Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Jan 17

Hi guys. I spent the afternoon with my friend at her house. So nice. I can't believe it has been years since we hung out. We are walking again tomorrow.

Thank you everyone. It was actually below zero at my house this morning. It was 2 in Albany. Very cold. Kids went outside to play and came right back in. We warned them!! LOL!!

Suz- good for you for getting that heater from her budget. Glad yoga helped.

I hope it isn't that long till we here from Anne. I am dying to know how she is.

Deb- you are right, winter is here. Watching GH now. I think Liz is going to profess her love for Jason, blech!

Dallys- you been watching AMC? Who is the killer? Is it that weirdo at the club? I wish Jonathan and Lily would get back together. i liked them. I can't believe Jack and Erika though. How stupid. You would think since they made such a big deal out of that wedding they would atleast stay together!!!!!

CChar- gonna email ya in a bit.

Missy- are you thawed out yet??? That is one good thing about not having dogs. Don't have to go out in the cold. Although, I do have the horseys to take care of. But if you close the big doors on the barn while you are in there, it isn't too bad. My cat Toby was begging me to let him out last night, but sometimes he will stay out all night, so I wouldn't let him out till this morning. He didn't stay out too long!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Just popping in to say hello. I am trying to eat some eggs. Can't chew well. I can only open my mouth a little.
I have hooters. Not sure all wrapped up. I think the jaw hurts worse.
Well, going to eat and go back to bed.
Take care.

WOO HOO...Sexy Mama! Hope your recovery goes well and less painful then you thought. Not sure why your jaw hurts. Thinking of you. Get lots of rest Hot Mama!

So girls, I finished my back/biceps work. It was a good one. I am tired. The telephone was too heavy when I was done and I could not reach my back to clean it in the tub as my arms were too tight to bend. lol. I noticed myself in the mirror (usual occurence, lol) and my shoulders are coming out more. I am very pleased. I worked my lats hard too and will post my stats tomorrow morning as hubby is ready for bed here in a sec.

Hi Girls!

Well, I thought I'd pop in once more before I leave work. It's about 5:35 and I meant to leave at 5. :) I'm kinda bad that way. I still have to do Back & Biceps. But I think the yoga helped my head. My headache is all gone and I never did take anything. Yay!

My boss just came back from a doctor appointment and told me that he's trying to get me that info I need AS IF IT'S NOTHING! He's not feeling well, so that must be it. He's got diverticulitis (sp?) and it's been really bad lately. They are having a tough time fixing it this go 'round so I'm thinking he may finally need surgery. His health isn't all that good and his moods are driven by his health a lot. I guess I'm glad I stayed late.

Dallys - Can you layer your shorts? :p

Debbie - Yeah, I was a little pissy today, wasn't I? :)

Meg - Isn't that great to reconnect with old friends?

STORM!!!!! Oh my gosh you're back!!!!! I'm so glad you made it through okay (not that I had any doubt). Looking forward to hearing more from you when you're able. Thanks for popping in with those big hooters!

Debbie - I think her jaw hurts b/c her hooters are so big that they must hit her in the mouth when she walks! She actually was having some work done on her beautiful face too. Did you know that?

I'm heading home to do B&B and then HOT TUB and maybe even one light beer after this day! My new heater is soooooooooo warm. I love it. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

WOW - thanks for all the replies, ladies! Charlotte, I actually thought that the reason why I was hungry, freezing, and fatigued all the time was because my caloric intake was too low. But your post makes a lot of sense, too.

I like everybody's advice. And you're right, if I take it slowly, I will find out what works, or what doesn't work. Right now, I'd like a little more variety, but I am very happy to be eating whole, non-processed foods as my staples. I have vegetables twice a day now - before, I was lucky if I had them once a week, and even then it was usually a top a sandwich from Subway (and I always got the cookies instead of the chips and had a big ol' Diet Coke to go with it!)

Thanks again for all the advice - I just want to be balanced and healthy - not too thin (not that I am, but my husband would like me to gain some weight and I'd be fine with gaining a bit back myself), not too restrictive, and not too crazy either in terms of letting all my bad habits creep back in.

I may check back with you guys for advice from time to time, if it's okay - you're all so impressive and inspiring to me! I hope you know that!!
jillybean- make sure you keep us updated on how it goes! And good for you. BTW, when I was preggo, I ate a huge Subway 12 inch sub, a bag of chips, the biggest soda, and two of those cookies about 3-4 times a week! Craved it! No wonder i gained 60 pounds!! LOL!!
Good luck.

So I remembered I had Fire drill tonight. I did not manage my time well at all, since I got home a few minutes ago and realized I have not done a WO! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I really am not up to it now. What a crappy week! Such a slacker. Well, maybe my body needs it. I will just keep telling myself that! Oh well.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums


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