Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Friday July 14


Morning Maniacs -

This morning....still no DVD player. I was supposed to do P90X Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X....so I did Power 90 Ab Ripper 200 with a med ball and then I did Thigh Toner Power Half Hour Series stopping the tape every so often and doing a set of pull downs with my heavy band. Did both overhead and underhand grips - total of 5 sets. The last 2 sets I sat on the floor to make it harder. I also held the contraction for a few seconds. Besides having to run and get my ankle weights in the middle of the workout, the Thigh Toner was a decent workout. He jogs in between exercises (see...I didn't have to do it on my own and my HR stayed a bit elevated). All in all, it ended up being an okay workout, but I hope I get a DVD player tomorrow.

I'm running late......gotta go for now. I'll be back later. Have great workouts.

Charlotte -I'm bummed cuz my tattoo sleeved tee came and it's too small. I need a large and now they don't have any more!! I'll have to email/pm you over the weekend....cuz I've been too busy at work.
Charlotte- my DH saw the Tee on me and said...."ooo that's ugly" and I said why? and he said cuz it looks like you have tattoo arms! and I said....cool, huh? I think I'm gonna keep it cuz it pulls up at the top of the arms and the girls on the website look like it fits them the same way....must be the way the sleeves are sewn in cuz they are like nylon and a large will have too long of sleeves (can't cuff em either - like I usually do)....gotta get to work.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Did anyone watch "The Man Whose Arms Exploded" on TLC last night? It was about a man on steroids and his bicep measured 28 inches around. Most of it was about steroid use and I miss the first 15 minutes.

So yesterday my body felt like a train wreck, but I was liking all the DOMS, but not the migraine from ttom and cramps so I didn't do much except for coremax 1. My mood was all over the place and today I feel like myself again. I want to check out this Victorian home today with the realtor and another house. I got groceries to get too and I would like to hit the pool, but it will probably be tomorrow. I will work chest/back and ride my bike all in the evening. It rained most of yesterday so I could not ride then.


Glad you decided to keep the shirt. Your dh is funny. Mine would say the same. MEN!


HI guys,

I'm going to do a workout from IMAX Extreme. I think the one with HSC in it.

Chalotte, sorry you feel crummy.:( I haven't had ttom in over a year! I'm NOT looking forward to it when "it" returns. When I'd have bad months, I'd sometimes take a feverfew, white willow bark and caffeine (stack) and headaches/cramps would go away. Here are a couple of links about them:

Debbie, enjoy your rest day!

Hey Lora!

Got to run! Be back later.

Susan C.M.

ETA: typos:7
Thanks! I got it from animationlibrary.com
If you right click on it, you can see the exact website. I think it looks a lot like me:p hahahaha

I feel like I had a pretty good w/o. I'm kindof working from home today, so I had three phone calls. But all and all I feel good.

Well got to run! I might be back later. I'm getting together with "the girls" for a brew ha-ha at 4pm. I know that's bad.

Susan C.M.
Hey Everyone,
Today I plan on doing PS back and biceps, and short cardio of some kind.

Debbie thanks for the tip on adding another set!! I may do that next week. Although I do have to tell you I do not like working my shoulders haha. Wed I did PS legs on my transfirmer and I am still feeling doms (esp my inner thighs) I did the extra sets of plies on a side incline and boy...... it got me good.. Cathe gives such a good workout!!

Lora I am wanting to buy Kimberly Spreens cardio camp. Do you have that one, and how do you like it? It got alot of rave reviews on VF.

Susan have fun with your coffee clutch!!

Charlotte my dh was watching that show a few weeks ago, and I caught the tale end. I thought his biceps were GROSS. He looked deformed, and then to know that it actually burst (double gross).

Hello to everyone that follows!!

Hi ladies,

I haven't had much time to post lately in the evenings and mornings I've been watching the Tour De France. It will probably continue like that for another week. It is a way different tour this year, that's for sure, without Lance and for other reasons...

Lora, hope you can get your new DVD player soon. Will you get one that you can put multiple DVD's in? I think one of those would be handy as I like mixing and matching. When is the concert?

No workout for me today. I have a big bike ride (organized) tomorrow so I'm resting today. Will be hot tomorrow and I haven't decided the length of ride I'll do yet. I still have to pack some stuff, do some housework, etc.

Debbie, enjoy your Avon deliveries.

Charlotte, glad you are feeling better. I've been taking Evening Primrose Oil for the last 4 months. It has helped me soooo much with symptoms of bloating, water retention, and sore breasts. I just had my period and had NONE of these signs this month. I also take Vitamin B6 daily. Each month gets better and better for me in this regard. I'm holding my breath. Hope it continues. Exploding biceps, yuk! I really dislike that HEAVY muscled look on men, though that sounds even more extreme.

Susan CM, Imax Extreme is one I don't have. It has Imax3 in it too, doesn't it? Think that's why I don't have it as I'm a skeered! Hey, the brew ha ha sounds fun. Not sure if I should indulge before my big ride tomorrow. Riding with a hangover doesn't even sound good.

