Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wednesday March 19


Morning Maniacs-

This morning I pulled a video out of the archives. I was in the mood for something different. I did The Next Challenge with Cindy Crawford. I used my 8-17 lb DB's for this and had a decent upper body workout with different moves. The lower body was all unweighted. I probably will add ankle weights and DBs next time to the leg work and ab work. I added a set of 20 low squats with my kettlebell at the end. Workout was 75" and I burned 449 calories. This ended up being a decent, no dread workout with nice scenery and good music. I haven't done this for ages and was surprised that the cardio segment was not that difficult for me. I used to practically die doing it when I was younger and I could have kept going today! I also used lighter weights in the past.

Have great workouts everyone.
Had an excellent workout this morning. Felt very strong even though I'm having cramps like crazy. I always feel the strongest when I'm on my period. Not sure why. It's raining here and we have flooding all over the place. Our driveway is a mud pit.

1 minute rest between each set

[font color=green]SS #1[/font]
[font color=indigo]CHEST/BACK[/font]
Barbell Press:
110# - 8/8/8 (up 5#)
superset w/
Underhand Barbell Rows:
70# - 8
75# - 8/8
[font color=blue]***Excellent superset and I felt very strong with both exercises. I'm excited about the 110# bench and doing that weight for three sets of eight.[/font]

[font color=green]SS #2[/font]
[font color=indigo]BICEPS/HAMSTRINGS[/font]
Barbell Curls:
60# - 8/8/8 (no increase but reps last week were 8/8/7)
superset w/
Elevated Dumbbell SLDL's:
45's - 8/8/8 (no increase because I had to use dumbbells)
[font color=blue]***Barbell curls felt very strong. I should have gone up with weight a little I suppose but I didn't want to mess up my form. SLDS's were awkward using the db's.[/font]

[font color=green]SS #3[/font]
[font color=indigo]SHOULDERS/QUADS[/font]
Upright Rows:
70# - 8/8/8 (up 5#)
superset w/
Leg Extensions:
115# - 8/8/7 (up 5#)
[font color=blue]***UR rows were hard at this weight but almost doable (except the 3rd set). I could have gone way heavier with leg extensions but I worry about my knees when I go too high.[/font]

That is all....
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today is Total Body Plus.


Isn't that so cool when your stronger then you were years ago? Love it! Great workout! My allergies have finially calmed down...thank God.
Hope your day is better at work.


DAMN! I will say so too. Good Gosh!!!!! Well I feel strong the day before my period starts...when it hits..forget it. Never get cramps, not anymore. I get bitchy though.

How’s everyone today? my upper body is sore, 4DS got in there reaaalllll gooood and it feels wonderful;) Yesterday, when I got home from work, I didn’t feel like doing ANYTHING but taking a hot bubble bath and relaxing x( what can I say, afterwards watched a good movie.

This morning, I did B&G leg blast followed by floorwork and abs, I’m toasted.

Debbie: Wow! Very impressive ^^^^ 5. Sorry to hear about the flooding. We are having the same problems here in Ohio, it sucks.

Lora: Your workouts are so well balanced, nice work. I would love too see your pictures:D

Toasty: I plan on ordering P90X plus soon, but right now needing car repairs, I tell you it is ALWAYS something. Enjoy your workout.

Gotta run for now, bbl
Morning Maniacs,

Did my first itread this morning. It was a good workout, although she made me feel slow because her speed for joggers was closer to my running. But of course I love a challenge so I tried to stick with the low end of her jogger range or just a little below it, so it was quite a challange. (Also would have liked the music to be a little louder and her a little quieter) Any way the workout was 41 minutes, traveled 3.5 miles, average HR 166 and 590 calories burned. I am taking tomorrow off.

Lora - That's a great feeling isn't it! Way to go!

Debbie - GreaT workout out! I can't believe you are doing 70# for uprights and 115# for extensions! How are you managing to do the press and the rows? Are you using to bars? If you do have two bars why didn't you use them for the curls and sdld's? I know a lot of questions, but I am just trying to prepare for the rotation and I run into weight problems with the supersets a lot.

Everyone have a great day!

Teddygirl - I'm in Ohio too!

Linda - I sent you this rotation today. For the press and rows I used my straight bar for the press and my EZ curl bar for the rows, which gave me an excellent grip on the bar. I should have done the same thing with SLDL's but just figured I'd use dumbbells. It takes a long time to keep setting up two sets of bars.
Here are my EATS for the day:

Meal 1: Kelloggs High Protein Plus cereal and 3 jumbo scrambled eggs, mixed fruit: a few pieces of melon and canteloupe

Meal 2: Protein Bar, yogurt, cheese and soy nuts

Meal 3: Chicken, red leaf/spinach salad, sweet potatoe

Meal 4: Protein Shake mixed with pumpkin

Meal 5: Chicken and green beans

My weight is stuck at 120.
Just popping in to say Thanks Debbie for answering my question.

Char: You beautiful girl you. Pfft at the weight being stuck at 120. You skinny thing :) You look great. How is the new house?

I best hit the shower.
Thanks again Debbie :)
Hey Kath!

The house is great! I am ready to plant grass seed today once wind calms down a bit. Ran out of time a few days ago to do it. I want to get some hanging plants for front of house this year.

How you doing?
Did P90X Plyos. Just finished protein shake. Now gotta go to the grocery store and it's pouring here.

