of equipment. He really is worried about shrinking his waistline and he is only 8

I think his parents need to quit heading to the restaurants. Trying to expain to a child how to get rid of their middle is not something I am happy about doing. How do you explain the need for good fats?? I told him he needed to avoid sweets and fried foods and increase his activity. That it was about choices in what he eats. He always heads for the workout room and uses my stuff when he gets here. They do have an exercise bike and treadmill in his house. I think his parents are both dieting so he is becoming obsessive.
I felt like I did a whimpy workout today. Maybe I just felt like I did not push that hard.
Diane Sue....that would be tough to explain to an 8 year old! At least he has you to be a good role model. And, um, I don't think you could possibly do a wimpy workout even if you tried! Your workouts are always amazing!
My broken blood blister finger is all numb. I like looking at it...makes me feel like I really worked it today. I mean really, if you're poppin veins and all...
Dally's....LOL! Like a battle scar! Way cool!
Well, I finally got my lazy a$$ off the couch and did CC#2. I was a total internet junkie today. DH went golfing so I had the house to myself....nice!!!!!!!
Time: 37 minutes
Distance: 3.62 miles
Calories Burned: 442
Avg. Heart Rate: 148
Peak Heart Rate: 159