Nicole, I like working shoulders but the military presses are tough for me to do. I feel like a weakling. I agree about the dwarfish look with big muscles. I have short arms and don't want to build too much muscle as it makes them look even shorter. I'd rather have definition over mass. Am I vain? Aren't a lot of us vain? LOL!!! I don't think we're any different than those that spend tons of $$$ on clothes, hair, nails. I also exercise because of the health benefit, but the aesthetic thing is a great motivator too.

Hi to all!

This is kind of long but I wanted to tell you all what happened to me this morning.

Geez! I'm about ready to shed my clothes, put my jammies back on and get back in bed! What a freakin' crazy morning I've had!

I am delivering Avon today and I go right by Dick's. I've been wanting some 20 lbs. weights for my barbell and I have a $10 off coupon. So I go there and of course their weights aren't on sale (figures) and they are $.59/lb. So I got out my calculater and figure it to be $23.60 and with the coupon it would be $13.60. Well, they don't have 20 lbs. weights you get either 10 lbs or 25 lbs. Didn't want 25 lbs. so I grabbed 4 - 10 lb. weights and carried them up front.

The guy rings them up and says $39.99 please. I'm like, "Huh?" I told him they were $.59/lb., how on earth could this add up to $39.99 (and this was with the $10 off!). He said he didn't know, thats how they rang up. I told him that something was wrong with this picture and I went back to the weights dept. and found someone working there. He knew exactly what the guy did, he was only suppose to ring up two of the weights, not all four as they are sold in sets of two.

So the guy apologized forever and gave me back $25 and some change. GEEZ!!!! I hate when crap like that happens, what a pain.

Then I go to Trader Joe's which is right next to Dick's (how convenient, huh?) and as I'm pulling around to park there is this girl who is walking across the parking lot and I wait for her to get by my truck and then I turn in. She starts yelling at me like a crazy woman, "You @itch! Don't you know how to drive? You almost hit me you f'ing $itch!". I'm like "HUH?????" (Lots of "huh's" going on today). I was NO WHERE near her! There was this older couple standing right there where she was yelling and the woman asks her, "What is wrong with you? Are you ok?" And the girl starts screaming again about how I almost hit her. Well, I'm in my truck trying to park so I can't even stand up for myself. I follow her in, she's way ahead of me but she turns around and gives me this dagger glare. I'm like WTF? Geez. So I figured if she said anything to me in the store I'd just tell her to go take some Midol. She glared at me the whole time she was in the store but never said anything else.

Holy cow! I don't really believe I deserved that. I swear I was no where even close to her when I turned. This really blew me away and put me in a bad mood, I've never had anyone yell at me like that before.
Debbie - Incompetent people.....for number 1. Drives me crazy also. Road rage for number 2.......blow it off, it's not worth the aggravation. I've been flipped off and yelled at numerous times. Is it hot and humid where you live? Maybe the heat is affecting people. Sorry this upset you so much.

Nicole - Cardio Camp is my least fave of the set of CIA's I got. Mainly because I don't really care for Kimberly and I bought the whole set. I haven't done the whole thing, just parts of it a couple times.
Hello ladies!

This morning was another ride with friends (22 miles). As much as I used to hate riding with people now I'm sad b/c one of them is out of town now until Monday (so we can't ride until Tuesday), one of them is doing the Tour de Wyoming starting on Sunday - she'll be riding for 6 days - 356 miles! And the other gal who rode with us yesterday and today can't ride until her hubby comes back from the same Tour b/c they have kids and they can't trade off watching them. Boo. I hardly ever ride alone anymore. What on earth will I do? I know! Tomorrow I'll do Power Hour and maybe some yoga or pilates. Sunday I'll ask DH to ride with me - and go fast, fast, fast and Monday can be my rest day. By Tuesday Katelyn will be back and I'll be all set. Whew!

Netta - what a Tour this year. WOW!

Debbie - I can't believe that happened to you! A similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago on the interstate. This gal went bonkers on me b/c SHE cut ME off and I gave her a dirty look! She totally flipped out! You could have just beat that gal up with your muscles. :)

I'm only working half day today (if you can call it working - I've been a little lazy for some reason). Then I'm going to the Macaroni Sin Palace Charlotte! Are you ever so surprised?

Have a great day everyone!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good afternoon,
So many things keep coming up that I have had a hard time getting on here. Yesterday I finally got in Turbo Jam Kick punch & Jam w/up and cardio, Kick Punch & Crunch minus the w/up and Yoga Shatki Basic Flow. This morning I ran 5 miles on the treadmill, then did Supersets Premix that is everything 2 times. That way I can do cardio & abs tomorrow and shop for stuff to have everyone over Suday for my daughter's birthday on Sunday. We are going out with friends tomorrow as well. We plan on going to see Superman tonight. I had picked my new eye makeup yesterday. Most of it ended up being Bed Head stuff and then I splurged on a lipstick. Also Two Face liquid liner that you didp in your shadow and it is supposed to make it water resistant liner. I hope it works. I still need to get a new applicator. I will probably go to Target. I tried to clean my sponge tip one with rubbing alcohol and now it is loose.