Mighty Aphrodite Toasty- Do you play Godsmack's Voo Doo when you make the pumpkin protein shake? :p I love that song. I listen to it everyday pretty much. How does the pumpkin in the shake taste? I've always wanted to try it but sometimes pumpkin makes me gag a bit. You and I should be a bitch together during TTOM. Would be like the American Gladiator II. LOL

Lora- Your plan sounds excellent. That's what I did last year and gained 30 pounds of muscles. Yes, 30 pounds. No JOKE. I have one of those freak genes. If you go heavier on those splits and do light/moderate on total body KB, you will have a great workout.

Everyone else, your workouts are AWESOME!

Take care and have a great day!

Warped One,

No, I don't listen to music usually while making protein shake..maybe my Feng Shui or African music. I'll let you know how it taste later..remind me. American Gladiator Bitches? LMAO! You ever walk thru store or somewhere during that pms time and just dare someone to look your way. Sometimes I get this way, but usually for only 1 day...I am too sweet and kind to be this way everyday. hehe.
Morning Maniacs! Yesterday was Push/Pull. Today the weather will be nice, so I'm going to go on a mt. bike ride. My route is usually 90 min.and starts out with a real nice 20 min. hill climb, till I hit the dirt. Hopefully, there is no mud. Dh just spit-shined my bike. Rain tomorrow.

Kath- Welcome!

Lora- Is that the Cindy workout that is kind of like Karen Voights great weighted workout? I remember people really liking that one.

Debbie- Your bike (or crotch rocket, like lisa says) looks nice and like I said, "killer cool"! When do you get it? You must take a picture of you on it, by it, anything!

Char- How much longer with the P90X! You are doing great with it!

Linda - great going on the itread! I have 2 credits for new ones. I think I'm going to get icycles. I already have one (#9 I think) and it's pretty good.

Lisa- I've put pumpkin in shakes before and it's pretty tasty. Enjoy the rain, we get it tomorrow. Gotta love spring!

Where's Suz and Anne????????????????????????



Char: I'm great.I started a 12 week challenge in January. Dropped weight and Body Fat and I can run now :) I'm up to 12miles --woot woot :) I'm sure some days it is NOT pretty but hey I finish :)

My youngest DD is a senior. So I'll be kidless come this fall--well not during school breaks and of course when laundry is dropped off :) She was recruited to play soccer at college. She had a great year. MVP in her division and made 4th team in NY state. So yup I'm proud. But I'm so looking forward to being *home alone* :) Well you know with DH around LOL. Oldest DD is interning with a police agency and DS is on the president's list at his college. He so DOES NOT have my brains :)

How are your kids Char?

Dallys: Thanks for the welcome but I just high-jacked the tread to ask a question and to bug Char :)
Toasty- Do you put on a War feather headpiece and dance around the blender with a spear while making protein shakes listening to the music? Maybe you should be called Shaka Charlu like Shaka Zulu? You're fierce like him. :7 About bitchiness, I dare people especially annoying people to look my way so I can vaporize them with my stare once a week regardless I have my period or not. LOL Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for f**knuts. And I'm incredibly sweet and loving twice a week. The rest of the time, I'm an airhead. LOL Are you still trying to gain more weight? Is that why you're complaining you're still stuck at 120?

Dallys- Great seeing you back on here, chicka! Your workouts are awesome. I'm still jealous you can bike for a long time. 20 min is more than enough for me. LOL

GREAT..you are doing 12 miles. That is huge. I got up to running 9 miles once..that was very hard for me. I do 4-7 on elliptical on ocassion.

Kids are doing well. Son's last year of school and he wants to start college right away. He is an intellect..does not have my brain either. hehe. I am more free spirit and lost in fog. LOL! He is so grown looking...just wanna cry. Daughter doing well. She likes experimenting with her hair and makeup and wants to get into cosmetology now. She goes to too many concerts. She thinks she is immortal or something and likes to crowd surf and get in the mosh pits. I tell her not to. They are both healthy and two very different children. Not as home as much as they use to be. I am starting to get use to it though. I like time by myself too as well so it works. Too much time alone sometimes is no good, but lately hubby is not traveling..hasn't been traveling heavy for sometime now..feel better about this. Wrecks havoc on my poor soul when he is gone too long.

Ummmmm, no! lol. Your a Taurus...I understand. No offense though. LOL! I don't mind being at 120, but I am don't think I have the definition quite like I did last year so I am worried some is fat. I am not trying to brag, but most ab work is easy for me anymore and I want to burn it up more in the core..gotta any ideas? Maybe it would help as I think my body is just use to everything with core work anymore.

Do you ever see anymore strange random people along your bike routes, like that little old lady on top of mountain looking all creepy and whatnot? hehe. When I go on my bike ride into town first, there is this guy that "took a trip and never came back"! LMAO! He scratches his head alot when he walks and walks zig zag. A few times I almost ran him over. I kept yelling.."EXCUSE ME" over and over again, but like I said...he took a trip and never came back..guess he can't hear either. LOL! Another thing cracks me up is these very oversized men on these tiny scooters and they make home-made baskets for their beer and such. Reason they are not in a car...too much drinking.
The internet has been down for awhile. It goes in and out and they are still trying to find the problem x( I just finished doing Cardio Coach 1 revised adding to it. After each of the 3 challenges I did Amy's KBX 6 minute bonus bag work. I finished off with KBX cooldown. I am going back to do 4DSplit shoulders and abs and some extra ab work. I ran 4:34 miles burned 700 calories on the treadmill. I don't know what the bonus bag work burned since I do not have a hr monitor.

I am really new here need all the help I can get I have no clue what this suite is I know it can help you work out So I have to start somewhere and I was Hopeing here will be the Right Place...
I will also Like to Know how to add my Pics to profile do not know anything about Computers

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