Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed March 28

Hi Marietta - it's been a long time! Good to hear from you.

Toasty - is the house you're moving into a "brand new", as in never been lived in before? That's exciting! I would not be able to sleep.

Everything is new and sparkling white! The fireplace is marble. We need a generator though because we have a sump pump and if power goes out we don't want water in basement with all the weight equipment. The generator is quite expensive so we are trying to work something out.

Hi Toasty...yes I do have your addy...I'll holla. Congratulations on finding a house! Sorry about your FIL...that sounds really depressing.

Hi Lora! Sorry about your kitty (Pandora), but glad you have a new one.



Hey Marietta! Good to see you! Hope you hang around for a while! :)

Lora - Glad you got another kitty! How sweet

Diane Sue - Excellent workout!!

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