Morning Maniacs -
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp Chest & Abs and non-treadmill cardio. I also did a little bit of Step Euphoria with Kim Miller (one of my new CIA's). Workout was 1 hour 25 minutes and I burned 470 calories. I also did Ravi & Ana's Yoga Beauty Body (45").
This CIA step workout was one I previewed yesterday and it looked like the coreography would be a bit hard for me to get so I tried it. It is going to take some work to learn. It also has a hi/lo workout on it that looks okay. The music in the new Gay Gasper CIA is excellent. I really like it. It reminds me of old Tae Bo Live music.
Well, I guess the kitty's name is Brooklyn. She looks more like a Brooklyn that any of the other names we were debating. She was watching me do step aerobics this morning. It was funny. I don't think she knows what to make of exercise.
Diane Sue - I was thinking I should cut down on my cardio for a while so my body doesn't get too used to it and expect it every day or else I'll start gaining weight. I've been doing it for 2 months now, so if I change it up now, I should be okay, right? Also, do you think if I cut back for a couple weeks, that would be long enough to change things up? thanks in advance.
Have great workouts. I'll be around for a bit and then I have to take Brooklyn to the vet to get checked out per the store that sold her to us. I guess it makes her warranty valid. Yes, that's right.....a cat that comes with a 3 year warranty! LOL.
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp Chest & Abs and non-treadmill cardio. I also did a little bit of Step Euphoria with Kim Miller (one of my new CIA's). Workout was 1 hour 25 minutes and I burned 470 calories. I also did Ravi & Ana's Yoga Beauty Body (45").
This CIA step workout was one I previewed yesterday and it looked like the coreography would be a bit hard for me to get so I tried it. It is going to take some work to learn. It also has a hi/lo workout on it that looks okay. The music in the new Gay Gasper CIA is excellent. I really like it. It reminds me of old Tae Bo Live music.
Well, I guess the kitty's name is Brooklyn. She looks more like a Brooklyn that any of the other names we were debating. She was watching me do step aerobics this morning. It was funny. I don't think she knows what to make of exercise.
Diane Sue - I was thinking I should cut down on my cardio for a while so my body doesn't get too used to it and expect it every day or else I'll start gaining weight. I've been doing it for 2 months now, so if I change it up now, I should be okay, right? Also, do you think if I cut back for a couple weeks, that would be long enough to change things up? thanks in advance.
Have great workouts. I'll be around for a bit and then I have to take Brooklyn to the vet to get checked out per the store that sold her to us. I guess it makes her warranty valid. Yes, that's right.....a cat that comes with a 3 year warranty! LOL.