Let's see if I can remember everything I read........
First....thanks for the compliments for being more fit with my morning workout.
Dallys- Yes, it's the workout with Cindy Crawford. Radu is the Trainer. It's the followup workout to her first Shape Your Body workout. It starts out with about 26" of cardio and unweighted leg work, sumo squats, kicks, jumps, variations of lunges, etc and then moves into ab work, chest work, shoulder, arm and back work followed by more abs. I just love the music and scenery. Don't care for Cindy that much....but I always like the celebrity workouts cuz it's the only way I'll ever get close to working out with a sought after personal trainer.
Lisa - I can't believe you were able to gain that much muscle.....no fat? How the heck did you manage that? Since I gained, I noticed my upper body looking slightly bigger and muscular....but I've also gained some fat in my lower abs, butt and upper legs.....my problem area.
Toasty - thanks for the well wishes at work. Those 2 by#@ches were nice today........guess they knew that meeting wtih the office manager must have been about their behavior.....or else they're just psycho, bipolar by@#ches!!
Teddygirl - what part of Ohio are you in? I'm in Youngstown. The only pic that will ever be posted is my Avatar, as I do not have a digital camera and my computer is a dial-up crap modem.
Linda - You had a great cardio workout. Way to go! I've always wanted to try Itrain but I have a crap dial-up modem and my computer is a piece of crap!