[font color=darkpink size=2]Hey Mainacs! I did Bootcamp and Bis and tris. I loved this one! Very fun and my hr got right up there. I loved the weight work too. On those crazy tricep dips off the ball with your feet on the step, I found that if you put your ball in an
upside-down riser it's WAY easier to actually
do the exercise (my tip for the day) LOL![/font]
Eats for today:
[font color=blue]B-Oats-protein powder-ff milk-frozen berries
L-3 smallish pieces of left-over homemade pizza.
S-Baked apple-protein powder-lf sour cream-cinnamon-splenda
D-Green Salad-Chicken or Tuna-sweet potatoe[/font]
LoraGood luck with your foot xrays!
Debbie Glad you are feeling it in your tris. I love, love to be sore. LOL! Put a hammer to that HRM! Well...don't, but you know, don't let it mess with you.
Diane Sue Great workout! Those kid Clif bars sound interesting. How many calories? Sometimes the normal size ones are a little to big when you just need alittle pick me up. I just bought some of the Clif muscle builder kind and they are pretty good. More protein in them then the basic ones.
Suz Yeah, that 3rd challenge with test you for sure! It will take me awhile to get that one down. I was just flippin' around the step like fish outta water at times. Graceful I wasn't! ROFL!
CharThat banana is probably the only fruit that guy ever gets! I don't think I ever really liked banana splits, although I like bananas. Now, give me a warm fudge brownie with ice cream and chocolate syrup...look out!
Randi I felt BC got my hr the highest too.
Penney Great workout! You're doing great on the poundage!
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