Lora, it sounds like you still managed to get in a good workout that is about the same as what you were supposed to do.

Charlotte I aways hated those times when I felt all out of wack.

Susan, was that Hardcore Extreme Circuit with I Max 3 and High Step Challenge? Or I Max Extreme with I Max2 and C&W?

Debbie, I hate when people do act like that. I hope your day improves.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Diana Sue - I noticed you run on the treadmill a lot. I want to start building up to running on the treadmill. I tried a bit when we first got it and did bouts of running with bouts of walking. It really makes my lower back sore, so I was starting with 15 minutes. I stopped because when I ran fast enough and hard enough to elevate my heart rate, it was too much for my joints (neck problems, etc). Do you have any suggestions for me. I want to start trying again tomorrow. One of the reasons I don't like our treadmill is cuz it's so noisy that you can't hear the TV on it. However, I'm taking your advice on doing things "I don't like", that I rarely do or that are difficult for me. I read a recent article that was for "Tips for Fitness Fanatics" and it said this also. Thanks in advance.

Tips welcome from any others that would like to join in. I just directed it towards DS cuz I notice she seems to like her treadmill.
Hi again!

Jeanette, you always say something to make me laugh:7 :7 ! IMAX Extreme has three really good workouts that combine I3 with HSC, I3 and LM, and I3 with KM. All really good.
Yeah, I get together with friends once in a while, but I NEVER get drunk! Everything in moderation, right?;-) Besides, I have to drive with my son, so I make SURE I don’t have much.

Diane Sue, Today I did IMAX Extreme Circuit. It’s with IMAX3 and HSC. It’s a really good mix. This first half of the w/o is really hard. It starts with mostly IM3 with some HSC, but then the second half is mostly HSC, so my heartrate goes down some.

Debbie, as easy as it is for me to sit here and say “don’t let that girl get to you….” I know when it ACTUALY happens, it’s bizarre. Please don’t feel you did anything wrong, and even if you did, no one should go off the handle like that. Cheer up little buckaroo. Oh, and the guy at the store; cashiers seem to make mistakes allllll the time. I just wish once it would be in MY favor! Haha

Suz, how fast do you go when you go with your husband? Do you know? That sounds fun!

BTW, Dallas and I exchanged emails. She says “HI” to everyone. She’s been really busy since her trip to Chicago.

Well got to run! See you tomorrow.

Charlotte - I just got my new Seether "One Cold Night". It's Live and Acoustic but it IS Seether. Do you want a copy?? I have to burn one for the car, so it won't be any trouble. I've only listened to some of it so far and it sounds good. Shaun's voice is amazing, as usual.

Debbie -I'm glad you're day got better. It's 95 and humid as heck here, so I figured it was there also.

We had a dead mouse in our crawl space in the basement. My cats have been going crazy for weeks (they killed one once before and brought it upstairs for us). They seem to be getting in the basement crawlspace somehow. My DH put mouse bait out last week and it just ate the bait a few days ago. My cat finally stopped their "look out" down there and today the house was stinking. Sure enough, dead mouse.....yuk and I feel bad killing it!! It's gonna be fun on the treadmill tomorrow morning down there!

I'm only at the end of week 2 of my rotation and I'm feeling really fat. I'm gonna stick with it for at least a month or so...unless I gain too much weight, as I want my body to be a bit surprised when I start a Fat Loss rotation. I really wish I liked chicken so I could eat more protein....but I can't swallow it. It grosses me out. It's too poultry-ish tasting and I gag on it. I feel like a fat cow. My belly is constantly bloated and it looks like I'm pregnant. I'm very disgusted with myself and I have to go to the concert next week with a fat belly and short "dorky" hair.

I'm done whining for the evening.
Lora - we have mice and moles in our house. We have some woods behind us and they come from there. What a pain! I think we've killed over 8 this year.
I like the treadmill because it burns a lot of calories. I have a book rack so I read while running unless I hit 7-8 mph and then I catch small amounts of what I read. I have had some problems lately myself with tight hamstrings and spasms. I have found that if I do not run hills and make sure I give time for adequate warm up and stretch good after I am ok. I used to run 10 miles with no problem, but I do remember I had to build up to an hour on the treadmill. I just jumped into it because I could. I am adding back in hills here and there. I have kind of backed off of my Cardio Coach workouts. I think some of the problem is the new addition of Yoga. I have been better this week but have backed off of some of the yoga. I think I need to build up there as well.
Diane Sue
Lora, I bet as hard as you workout you are being hard on yourself. We all do that. For me when I feel like that, I cut starches and check the sodium. If I keep these two things down the bloat will usually subside quite a bit. I don't spend too much time counting calories. I just keep track of what affects my physique when I really want to look my best.
Diane Sue

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