Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Feb 14

Late post again. I did I Max 3 and the M&F Hers phase 2 of my rotation. I had to hurry as dh got off early today and we went out and ran a lot of errands. I slept in a little later as my dogs woke me at 2:30 this morning. One of them is not feeling well so there was a whole lot of mess to clean up. She seems much better this evening.

Charlotte, at least you have some time to regroup. I thought you meant your fil was talking about coming back this summer. Personally I would have just said call first as we were talking about going on vacation around that time. That way there would be an out. Then I would make sure I went on a mini vacation or something. I guess it is good he feels comfortable with you. I am sure for your dh it would be hard to tell his Dad that would not be ok. Makes it a sticky situation.

Randi, that is a great premix. I feel the same way about how tough it is.

Maeghan, good treadmill workout. I always wonder about what the readout is on mine. I am sure however they program it, it would have to have someone at a certain weight. Probably not at what I weigh:)

Suz, that was sweet of your dh to get you 14 roses. SO is your anniversary on valentines day? I know I always prefer live plants. They last longer before I kill them LOL.

Dallys, great cookies:D

I may have 2 more for you . I am trying to get tops to fit and match up. If i can't i will send them.Like polka dots. Promise, they are clean. Only wore to the beach once. They are nice, and wash nice. I need a tan too. I have 3 beds and am not allowed in them yet. Oh, well, Beach in July...
Mailman gave me crap again. Said something about terrorist mail since i used stamps and didn't go to the post office.
I told him . Stamps are going up and i have a roll i need to use. WTF.Postage is paid...You wanna open it and reseal it go for it, I was pissed...
Told him, just get it there.

I think he hates taking it to the box at work. He is LAZY!!!And FAT!!

Aka( Storm)

DS- yeah, I always wonder how they program them. Probably someone 125-135 pounds. Not me!! Hope the dog is better. Thanks for remindeing me to water the plants!LOL!!

Anne- cool! I need to go tanning or something. I know that green would be sweet with a tan. They are both cute. I have to wait till they warm up before trying them on. THey were freezing after being in my mail box all day! Your mailman sounds like a dink! Jerk. Whocares as long as it is paid for!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Hi There Maniacs,

Haven't been able to read thru all the posts yet. I just wanted to tell you, "IT'S A GIRL!" She was born today 12:00pm 80" W 84.5" Tall and 109" front to back, she weights 724 pounds. We named her Marcy Smith.

Just got back with this bundle of joy. So we are now just settling in. Will talk more later.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

>Hi There Maniacs,
>Haven't been able to read thru all the posts yet. I just
>wanted to tell you, "IT'S A GIRL!" She was born today
>12:00pm 80" W 84.5" Tall and 109" front to back, she weights
>724 pounds. We named her Marcy Smith.
>Just got back with this bundle of joy. So we are now just
>settling in. Will talk more later.
>The idea is to die young as late as possible.

:) Congrats! Must have been a tough delivery. lol. Enjoy your little..umm BIG bundle!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


I emailed you back.

Diane Sue,

That is a good idea. I think I need to take steps at a time and not let this leave me feel downtrodden, etc. I intend on winning this fight. I will conquer!!!;-) :p I have my ways. ;-) Well I am sorry to hear you had to wake up early in the morning. I am trying to get FIL's dogs use to me (three of them) and so far they are taking a liking to my son so he has been helping me out a bit, but he will soon have to go back to school, but probably not this week because of weather.


Cookies taste nice, what is in them? :p :+


Not everyone wants to love me so I don't care. I love myself enough so it makes up for it. LMAO!

:p :+ :7 :D :eek: ;)
You hardly look like a cow, but I feel like one too tonight. Bloated Blues. Went to lunch this afternoon with family and dd tells dh that he looks 32 and I look 36. I tell her it is her fault then cuz I gave birth to her and son and she causes me to worry too much at times. Son keeps his mouth shut..he is the smart one.


Congratulations!!! I am very happy for you. You will love your new girl!!!! She will make mama very very..well, you know. lol


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